
New members have joined our lab!

Conference presentation(2022.9.20-21)

We presented the study at the meeting of Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry Hokkaido and Tohoku branch office 2022. Program are as follows.
◎Shinobu Harada
Elucidation of the abundance of deoxycholic acid-producing bacteria in human feces by quantitive PCR analysis
◎Seiya Miyashita
Establishment of a selective recovery system for bifidobacteria from the gut microbiota
◎Hiroki Wakahara
Improved fermentative GABA production from glucose by inactivation of respiratorychain components NDH-I and Cytbo3 in


Conference presentation(2022.7.8-9)

We presented the study at meeting of Japan Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria 2022. Program are as follows.
◎Yuki Namba
Elucidation of the metabolic mechanism of 1-Kestose in Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum
◎Seiya Miyashita
Establishment of a selective recovery system for bifidobacteria from the gut microbiota

Award at the conference (2022.4.11)

Taiki Inoue won the Topics Award at the 2022 Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry
◎Taiki Inoue
Evaluation of the contribution of bifidobacterial genes comprehensively identified by Insertion-Sequencing to colonization and survival in the conventional mouse intestine
Congratulation !!


Saturu Fukiya was promoted from Associate Professor to Professor.

Commencement ceremony for master course and baccalaureate course was held.
From our laboratory , Isaiah Song received doctor degree and Taiki Inoue, Kentaro Kawakami, Tadahiro Sera, Nachi Miyamori and Kako Yoshida received master degree and Shinobu Harada, Seiya Miyashita and Hiroki Wakahara received bachelor degree .


Conference presentation(2022.3.15-18)

We presented the study at meeting of Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry 2022. Program are as follows.
◎Taiki Inoue
Evaluation of the contribution of bifidobacterial genes comprehensively identified by Insertion-Sequencing to colonization and survival in the conventional mouse intestine
◎Kentaro Kawakami
Elucidation of the effects of the changes in fatty acid profile on the gut microbiota composition in the cecum of rats fed a high-fat diet: validation of a fatty-acid hypothesis
◎Nachi Miyamori
Identification and functional analysis of enzyme genes involved in cysteine/methionine metabolism in Bifidobacterium longum 105-A
◎Kako Yoshida
Establishment of a selective recovery system for bifidobacteria in the gut microbiota
◎Hiroki Wakahara
Improved fermentative GABA production from glucose by inactivation of respiratorychain components NDH-I and Cytbo3 in Escherichia coli

Oral defence(2022.2.28)

Oral defence was held.
Programs are as follows.
◎Shinobu Harada
Elucidation of the abundance of deoxycholic acid-producing bacteria in human feces by quantitive PCR analysis
◎Seiya Miyashita
Establishment of a selective recovery system for bifidobacteria in the gut microbacteria: examination using three types of peptide tags
◎Hiroki Wakahara
Improved fermentative GABA production from glucose by inactivation of respiratorychain components NDH-I and Cytbo3 in Escherichia coli

Oral defense was held.
Programs are as follows.
Ph.D. course (1.25)
◎Isaiah Song
Pysiological and genomic characteristics of Eubacterium sp. c-25 and their implications on the diversity of deoxycholic acid producers in the human gut
Master course (2.7)
◎Taiki Inoue
Evaluation of the contribution of bifidobacterial genes comprehensively identified by Insertion-Sequencing to colonization and survival in the conventional mouse intestine
◎Kentaro Kawakami
Elucidation of the effects of the changes in fatty acid profile on the gut microbiota composition in the cecum of rats fed a high-fat diet: validation of a fatty-acid hypothesis
◎Tadahiro Sera
An in vitro verification of the effect of bile acid on the cecal microbiota composition in mice fed a high-fat diet
◎Nachi Miyamori
Identification and functional analysis of enzyme genes involved in cysteine/methionine metabolism in Bifidobacterium longum 105-A
◎Kako Yoshida
Establishment of a selective recovery system for bifidobacteria in the gut microbiota

Conference presentation(2021.12.11-12)

We presented the study at the meeting of Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry Hokkaido branch office 2021. Program are as follows.
◎Taiki Inoue
Evaluation of the contribution of bifidobacterial genes comprehensively identified by Insertion-Sequencing to colonization and survival in the conventional mouse intestine
◎Kentaro Kawakami
Elucidation of the effects of the changes in fatty acid profile on the gut microbiota composition in the cecum of rats fed a high-fat diet: validation of a fatty-acid hypothesis

New members have joined our lab!

