業績リスト/Publications since 2003 †
学術論文;Research papers †
2023 †
- Anzai Nobuhito, Shibuya Masato, Saito Hideyuki, and Miyamoto Toshizumi. 2023. “ Long-Term Dynamics of Species Diversity in Natural Secondary Forest Stands after Severe Windthrow Damage.” Ecosphere 14(7): e4600. DOI:10.1002/ecs2.4600
- Takatoshi Yamaki, Toshizumi Miyamoto, Hayato Masuya, Satoshi Urabe, Hideyuki Saito & Masato Shibuya (2023) New vectors: Scolytus chikisanii and S. japonicus (Scolytidae) associated with Dutch elm disease in Hokkaido, Japan, Journal of Forest Research, DOI: 10.1080/13416979.2023.2286040
2022 †
- Shoji S, Saito H, Jitsuyama Y, Tomita K, Haoyang Q, Sakurai Y, Okazaki Y, Aikawa K, Konishi Y, Sasaki K, Fushimi K, Kitagawa Y, Suzuki T, Hasegawa Y. Plant growth acceleration using a transparent Eu3+-painted UV-to-red conversion film. Sci Rep. 2022 Oct 26;12(1):17155. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-21427-6.
2017 †
- Toda, M., and Shibuya, M. Stand recovery of a temperate hardwood forest 60 years after a stand-replacing windthrow based on a permanent plot study. Journal of Forest Research 22, 303-308 (2017).
2016 †
- Kosugi, R., Shibuya, M., and Ishibashi, S. Sixty-year post-windthrow study of stand dynamics in two natural forests differing in pre-disturbance composition. Ecosphere 7, e01571.10.1002/ecs2.1571 (2016).
2015 †
- Watanabe, Y., Karaki, T., Kondo. T. and Koike, T~
Seed development of the black locust and physical dormancy in northern Japan. Phyton 54, Fasc. 2 (2014): S. 305-320
- Wang, XN, L Qu, Q Mao, M Watanabe, Y Hoshika, A Koyama, K Kawaguchi, Y Tamai and T Koike
Ectomycorrhizal colonization and growth of the hybrid larch F1 under elevated CO2 and O3. Environmental Pollution 197: 116-126
2014 †
- Hoshika, Y., Watanabe, M., Kitao, M., Haberle, K-H., Grams, T.E.E., Koike, T. and Matyssek, R~
Ozone induces stomatal narrowing in European and Siebold's beeches: a comparison between two experiments of free-air ozone exposure. Environmental Pollution DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2014.07.034.
- Korteniemi, A-T., Chan, T., Shimizu, Y. and Koike, T.~
A role of forest aesthetics in white birch stands with changing environment of production. Studia i Materialy Osrodka Kultury Lesnej 13: 241-256.
- Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y. and Koike, T~
Photosynthetic responses of Monarch birch seedlings to different timing of free air ozone fumigation. Journal of Plant Research, 127:339–345, DOI 10.1007/s10265-013-0622-y
- Watanabe, M., Kitaoka, S., Eguchi, N., Watanabe, Y., Satomura, T., Takagi, K., Satoh, F. and Koike. T.
Photosynthetic traits and growth of Quercus mongolica var. crispula sprouts attacked by powdery mildew under free air CO2 enrichment. European Journal of Forest Research. 133: 725-733, DOI: 10.1007/s10342-013-0744-8
- Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y., Inada, N. and Koike, T.~
Canopy carbon budget of Siebold’s beech (Fagus crenata) saplings exposed to ozone. Environmental Pollution. 184: 682-689.
- Mao QZ, Watanabe M, Makoto K, Kita K and Koike T.
