
The Past Information |


Conference presentation(2013.09.25)

We presented the study at meeting of the Society for Biotechnology, Japan (September 18 ~ 20, Hiroshima, Japan. ). Program are as follows.
*Yuki Iwabu
Effect ofpdhR-deleted mutation on glucose metabolism in Escherichia coli.
*Masaki Yanase
Effect of pyruvate kinase gene deletion and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase feedback resistance on lysine productivity in Corynebacterium glutamicum
And a photo is added. Please check the content "PHOTO".

Conference presentation(2013.07.10)

We presented the study at Meeting of Japan society for lactic acid bacteria 2013. Program are as follows.
*Yamaha Satou
Development of a method for detection of lipoteichoic acids in lactic bacteria by immunoblotting
And a photo is added. Please check the content "PHOTO".

You Can See Photos(2013.05.22)

The contents of "PHOTO" were added to this site.

Conference presentation(2013.05.13)

We presented the study at Meeting of Japan society for lactic acid bacteria 2013. Program are as follows.
*Mikiyasu sakanaka
Identification of promoters suitable for random mutagenesis in bifidobacteria

Conference presentation(2013.04.25)

We presented the study at Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry 2013. Program are as follows.
*Masaru Wada
Screening of a novel D-erythro-3-hydroxyaspartate degrading enzyme and determination of the primary structure
*Satoru Fukiya
Development of a markerless gene deletion system in Bifidobacterium longum for elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of probiotic functions
*Tsukasa Shiraishi
Novel structure of lipoteichoic acid identified in Lactobacillus gasseri JCM1131T
*Takuya Hagiwara
Metabolic engineering for enhanced supply of oxaloacetate in Corynebacterium glutamicum
*Yuu Matsumoto
Structural analysis of D-threo-3-hydroxyaspartate dehydratase

Staff page is updated!(2013.04.08)

A new member have joined our lab!

Commencement ceremony for master course and baccalaureate course was held.
From our laboratory , Kazunori Sawada received Doctor degree and Hironori Arai , Hiroyuki Nagano , Nozomi Honda received master degree and Nanako Baba , Masaki Yanase ,Yamaha Sato , Yu Matsumoto and Yuki Iwabu received bachelor degree .
If you want to see the big photo , click the pictures.


Oral defense was held.
Programs are as follows.
Ph.D. course (01.31)
*Kazunori sawada
Alterations of central metabolism in a pyruvate kinase gene deletion mutant
and an H+-ATPase-defective mutant of Corynebacterium glutamicum
Master course (02.12)
*Hironori Arai
Alterations of glucose metabolism in Escherichia coli mutants defective in respiratory-chain enzymes
*Hiroyuki Nagano
Purification and primary structure of D-erythro-3-hydroxyaspartate degrading enzyme from Pseudomonas sp. N99
*Nozomi Honda
Effect of fumarate on bile acid transformation in Bacteroides fragilis
Undergraduate (03.05)
*Yuki Iwabu
Effect ofpdhR-deleted mutation on the expression of terminal oxides in Escherichia coli
*Yamaha Sato
Development of a method for detection of lopoteichoic acids in lactic acid bacteria by immunoblotting
*Nanako Baba
Relationships between composition of gut microbiota and bile acids in rats fed Western diets for a long term
-Verification by FISH analysis-
*Yu Matsumoto
X-ray crystal structure analysis of D-threo-hydroxyaspartate dehydrates from Delftia sp.HT23
*Masaki Yanase
Effect of pyruvate kinase gene deletion and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase feedback resistance on lysine productivity in Corynebacterium glutamicum


We presented the study at the at JSBBA Hokkaido branch. Program are as follows.
*Azusa Suzuki
Analysis of cysteine/methionine metabolism in Bifidobacterium longum 105-A.


Publication page is updated (2012.07.27)

Please check "PUBLICATION" page!

Staff page is updated!(2012.04.06)

A new members have joined our lab!