Saturu Fukiya was promoted from lecture to Associate Professor.

From our laboratory, Akinobu SIMMORI,Mone OTSUKA, Takuya MIZOKOSHI and Tamami KURAMOTI received master degree.
Sota KON, Kazusa TUKIDATE, Daisuke HATTORI, Hayato YAMAGUCHI and Yuki NAMBA received bachelor degree.
In addition, Hayato YAMAGUCHI received Clarke prize for agricultural science.


Conference presentation(2021.3.18-21)

We presented the study at meeting of Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry 2021. Program are as follows.
◎Akinobu Simmori
Comparison of contributions of pyrvate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase reactions on lysine producton by Corynebacterium glutamicum
◎Taiki Inoue
Evaluation of contributions of bifidobacterial genes comprehensively identified by Insertion Sequencing analysis to colonization and survival in the gastrointestinal tract of conventional mice
◎Nachi Miyamori
Identification of enzyme genes involved in the reflux sulfur pathway of Bifidobacterium longum 105-A using a gene-deficient strain
◎Mone Otsuka
Elucidation of the mechanism of enhanced lysine production by mutation in citrate synthase gene leading to its reduced activity in Corynebacterium glutamicum
◎Isaish Song
Physiology and genomic analysis of forgotten deoxycholic acid producer, Eubacterium sp. c-25

"STAFF" was upgraded (2020.2.1)

New assistant professor have joined our lab!

Conference presentation(2020.11.27-28)

We presented the study at meeting of Japan Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria 2020. Program are as follows.
◎Isaiah Song
Growth, bile acid transformation, and genomic analysis of unknown deoxycholic acid producer, Eubacterium sp. c-25

"STAFF" was upgraded (2020.10.1)

New members have joined our lab!

Commencement ceremony for master course was held.
From our laboratory, Zhang Ziyang received master degree.


"STAFF" was upgraded (2020.4.1)

A new member have joined our lab!

From our laboratory, Keisuke UEMURA,Sara KITAKAWA, Sora KUROTAKI, Haruka KOYAMA, Kanako SAKAMOTO, Mina Shimada and Kazuhiro HAMADA received master degree.
Taiki INOUE, Kentaro KAWAKAMI, Shoko MATSUO, Nachi MIYAMORI and Kako YOSHIDA received bachelor degree .


Conference presentation(2019.11.24)

We presented the study at the meeting of Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry Hokkaido branch office 2019. Program are as follows.
◎Haruka Koyama
Elucidation of the suppression mechanism of deoxycholic acid production in rats gut microbiome by feeding raffinose.
◎Guo Zhen
Redirection of metabolic flow for enhanced precursor supply in lysine-producing mutants of Corynebacterium glutamicum

Conference presentation (2019.10.18)

We presented the study at meeting of the Society for Biotechnology, Japan (Sapporo, Japan). Program are as follows. .
◎Takuya Mizokoshi
Expression analysis of glutamate decarboxylase GadAB activity in Escherichia coli mutant defective in respiratory chain enzymes NDH-I and Cytbo3.

"STAFF" was upgraded (2019.10.16)

New members have joined our lab!

Commencement ceremony for master course was held.
From our laboratory, Guo Zhen received master degree.


Conference presentation (2019.9.16-18)

We presented the study at the Society for Biotechnology, Japan. Program is as follows.
◎Atsushi Yokota
◎Sora Kurotaki
Analysis of C-S lyase involved in sulfur amino acid metabolism in Bifidobacterium lomgum 105-A
◎Akinobu Shinmori
The effects of pyruvate carboxylase gene deletion on lysine production in Corynebacterium glutamicum

Award at the conference (2019.7.12-13)

Prof.Atsushi Yokota won the Award of Japan Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria(No.4).
Congratulation !!