High nitrogen deposition may enhance growth of the new hybrid larch F1 growing at two phosphorus levels. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 10:1-8, DOI10.1007/s11355-0212-0207-2
2013 †
- Watanabe, M., Mao, Q., Novriyanti, E., Kita, K., Takagi, K., Satoh, F. and Koike, T~
Elevated CO2 enhances the growth of hybrid larch F1 (Larix gmelinii var. japonica × L. kaempferi) seedlings and changes its biomass allocation. Trees. 27: 1647-1655. DOI: 10.1007/s00468-013-0912-y
- Hoshika, Y., Watanabe, M., Inada, N., Mao, QZ. and Koike, T
Model analysis of avoidance of ozone stress via stomatal closure for Siebold’s beech (Fagus crenata). Annals of Botany 112: 1149-1158. Doi: 10.1093/aob/mct166.
- Hoshika, Y., Tatsuta, S., Watanabe, M., Wang XN, Watanabe, Y., Saito, H., and Koike, T
Effect of ambient ozone at the somma of Lake Mashu on growth and leaf gas exchange in Betula ermanii and B. platyphylla var. japonica. Environmental and Experimental Botany 90: 12–16 (DOI:10.1016/j.envexpbot. 2012.11.003)
- Watanabe M, Hoshika Y, Inada N, Wang XN, Mao QZ, Koike T
Photosynthetic traits of Siebold's beech and oak saplings grown under free air ozone exposure in northern Japan. Environmental Pollution 174: 50-56.
2012 †
- Hoshika Y, Watanabe M, Inada N, Koike T
Ozone-induced stomatal sluggishness develops progressively in Siebold's beech (Fagus crenata). Environmental Pollution 166:152-156.
- Hoshika Y, Watanabe M, Inada N, Koike T.
Modeling of stomatal conductance for estimating ozone uptake of (Fagus crenata) under experimentally enhanced free-air ozone exposure. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 223: 3893-3901.
- Hoshika Y, Watanabe M, Inada N, Koike T.
Growth and leaf gas exchange in three birch species exposed to elevated ozone and CO2 in summer. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 223:5017-5025.
- Karaki T, Watanabe Y, Kondo T, Koike T.
Strophiole of seeds of the black locust acts as a water gap. Plant Species Biology 27:226-232.
- Kawaguchi K, Hoshika Y, Watanabe M, Koike T.
Ecophysiological responses of northern birch forests to the changing atmospheric CO2 and O3 concentrations. Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment 6:192-205.
- Kim YS, Imori M, Watanabe M, Hatano R, Yi MJ, Koike T.
Simulated nitrogen inputs influence methane and nitrous oxide fluxes from a young larch plantation in northern Japan. Atmospheric Environment 46:36-44.
- Koike T, Mao Q, Inada N, Kawaguchi K, Hoshika Y, Kita K, Watanabe M.
Growth and photosynthetic responses of cuttings of a hybrid larch (Larix gmelinii var. japonica x L. kaempferi) to elevated ozone and/or carbon dioxide. Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment 6:104-110.
- Makoto K, Kamata N, Kamibayashi N, Koike T, Tani H.
Bark-beetle-attacked trees produced more charcoal than unattacked trees during a forest fire on the Kenai Peninsula, Southern Alaska. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 27:30-35.
- Makoto K, Shibata H, Kim YS, Satomura T, Takagi K, Nomura M, Satoh F, Koike T.
Contribution of charcoal to short-term nutrient dynamics after surface fire in the humus layer of a dwarf bamboo-dominated forest. Biology and Fertility of Soils 48:569-577.
- Mao Q., Watanabe M., Imori M., Kim YS, Kita K, Koike T.
Photosynthesis and nitrogen allocation in needles in the sun and shade crowns of hybrid larch saplings: effect of nitrogen application. Photosynthetica 50:422-428.
- Novriyanti E, Watanabe M, Kitao M, Utsugi H, Uemura A, Koike T.
High nitrogen and elevated CO2 effects on the growth, defense and photosynthetic performance of two eucalypt species. Environmental Pollution 170:124-130.
- Novriyanti E, Watanabe M, Makoto K, Takeda T, Hashidoko Y, Koike T.
Photosynthetic nitrogen and water use efficiency of acacias and eucalypts seedlings as afforestation species. Photosynthetica 50:273-281.
- Urata T, Shibuya M, Koizumi A, Torita H, Cha JY.
