(ICSA08)・・・・・"Sustainability on Food, Feed, Fiber, Water, Energy: Science, Technologies, and Global Strategies"
July 2-6 2008、Sapporo, Japan
The proceeding is now available on line

  1. T. Koike *, N. Eguchi, S. Kitaoka, Y. Watanabe, R. Funada, K. Takagi, T. Hiura, and K. Sasa. Effect of elevated CO2 on the physiological adjustment and xylem structure of deciduous tree species grown in Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE).
  2. S. Kitaoka *, T. Sakata, M. Watanabe, Y. Kim, H. Utsugi, H. Tobita, A. Uemura, S. Aizawa, M. Kitao, Y. Maruyama, K. Sasa, and T. Koike. Evaluation of methane emission from three dominant cool temperate deciduous tree species grown under elevated CO2 concentration in northern Japan.
  3. kim, Y.S.*, Lee, Y.Y., Yi, M.J., Son, Y. and Koike, T. Soil CO2 efflux and its relationship to vegetation in even-aged alder and pine forests, Central Korea.
  4. Watanabe, Y.*, Tobita, H., Kitaoka, S., Kitao, M., Maruyama, Y., Uemura, A., Utsugi, H., Choi, D.S., Sasa, K., Funada, R. and Koike, T. Changes in wood structure in seedlings of oak and alder growing under combinations of elevated CO2 concentration and high nitrogen loading.
  5. Makoto WATANABE*, Masahiro YAMAGUCHI, Hideyuki MATSUMURA, Yoshihisa KOHNO and Takeshi IZUTA. Growth responses of 6 Japanese forest tree species to ozone under different nitrogen loads.
  6. Ryu, K.*, Shibata, H., Watanabe, M., Takagi, K, Nomura, M and Koike, T. A brief history of larch plantation in northern Japan with special reference to environmental change.
  7. Karaki, T.*, Kondo, T., Watanabe, Y., Kadomatsu, M., Akibayashi, Y., Saito, H., Shibuya, M. and Koike, T. Development of water impermeability and anatomical feature in seeds of Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), an invasive species in Japan.
  8. Makoto. K*, H. Shibata, Y. Kim, T. Satomura, K. Takagi, M. Nomura, F. Satoh, K. Sasa, and T. Koike. Effects of experimental burning on the soil nutrient concentrations in white birch forest in Hokkaido, northern Japan.

Now start.JPG MsRyu Dr MY & Mr.Kim.JPG Dr Seed.JPG
会場(北大学術交流会館)                  著名研究者が・・・         この後、Prof. K.Kitakama 登場

Mr Ago.JPG Prof. Kitayama  & Mr.Kim.JPG Dr. Kitaoka & Ms. Ryu.JPG CO2-wood.JPG
売り込み中!              大家訪問!がんばれKさん   兄貴の「検討」&・・・           CO2は木部構造を変える!

添付ファイル: fileCO2-wood.JPG 1206件 [詳細] fileProf. Kitayama & Mr.Kim.JPG 398件 [詳細] fileNow start.JPG 1325件 [詳細] fileMsRyu Dr MY & Mr.Kim.JPG 1210件 [詳細] fileMr Ago.JPG 1272件 [詳細] fileDr. Kitaoka & Ms. Ryu.JPG 1219件 [詳細] fileDr Seed.JPG 1254件 [詳細]

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