Conference presentation (2019.7.12-13)

We presented the study at meeting of Japan Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria in Tokyo 2019. Program are as follows.
◎Sara Kitakawa
Identification and characterization of a novel conversion pathway from ursocholic acid to deoxycholic acid by the interaction between bile acid-transforming bacteria.
Kitakawa won the Excellence Presentation Award. Congratulation !!


Conference presentation (2019.5.9-10)

We presented the study at meeting of Japan society for lactic acid bacteria extended seminar 2019. Program are as follows.
◎Tamami Kuramochi
Identification of bifidobacterial genes that contribute to survival and colonization in the gastrointestinal tract of conventional mice using insertion-sequencing

Commencement ceremony for master course and baccalaureate course was held.
From our laboratory, Takayuki ABE, Natsumi ISHIGAMI, Minako SATAKE, Yudai SEJIMA, Shin NAKAJIMA, Yuki FUJITA and Hiroshi WADA received master degree.
Maiko AKARI, Mone OTSUKA, Tamami KURAMOCHI, Akinobu SHINMORI and Takuya MIZOKOSHI received bachelor degree . Congratulations!


Conference presentation (2019.3.24-27)

We presented the study at meeting of the Society for Biotechnology, Japan (Tokyo, Japan). Program are as follows. .
◎Takayuki Abe
Verification of the influence of fatty acids contained in a high-fat diet
on the composition of the gut microbiota.
◎Sara Kitakawa
Verification of the conversion mechanism of ursocholic acid to deoxycholic acid by the co-culture of bile acid-transforming bacteria.
◎Kanako Sakamoto
Verification of the 'Bile acid hypothesis' by dynamic analysis of bile acid profile and microbiota composition in the gut of mice fed high-fat
diet or cholic acid

Conference presentation(2018.12.16)

We presented the study at the meeting of Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry Hokkaido branch office 2018. Program are as follows.
◎Takayuki Abe
Elucidation of the influence of fatty acid components contained in high-fat diet on the gut microbiota : fatty acid hypothesis.
◎Sara Kitakawa
Identification of a novel transformation pathway from ursocholic acid to deoxycholic acid by interaction of bile acid-transforming bacteria.
◎Kanako Sakamoto
Verification of the 'Bile acid hypothesis' by comparative analysis of bile acid profile and microbiota composition in the gut of mice fed high-fat diet or cholic acid.
◎Yudai Sejima
Analysis of unusual glucose metabolism in Escherichia coli mutant defective in both NADH dehydrogenase I and cytochrome bo3.
◎Yuki Fujita
Time-course analysis of the effects of cholic acid-containing diet intake on bile acids profile and gut microbiota in rats for the verification of the ‘Bile acid hypothesis’.
◎Hiroshi Wada
Fujita and Sejima won the Student Excellence Presentation Award. Congratulation !!


"STAFF" was upgraded (2018.10.15)

A new member have joined our lab!

Conference presentation (2018.10.5)

We presented the study at meeting of the Society for Biotechnology, Japan (Sapporo, Japan). Program are as follows. .
◎Takayuki Abe
Verification of the influence of fatty acids contained in a high-fat diet
on the composition of the gut microbiota.
◎Sara Kitakawa
Identification of a novel transformation reaction from ursocholic acid to deoxycholic acid by the co-culture between bile acid-transforming bacteria.
◎Minako Satake
Exploration of the intestinal bacteria that interact with deoxycholic acid-producing bacteria in rats based on the modification of the gut microbiota by feeding cholic acid and functional carbohydrates.
◎Yuki Fujita
Time-course analysis of the effects of cholic acid administration on bile acids secretion and gut microbiota in rats for the verification of the ‘Bile acid hypothesis’.
◎Guo Zhen
The Reevaluation of Pyruvate Carboxylase in Lysine Production by Corynebacterium glutamicum.