Both stem and crown mass affect tree resistance to uprooting. Journal of Forest Research 17:65-71.
- Watanabe M, Ryu K, Kita K, Takagi K, Koike T.
Effects of nitrogen load on the growth and photosynthesis of hybrid larch F1 (Larix gmelinii var. japonica × L. kaempferi) grown on serpentine soil. Environmental and Experimental Botany 83:73-81.
- Watanabe M, Watanabe Y, Kim YS, Koike T.
Dark aerobic methane emission associated to leaf factors of two Acacia and five Eucalyptus species. Atmospheric Environment 54:277-281.
2011 †
- Kayama M, Satoh F, Koike T. Photosynthetic rate, needle
longevity, and nutrient contents in Picea glehnii growing on strongly acidic volcanic
ash soil in northern Japan. Photosynthetica 49:239-245.
- Kim YS*, Makoto, K*, Takakai F, Shibata H, Satomura T, Takagi K, Hatano R, Koike T. (*these authors contributed equally) Greenhouse gas emissions after a prescribed fire in white birch-dwarf bamboo stands in northern Japan, focusing on the role of charcoal. European Journal of Forest Research 130:1031-1044.
- Kim YS, Watanabe M, Imori M, Sasa K, Takagi K, Hatano R, Koike T. Reduced atmospheric CH4 consumption by two different forest soils in elevated CO2 concentrations in a FACE system in cool-temperate northern Japan. Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment 46:30-35.
- Makoto, K, Choi DS, Hashidoko Y, Koike T. The growth of Larix gmelinii seedlings as affected by charcoal produced at two different temperatures. Biology and Fertility of Soils 47:467-472.
- Makoto, K, Hirobe M, DeLuca? TH, Bryanin SV, Procopchuk VF, Koike T. Effects of fire-derived charcoal on soil properties and seedling regeneration in a recently burned Larix gmelinii/Pinus sylvestris forest. Journal of Soils and Sediments 11:1317-1322.
- Watanabe M, Watanabe Y, Kitaoka S, Utsugi H, Kita K, Koike T. Growth and photosynthetic traits of hybrid larch F1 (Larix gmelinii var. japonica X L. kaempferi) under elevated CO2 concentration with low nutrient availability. Tree Physiology 31:965-975.
- Watanabe M, Yamaguchi M, Matsumura H, Kohno Y, Koike T, Izuta T. A case study of risk assessment of ozone impact on forest tree species in Japan (2011) Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment 5:205-215.
- 渋谷正人・浦田格・鳥田宏行・飯島勇人 北海道中央部の針葉樹人工林における風倒被害と樹形.森林立地53:53-59.
2010 †
- Aoyama C, Novriyanti E, Koike T. Induced defense in the leaves of Japanese White Birch Seedlings Grazed by Gypsy Moth Larvae. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research 13:49-55.
- Makoto, K, Kim YS, Tamai Y, Koike T. Buried charcoal layer and ectomycorrhizae cooperatively promote the growth of Larix gmelinii seedlings. Plant and Soil 327:143-152.
- Mao QZ, Watanabe M, Koike T. Growth characteristics of two promising tree species for afforestation, birch and larch in the northeastern part of Asia. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research 13:69-76.
- Novriyanti E, Aoyama C, Watanabe M, Koike T. Plants Defense Characteristics and Hypothesis on the Birch species. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research 13:77-85.
- Suetsugu N, Satoh F, Koike T. An Atlas of Collembola Species in the Sapporo Experimental Forest of Hokkaido University in Northern Japan. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research 13:57-67.
- Takagi, K., Kotsuka, C., Fukuzawa, K., Kayama, M., Makoto, K., Nomura, M., Fukazawa, T., Takahashi, H., Hoyo, H., Ashiya, D., Naniwa, A., Sugata, S., Kamiura, T., Sugishita, Y., Sakai, R., Ito, K., Kobayashi, M., Maebayashi, M., Mizuno, M., Murayama, T., Kinoshita, K., Fujiwara, D., Hashida, S., Shibata, H., Yoshida, T., Sasa, K., Saigusa, N., Fujinuma, Y., Akibayashi, Y. (2010) Allometric relationships and carbon and nitrogen contents for three major tree species (Quercus crispira, Betula ermanii, and Abies sachalinensis) in northern Hokkaido, Japan. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research 13:1-7.