Conference presentation(2012.04.06)

We presented the study at Annual Meeting of japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry 2012. Program are as follows.
*JaYoung Lee
Expression and functional analysis of 7β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase from novel ursodeoxycholic acid producer Ruminococcus gnavus N53
*Ai Onodera
Development of a novel Escherichia coli-Bifidobacterium shuttle vector
*Soya Maeda
Effects of pdhR deletion on glucose metabolism in Escherichia coli
*Kazunori Sawada
Effects of pyruvate kinase gene deletion and citrate synthase defect on amino acid production by Corynebacterium glutamicum
*Yuta Shimono
Effects of pyruvate kinase gene deletion and anaplerotic pathway gene mutation on amino acid production by Corynebacterium glutamicum
*Yuki Takeda
Preparation of optically active 3-hydroxyaspartate isomers by enzymatic resolution
*Tsukasa Shiraishi
Lipoteichoic acid in Lactobacillus gasseri JCM1131T and its involvement in bile acid adaptation

We presented the study at The 6th Conference on Society of Genome Microbiology, Japan(2012.3.12).
Program is as follows.
*Mikiyasu Sakanaka
「Functional analysis of insertion sequence TLS143 isolated from Bifidobacterium longum 105-A」
Mikiyasu Sakanaka won the Young Scientist Awards.


Staff page updated! (2010.09.28) |

5 new members have joined our lab!

Commencement ceremony for Ph.D. course and master course of the special postage program in bio-system sustainability was held.
From our laboratory, Lee Ja-Young received master degrees, and K.B.M Saiful Islam received Ph.D. degree.


We presented the study at LAB10, IUMS 2011 and ACLAB6. Program are as follows.
LAB10 (August 28 ~ September 1, Egmond aan Zee, the Netherlands)
*Atsushi Yokota
「Bile acid is a host factor that regulates the composition of rat cecal microbiota」
*Satoru Fukiya
Transposition activity and insertion property of IS3 family insertion sequence TLS143 isolated from Bifidobacterium longum 105-A
*Yousuke Hirayama
Development of Targeted gene disruption technique in Bifidobacterium longum 105-A
*Tsukasa Shiraishi
Lipoteichoic acid in Lactobacillus gasseri JCM1131T and its role in bileacid adaptation
*Haruhi Tobe
Role of cardiolipin for acquisition of cholic acid resistance in Lactobacillus gasseri JCM1131T
IUMS 2011(6 ~ 10 September, Sapporo Hokkaido)
*Atsushi Yokota
「Alterations of glucose metabolism in Escherichia coli mutants defective in respiratory chain enzymes」
*Masaru Wada
「Two bacterial 3-hydroxyaspartate dehydrates - Homologus of eukaryotic serene racemes and D-serine dehydrates」
*Kazunori Sawada
「Increased biomass production in a pyruvate kinase gene deletion mutant of Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13032」
ACLAB6(8 ~ 10 September, Sapporo Hokkaido)
*Atsushi Yokota
「Role of cardiolipin for acquisition of cholic acid resistance in Lactobacillus gasseri JCM1131T」
*Satoru Fukiya
Transposition activity and insertion property of IS3 family insertion sequence TLS143 isolated from Bifidobacterium longum 105-A
*Islam K.B.M Saiful
「Bile acid is a host factor that regulates the composition of rat cecal microbiota」
*Tsukasa Shiraishi
Lipoteichoic acid in Lactobacillus gasseri JCM1131T and its role in bileacid adaptation
Islam K.B.M Saiful won the Young Asian LAB Scientist Awards at ACLAB6.

Open Campus(2011.08.01) |

Open Campus 2011 was held.
In our laboratory, high school students performed DNA experiments.
Thank you for participation in our program!

Publication page is updated (2011.07.23) |

Please check "PUBLICATION" page!

Conference presentation(2011.07.22) |

We presented the study at JSLAB. Programs are as follows.
*Yousuke Hirayama
「Characterization of α-galactosidase gene deletion mutant of Bifidobacterium longum 105-A and its application in promotor-reporter assay.」
*Mikiyasu Sakanaka
「Insertion property and transposition activity of IS3 family insertion sequence TLS143 isolated from Bifidobacterium longum 105-A.」
Yousuke Hirayama won the Young LAB Scientist Awards. And Atsushi Yokota, Professor of microbial physiology was elected the President of JSLAB.

LAB related book will be published (2010.12.21) |

The book on Lactic Acid Bacteria(LAB) edited by Prof. Atsushi Yokota will be published on July 2011.
If you are interested, go to this page.