Conference presentation (2018.9.5-7)

We presented the study at the Society for Biotechnology, Japan. Program is as follows.
◎Kazuhiro Hamada
Effects of NADH dehydrogenase-II overexpression on central metabolism in an Escherichia coli mutant ΔNDH-IΔCyt bo defective in both NADH dehydrogenase-I and cytochrome bo3 oxidase.

Conference presentation (2018.7.8-9)

We presented the study at meeting of Japan Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria in Tokyo 2018. Program are as follows.
◎Mina Shimada
Establishment of an experimental system that enables human-derived bifidobacteria Bifidobacterium longum 105-A to colonize in the gut of conventional mice.
◎Shin Nakajima
Development and evaluation of insertion-sequencing in bifidobacteria for elucidating mechanisms of survival and colonization in the gastrointestinal tract of mice.
Nakajima won the Excellence Presentation Award. Congratulation !!


Conference presentation (2018.5.17-18)

We presented the study at meeting of Japan society for lactic acid bacteria extended seminar 2018. Program are as follows.
◎Kanako Sakamoto
Analysis of the time-course changes in bile acid profile and microbiota composition in the gut of mice fed cholic acid.

Commencement ceremony for master course and baccalaureate course was held.
Commencement ceremony for master course and baccalaureate course was held.
From our laboratory, Chisato AISO, Yohei KAWASE, Tori SATO, Kana Shibano, and Fumika Matsuura received master degree.
Sara KITAKAWA, Kanako SAKAMOTO, Mina SHIMADA, Kazuhiro HAMADA received bachelor degree . Congratulations!


Conference presentation(2018.3.15-18)

We presented the study at the Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology. Program is as follows.
◎Minako Satake
Exploration of the intestinal bacteria that interact with deoxycholic acid-producing bacteria in rats based on the modification of the gut microbiota by feeding cholic acid and non-digestible oligosaccharides.

We presented the study at the meeting of Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry Hokkaido branch office 2017. Program are as follows.
◎Minako Satake
Exploration of the intestinal bacteria that interact with deoxycholic acid-producing bacteria in cholic acid-fed rats based on the modification of the gut microbiota by feeding functional carbohydrates.
◎Yohei Kawase
Establishment of a long-term colonization system of human-derived bifidobacteria Bifidobacterium longum 105-A in the intestine of the conventional mice aiming for the functional gene analysis of bifidobacteria in the presence of the gut microbiota.
◎Kana Shibano
Satake won the Student Excellence Presentation Award. Congratulation !!


"STAFF" was upgraded (2017.10.25)

A new member have joined our lab!

"PUBLICATION" was upgraded (2017.8.4)


Conference presentation (2017.7.14)

We presented the study at meeting of Japan Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria in Fukuoka 2017. Program are as follows.
◎Chisato Aiso
Effects of increased bile acid concentration on gut microbiota composition in mice fed high-fat diet.
◎Fumika Matsuura
Alterationof bile acid composition and microbiota composition in the mouse intestine during short-term feeding of cholic acid, chenodeoxycholic acid, ordeoxycholic acid.
Aiso won the
Excellence Presentation Award.
Congratulation !!

"PUBLICATION" was upgraded (2017.6.13)


"STAFF" was upgraded (2017.4.1)

A new member have joined our lab!

Commencement ceremony for master course and baccalaureate course was held.
From our laboratory, Yoru AIKOH, Shingo NAKAKAWAJI and Nanae MATSUMOTO received master degree. Minako SATAKE, Yudai SEJIMA, Shin NAKAJIMA and Mayu YAMAZAKI received bachelor degree .


"PUBLICATION" was upgraded (2017.3.15)


Conference presentation(2016.11.28)

We presented the study at The 5th Asian Federation of Societies for Lactic Acid Bacteria International Symposium.Program is as follows.
◎Sarinya Tawthep
Co-culture of Two Bile Acid-converting Intestinal Bacteria Reveals a Novel Pathway and Enhancement of the Formation of Deoxycholic Acid on Formation of Deoxycholic Acid.


We presented the study at 100th anniversary Symposium of The Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry at Kyoto, Japan. Program are as follows.
*Satoru Fukiya
Mechanism of gut microbiota disturbance by the western diet; inquest of "bile acid hypothesis".