- Watanabe Y, Satomura T, Sasa K, Funada R, Koike T. Differential anatomical responses to elevated CO2 in saplings of four hardwood species. Plant, Cell and Environment 33:1101-1111.
- Watanabe M, Umemoto-Yamaguchi M, Koike T, Izuta T. Growth and photosynthetic response of Fagus crenata seedlings to ozone and/or elevated carbon dioxide. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 6:181-190.
2009 †
- Choi D, Makoto, K, Quoreshi AM, Qu L. Seed germination and seedling physiology of Larix kaempferi and Pinus densiflora in seedbeds with charcoal and elevated CO2. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 5:107-113.
- Goto, S., Iijima, H., Ogawa, H., and Ohya, K. Outbreeding depression caused by intraspecific hybridization between local and non-local genotypes in Abies sachalinensis. Restoration Ecology 19:243-250.
- Kayama M, Makoto, K, Nomura M, Sasa K, Koike T. Growth characteristics of Sakhalin spruce (Picea glehnii) planted on the northern Japanease hillsides exposed to strong winds. Trees 23:145-157.
- Kayama M, Makoto, K, Nomura M, Satoh F, Koike T. Dynamics of elements in larch seedlings (Larix kaempferi) regenerated on serpentine soil in northern Japan. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 5:125-135.
- Kim YS, Yi MJ, Lee YY, Makoto, K, Son Y. Estimation of carbon storage, carbon inputs and soil CO2 efflux of alder plantations on granite soil in central Korea: comparison with Japanese larch plantation. Landscape Ecological Engineering 5:157-166.
- Kitahashi Y, Ichie T, Maruyama Y, Kenzo, T, Kitaoka S, Matsuki S, Nakashizuka T, Koike T. Photosynthetic water use efficiency in tree crowns of tropical emergent species in Sarawak, Malaysia. Photosynthetica 46:151-155.
- Kitaoka S, Watanabe Y, Koike T. The effects of cleared larch canopy and nitrogen supply on gas exchange and leaf traits in deciduous broad-leaved tree seedlings. Tree Physiology 29:1503-1511.
- Kitaoka S, Watanabe M, Watanabe Y, Kayama M, Nomura M, Sasa K. Growth of regenerated tree seedlings associated with microclimatic change in a mature larch plantation after harvesting. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 5:137-145.
- Koike T. A trial of revegetation practices with larch species under changing environment. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 5:97-98.
- Qu L, Kitaoka S, Makoto, K, Kuromaru M, Osaki M, Sasa K, Utsugi H, Koike T. Root-shoot communication of the seedlings of Japanese larch and a hybrid species grown in different soil temperature regimes. Landscape Ecological Engineering 5:115-123.
- Ryu K, Watanabe M, Shibata H, Takagi K, Nomura M, Koike T. Ecophysiological responses of the larch species in northern Japan to environmental changes as a base for afforestation. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 5:99-106.
- Takagi K, Fukuzawa K, Liang N, Kayama M, Nomura M, Hojyo H, Sugata S, Shibata H, Fukazawa T, Takahashi Y, Nakaji T, Oguma H, Mano M, Akibayashi Y, Murayama T, Koike T, Sasa K, Fujinuma Y. Change in the CO2 balance under a series of forestry activities in a cool-temperate mixed forest with dense undergrowth. Global Change Biology 15:1275-1288.
2008年 †
- 渡邊陽子・北岡 哲・大塚優佳・日向潔美・笹 賀一郎・小池孝良 落葉広葉樹個葉における被食防衛物質の局在と変動環境に対する応答. 樹木医学研究 12: 137-138.