Photo of the lab trip has come!(2010.12.17) |

Sorry to be late to report that we had a lab trip to "JOZANKEI ONSEN" from
27nd to 28rd in Nov. 2010. Photo taken at that time is now available. click here!!
We are going to have a lab trip next year again so that if you are
interested, please stay tuned!!

page is updated! (2010.10.01) |

4 new
members from 3rd grade have joined our lab.

presentation(2010.08.02) |

presented the study at JSBBA and JSLAB.
Program are as follows.
JSBBA Hokkaido branch(July 24, Sapporo Hokkaido)
「Analysis of D-threo-3-hydroxyaspartate
dehydratase from a Delftia sp. HT23」
「Enhancement of cell yield in a pyruvate kinase gene delition of Corynebacterium
glutamicum 」
「Effect of deletion in putative cardiolipin synthase genes on
adaptation to cholic acid in Lactobacillus gasseri
JSLAB(July 26, Sendai Miyagi)
「Development of targeted gene disruption technique in chromosomal DNA
of Bifidobacterium longum 105-A」

award of the JSBBA(2010.07.23) |

Masaru, Associate Professor of microbial physiology won the incentive
award of the JSBBA Hokkaido branch.
Then he spoke about "Basic research on microorganism metabolism for
amino acid production".

event "BBQ Party" was held(2010.07.23) |

event "BBQ Party" was held with Applied Microbiology.

page updated! (2010.04.05) |

3 new
members have joined our lab!

of the lab trip has come! (2010.03.23) |

to be late to report that we had a lab trip to "JOZANKEI ONSEN" from
21st to 22nd in Nov. 2009.
Photo taken at that time is now available. Go and check it!!
We are going to have a lab trip this year again so that if you are
interested, please stay tuned!!

page is updated! (2009.09.10) |

5 new
members from 3rd grade have joined our lab.

Softball game!(2009.09.10) |

We had
annual softball games on September 4th! We won the 6th prize!
...actually there were 6 teams in all.

page was updated (2009.05.04) |

page and each staff's pages are all updated.
More, in May we've got a new member!

page was updated (2009.04.02) |

2 new
members joined in April. We keep on making big challenges to science
with 20 members!!

of the lab trip has come! (2009.03.26) |

to be late to report that we had a lab trip to "JOZANKEI ONSEN" from
22nd to 23rd in Nov. 2008.
Photo taken at that time is now available. Go and check it!!
We are going to have a lab trip this year again so that if you are
interested, please stay tuned!!

of the member updated (2008.12.05) |

photo of the member was updated!

page of alumni came up!(2008.09.03) |

start the web page, we show some photos introducing our lab's alumni
year 2007. You can check it from the link at " alumni " on STAFF page
or here.
Photos of former alumni will come up soon!! (maybe...)

Hokudai Open Campus(2008.07.10) |

cope in the program presented by Department of "Seibutsu kinou kagaku"
(Biofunctional chemistry) at 2008 Hokudai Open Campus on August 4th.
It wil be a great oppotunity to know what university lab is like. We've
been waiting for your enthusiastic commitment.
We are planing to introduce some experiment dealing with DNA.

event "BBQ Party" was held(2008.07.10) |

event "BBQ Party" was held on July 9th with Applied Microbiology and
Molecular Environmental Microbiology.
We got so much food more than we could have at one time that the
unofficial extention party(?) seems to be held in time.

of the lab trip has come! (2008.03.14) |

to be late to report that we had a lab trip to "JOZANKEI ONSEN" from
23rd to 24th in Nov. 2007.
Photo taken at that time is now available. Go and check it!!
We are going to have a lab trip this year again so that if you are
interested, please stay tuned!!

members' photo is updated! (2008.01.10) |

can check our members' photo from "staff" page!

we've been back! (2007.10.9) |

1st, we came back to the building of Faculity of Agriculture.
A huge pile of packed staff seems to be telling us that it takes a lot
of time to get back to normal...

planning a lab trip (2007.4.20) |

snow piles are scatterd around the Hokudai campus, we are planning a
lab trip in autumn.
Former members are welcome to join the trip! We will contact to you

our website (2007.4.10) |

lab website is renewed. Please keep in touch with us.