Conference presentation(2016.9.28-30)

We presented the study at annual meeting 2016 of the sosiety for biotechnology, Japan. Program are as follows.
*Natsumi Ishigami
Identification of Bifidobacterium genes specifically expressed in the mouse intestine by R-IVET.
*Kana Shibano
Functional analysis of D-erythro-3-hydroxyaspartate dehydratase and its application to optical resolution.


We presented the study at PropioBifido2016 – 4th International Symposium on Propionibacteria and Bifidobacteria - at cork, Ireland. Program are as follows.
*Satoru Fukiya
Development of practical gene-mutagenesis systems in Bifidobacterium

"STAFF" was upgraded (2016.9.23)

A new member have joined our lab!

Conference presentation (2016.9.10-11)

We presented the study at the meeting of The Japanese Society for Functional Water. Program are as follows.
*Satoru Fukiya
Intestinal bacteria and Health - Changes in the intestinal flora balance and Disease onset by Western diet.

Conference presentation(2016.7.9)

We presented the study at meeting of Japan Society for Lactic Acid Bacteria in Tokyo 2016. Program are as follows.
*Sarinya Tawthep
The novel pathway for deoxycholic acid formation by metabolic relay of two intestinal bacterial species.

Conference presentation(2016.6.9)

We presented the study at meeting of Intestinal Microbiology in Tokyo 2016. Program are as follows.
*Masamichi Watanabe
Contribution of bile acid to the alteration of cecal microbiota composition on a high-fat diet in rats-Towards the proof of“bile-acid hypothesis”

"STAFF" was upgraded (2016.4.6)

A new member have joined our lab!

"PUBLICATION" was upgraded (2016.3.14)


Conference presentation(2016.3.4-5)

We presented the study at The 10th Conference on Society of Genome Microbiology, Japan(2016.3.4-5).
* Satoru Fukiya
Development of a screening system for bifidobacterial genes that contribute to the intestinal survival.
*Hiroka Koguchi
Identification of Bifidobacterium genes specifically expressed in the gastrointestinal tract of mice.

Oral defence(2016.3.1)

Oral defence was held.
Programs are as follows.
◎Chisato Aiso
Effects of high-fat diet on bile acid composition and gut microbiota composition in mice
◎Natsumi Ishigami
Verification of specific expression of bifidobacterial genes identified by R-IVET in the gastrointestinal tract of mice
◎ Tori Sato
The effects of malate dehydrogenase gene deletion on lysine production in Corynebacterium glutamicum
◎Kana Shibano
Functional analysis of D-erythro-3-hydroxyaspartate dehydratase from Pseudomonas sp. N99 and its application to optical resolution
◎Makoto Sugimoto
Alternations of glucose metabolism in an Escherichia coli mutant defective in respiratory chain enzymes NDH-I and Cyt bo under different oxygen supply
◎Fumika Matsuura
Dynamics of bile acid composition and microbiota composition in mouse intestine during short-term cholic acid feeding

Oral defence of master course(2016.2.10)

Oral defence was held.
Programs are as follows.
*Ryuichi Kato
Effects of respiratory-chain-enzyme-defective mutations on glucose metabolism and redox balance in Escherichia coli
*Hiroka Koguchi
Identification of Bifidobacterium genes specifically expressed in the gastrointestinal tract of mice
*Yamaha Sato
Structural analysis of lipoteichoic acid in Lactobacillus gasseri species
*Tsuyoshi Torii
Discovery of a novel deoxycholic acid-formation pathway using a metabolic reley achieved by two intestinal bacteria

Conference presentation(2015.11.14)

We presented the study at meeting of Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry Hokkaido branch office 2015. Program are as follows.
* Masamichi Watanabe
Evaluation of bacterial toxicity of rat bile acids using Bifidobacterium breve JCM 1192T as an indicator.
*Hiroka Koguchi
Identification of Bifidobacterium genes specifically expressed in the gastrointestinal tract of mice.