- Aizawa, M., Yoshimaru H., Saito H., Katsuki T., Kawahara T., Kitamura K., Shi F., Savirov R., Kaji M. Range-wide genetic structure in a northeast Asian spruce (Picea jezoensis) determined using nuclear microsatellite markers. Journal of Biogeography 36:996-1007.
- Tomita M., Saito H., Suyama Y. Effect of local stand density on reproductive processes of the sub-boreal conifer Picea jezoensis Carr. (Pinaceae). Forest Ecology and Management 256:1350-1355.
- Eguchi, N., Morii, N., Ueda, T., Funada, R., Takagi, K., Hiura, T., Sasa, K. and Koike, T. Changes in petiole hydraulic structure and leaf water flow in birch and oak saplings in an enhanced CO2 environment. Tree Physiology 28:287-295.
- Eguchi, N., Karatsu, K., Ueda, T., Funada, R., Takagi, K., Hiura, T., Sasa, K. and Koike, T. Photosynthetic responses of birch and alder saplings grown in a free air CO2 enrichment system in northern Japan. Trees 22:437-447.
- Choi DS, Jin HO, Chung DJ, Sasa K, Koike T. Growth and physiological activity in Larix kaempferi seedlings inoculated with ectomycorrhizae affected by soil acidification. Trees 22:729-735.
- 野々田秀一, 澁谷正人, 斎藤秀之, 石橋聰, 高橋正義. トドマツ人工林への広葉樹の侵入および成長過程と間伐の影響. 日林誌, 90:103-110.
- Watanabe, Y, Tobita, H, Kitao, M, Maruyama, Y, Choi, D.S., Sasa, K, Funada, R. and Koike, T. (2008) Effects of elevated CO2 and nitrogen on wood structure related to water transport in seedlings of two deciduous broad-leaved tree species. Trees 22:403-411.
2007年 †
- Ishii, H., Kitaoka, S., Fujisaki, T., Maruyama, Y. and Koike, T. (2007) Plasticity of shoot and needle morphology and photosynthesis of two Picea species with different site preferences in northern Japan. Tree Physiology 27: 1595–1605.
- Kitaoka, S., Sakata, T., Koike, T., Tobita, H., Uemura, A., Kitao, M., Maruyama, Y., Sasa, K. and Utsugi, H. (2007) Methane emission from leaves of larch, birch and oak saplings grown under elevated CO2 in northern Japan. -A preliminary study- Journal of Agriculture Meteorology 63: 201-206.
- Stankova, T.V., and Shibuya, M. (2007) Stand density control diagrams for scots pine and Austrian black pine plantations in Bulgaria. New For. 34: 123-141.
- Cho, H.K., Miyamoto, T., Takahashi, K., Hong, S.G., and Kim, J.J. (2007) Damage to Abies koreana seeds by soil-borne fungi on Mount Halla, Korea. Can. J. For. Res. 37: 371-382.
- Iijima, H., Shibuya, M., and Saito, H. (2007) Effects of surface and light conditions of fallen logs on the emergence and survival of coniferous seedlings and saplings. J. For. Res. 12: 262-269.
- Shin, C.S. and Shibuya, M. 2007. Spatial variation in tree seedling density after the site preparation for planting in a cleared coniferous plantation in Hokkaido, northern Japan. J. For. Res. 12: 57-62.
- Shibuya, M., Yajima, T., Yoshida, M., and Sasaoka, E. (2007) Different biomass-allocation patterns among four tree species in heavily disturbed sites on a volcanic mountain in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Ecol. Res. 22: 177-182.
- Inada, H., Fujikawa, S., Saito, H., Arakawa, K. (2007) Effects of light condition after simulated acid snow stress on leaves of winter wheat. Environmental Sciences 14: 53-71.
- Aizawa M., Yoshimaru H., Saito H., Katsuki T., Kawahara, T. Kitaoka K., Shi F. and Kaji M. (2007) Phylogeography of a northeast Asian spruce, Picea jezoensis, inferred from genetic variation observed in organelle DNA markers. Molecular Ecology, 16: 3393-3405.