We presented the study at meeting of the Society for Biotechnology, Japan (Kagoshima, Japan). Program are as follows.
Satoru Fukiya won the Incentive Award of the Sosiety for Biotechnology.
Congratulation !!
*Atsushi Yokota
Effect of pyruvate kinase gene deletion on the physiology of Corynebacterium glutamicum
*Satoru Fukiya (Award lecture)
Development of the applicative system of the introducing mutation to Bifidobacteria


"STAFF" was upgraded (2015.10.8)

A new member have joined our lab!

"PUBLICATION" was upgraded (2015.8.21)


Conference presentation(2015.7.11-12)

We presented the study at meeting of Japan society for lactic acid bacteria 2015. Program are as follows.
* Shingo Nakakawaji
Development of search system of Bifidobacteria genes that contribute to intestinal survival using the INSeq method

"STAFF" was upgraded (2015.4.13)


Conference presentation(2015.3.26-29)

We presented the study at meeting of Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry in Okayama 2015. Program are as follows.
*Atsushi Yokota
Effect of Pyrubate kinase deficiency on Lysine production of Corynebacterium glutamicum
*Masaru Wada
S-Ribosylhomocysteine lyase plays an important role in methionine utilization in Bifidobacterium longum 105-A
*Masamichi Watanabe
Effects of high- fat diet on the bile asid secretion in the cecal contents and intestinal flora changes of rat.

Commencement ceremony for master course and baccalaureate course was held.
From our laboratory , Mikiyasu Sakanaka received doctor degree and Kazuki Komatsu, Masaki Yanase, Nanako Baba, Yu Matsumoto and Yuki Iwabu received master degree and Nanae Matsumoto, Shingo Nakakawaji, Toru Aiko and Yuki Fujita received bachelor degree .


Oral defence(2015.3.2)

Oral defence was held.
Programs are as follows.
*Toru Aiko
Effect of reduced citrate synthase activity on lysine production in Corynebacterium glutamicum
*Shingo Nakakawaji
Development of a transposon mutagenesis system in bifidobacterium using a transposable element Himar1C9
*Yuki Fujita
Effects of rat strains and lipid types on both the bile acid secretion and the intestinal microbiota composition during high-fat diet feeding trial
*Nanae Matsumoto
Analysis of C-S lyases involved in methionine utilization in Bifidobacterium longum 105-A

Oral defense was held.
Programs are as follows.
Ph.D. course (01.29)
*Mikiyasu Sakanaka
Development of a transposon mutagenesis system using the insertion sequence element ISBlo11 in Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum
Master course (02.09)
*Yuki Iwabu
Effect of pdhR-deleted mutation on glucose metabolism in Escherichia coli
*Kazuki Komatsu
Analysis of S-adenosylmethionine cycle involved in methionine utilization in Bifidobacterium longum 105-A
*Nanako Baba
Dynamics of bile acid composition and bile acid-transforming bacteria in rat intestine during long-term cholic acid feeding
*Yu Matsumoto
X-ray crystal structure analysis of D-threo-hydroxyaspartate dehydrates; useful for production of the optically active amino acids
*Masaki Yanase
Effect of pyruvate kinase gene deletion and feedback-inhibition-desensitized phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase on lysine production in Corynebacterium glutamicum

Commencement ceremony for Ph.D. course and master course was held.
From our laboratory, Lee Ja Young received Ph.D. degree and Sarinya Tawthep received master degree.

Conference presentation(2014.9.22-23)

We presented the study at meeting of Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry Hokkaido and Tohoku branch office 2014. Program are as follows.
*Atsushi Yokota
Fundamental studies on the enhancement of central metabolism in bacteria producing useful metabolites
*Sarinya Tawtherp
Identification and characterization of novel secondary bile acid-produceing bacteria from rat cecal contents
*Yu Matsumoto
Structural analysis of enzyme-substrate complex by introducing the inactivating mutation into D-threo-3-hydroxy aspartate dehydratase gene derived from Delftia sp. HT23 strain

Staff page is updated!(2014.09.17)


We presented the study at 11th International Symposium on Lcatic Acid Bacteria. Program are as follows.
*Satoru fukiya
"Development of a recombinase-based in vivo expression technology in Bifidobacterium longum for identification of specifically-expressed genes in the gastrointestinal tract of mice"
*Mikiyasu Sakanaka
"Identification of bifidobacterial promoters that are suitable for transposon mutagenesis in bifidobacteria"

We presented the study at 15th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. Program are as follows.
*JaYoung Lee
"Inflammatory reactions induced by cholic acid feeding is accompanied by alteration of gut microbiota composition"
*Sarinya Tawthep
"Isolation of the novel secondary bile acid-producing bacteria from rat cecal contents by using the improved isolation media"

Oral defense for Ph.D. course and master course of the special postage program in bio-system sustainability was held.
From our laboratory, two students made oral presentations.
Programs are as follows.
*Lee Ja-Young
"Cholic acid administration modurates intestinal microbiota composition and parameters for metabolic diseases in rats"
*Sarinya Tawthep
"Isoration and characterization of the novel secomdary bile acid-producing bacteria from rat cecal contents"

Open Campus 2014 was held.
In our laboratory, high school students performed DNA experiments.
Thank you for participation in our program!

We presented the study at Meeting of Japan society for lactic acid bacteria 2014. Program are as follows.
*Mikiyasu sakanaka
Identification of bifidobacterial promoters that show low activity in Escherichia coli and thier application to transposon mutagenesis in bifidobacteria
*Hiroka Koguchi
Development of a screening system for Bifidobacterium genes specifically expressed in the gastrointestinal tract
Mikiyasu Sakanaka won the Young Scientist Awards.


Staff page is updated!(2014.04.10)


Commencement ceremony for master course and baccalaureate course was held.
From our laboratory , Kotaro Ogura, Azusa Suzuki, Saki Tamai, Takuya Hagiwara, Sayaka Hiratou received master degree and Ryuichi Kato, Hiroka Koguchi, Tsuyoshi Torii and Misaki Funakawa received bachelor degree .
If you want to see big photos , click pictures.


Oral defence(2014.2.24)

Oral defence was held.
Programs are as follows.
*Ryuichi Kato
The role of NADH dehydeogenase Ⅱ in glucose metabolism in Escherichia coli
*Hiroka Koguchi
Development of a screening system for Bifidobacterium genes specifically expressed in the gastrointestinal tract of mice
*Tsuyoshi Torii
The effect of fumarate on the cholic acid metabolism in Clostridium hiranonis

Oral defence(2014.2.7)

Oral defence was held.
Programs are as follows.
Master course
*Kotaro Ogura
The intrinsic effects of desensization of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase to feedback inhibition by aspartate on glutarate production in Corynebacterium glutamicum
*Azusa Suzuki
Analysis of reverse transsulfuration pathway in Bifidobacterium
*Saki Tamai
Functional analysis of bifidobacterial promoters for heterologous gene expression in bifidobacteria
*Takuya Hagiwara
Malate-quinone oxidoreductase works as a sefety valve for distortion in central metabolism in Corynebacterium glutamicum
*Sayaka Hiratou
Construction of a screening system for Bifidobacterium genes specifically expressed in the gastrointestinal tracts of mice

Conference presentation(2013.11.29)

We presented the study at meeting of Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry Hokkaido branch office 2013. Program are as follows.
*Saki Tamai
Evaluation of promoter genes derived from Bifidobacterium to apply to heterologous gene expression
*Takuya Hagiwara
Malate-quinone oxidoreductase functions as the control point of stress response of central metabolism in Corynebacterium glutamicum
*Sayaka Hiratou
Construction of the sarch system of intestinal-specific expressed genes of Bifidobacterium

Publication page is updated !(2013.10.07)

Please check "PUBLICATION" page!

Saturu Fukiya was promoted from Assistant professor to lecturer.
And new members have joined our lab!

Commencement ceremony for Ph.D. course was held.
From our laboratory, Tsukasa Shiraishi received Ph.D. degree.
And he assume a post of assistant professor at Sapporo medical university faculty of medicine department of Microbiology.

If you want to read the past info , click here.
Hokkaido University. All rights reserved.
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