- Lopez L., Saito H., Kobayashi Y., Shirota T., Iwahana G., Maximov T.C., Fukuda M. (2007) Interannual environmental-soil thawing rate variation and its control on transpiration from Larix cajanderi, Central Yakutia, Eastern Siberia. Journal of Hydrology 338: 251-260.
2006年 †
- Iijima, H., Shibuya, M., Saito, H., and Takahashi, K. (2006) The water relations of Picea jezoensis seedlings on fallen logs. Can. J. For. Res. 36: 664-670.
- 花田尚子, 澁谷正人, 斎藤秀之, 高橋邦秀. (2006) カラマツ人工林への広葉樹の侵入経過. 日林誌, 88 (1): 1-7.
2005年 †
- 趙慧卿, 高橋邦秀, 澁谷正人, 斎藤秀之, 金鍾眞, 洪性珏. (2005) 低温湿層処理、温度、乾燥がサイシウモミとトドマツの発芽特性に与える影響. 日林誌, 87 (5): 465-470.
- Cho, H.K., Miyamoto, T., Takahashi, K., Kim, D.W., Hong, S.G., and Kim, J.J. (2005) First report on Racodium therryanum associated with seed infection of Abies koreana in Korea. Plant Pathology Journal, 21(3): 297-300.
- Shibuya, M., Hasaba, H., Yajima, T., and Takahashi, K. (2005) Effect of thinning on allometry and needle-age distribution of trees in natural Abies stands of northern Japan. J. For. Res. 10: 15-20.
2004年 †
- Shibuya, M., Haga, N., Sasaki, T., Kikuchi, S., Haruki, M., Noda, M., Takahashi, K., and Matsuda, K. (2004) Stand and self-thinning dynamics in natural Abies stands in northern Hokkaido, Japan. Ecol. Res. 19: 301-310.
- Shibuya, M., Saito, H., Sawamoto, T., Hatano, R., Yajima, T., Takahashi, K., Cha, J.Y., Isaev, A.P., and Maximov, T.C. (2004) Time trend in aboveground biomass, net primary production, and carbon storage of natural Larix gmelinii stands in Eastern Siberia. Eurasian J. For. Res. 7: 67-74.
- 飯島勇人, 澁谷正人, 斎藤秀之, 高橋邦秀. 2004. 倒木上のコケの高さがエゾマツ実生の生残と成長に与える影響. 日林誌, 86 (4): 358-364.
- Ozaki, K., Saito, H., and Yamamuro, K. 2004. Compensatory photosynthesis as a response to partial debudding in ezo spruce, Picea jezoensis seedlings. Ecol. Res. 19: 225-232.
北方林業、林木の育種、その他 †
2009年度 †
- 渡辺 誠 (2009) 森林は地球温暖化を促進させるのか?−好気的条件下における陸上植物からのメタン放出に関する研究動向−, 北方林業, Vol. 61, No. 1 (in press)
2008年 †
- 飯島勇人・渋谷正人. (2008) エゾマツはどこで発芽する?-天然林における発芽に適した条件の検討-. 北海道の林木育種, 51 (1): 20-23.
- 小林真・唐木貴行 (2008) 火災が土壌特性に与える影響に関する国際会議に参加して.北方林業 60:32-35.
- 唐木貴行 (2008) 「種子(タネ)と環境」科学に関する国際会議情報.北方林業 60:57-59.
- 唐木貴行・近藤哲也・渡邊陽子・小池孝良 (2008) ニセアカシアの繁殖特性−タネから見た成長特性−. 北方林業 60:221-224.
- Ryu, Koharu, Makoto Watanabe, Hideaki Shibata & Takayoshi Koike. (2008) "Possible Functions of Environmental Stresses to the Larch Seedlings Infected with Ectomycorrhizal Fungi. "Japan-Australia International Symposium on: Biological Interactions with Plant Roots and Aerial Tissues"
- T. Koike *, N. Eguchi, S. Kitaoka, Y. Watanabe, R. Funada, K. Takagi, T. Hiura, and K. Sasa. Effect of elevated CO2 on the physiological adjustment and xylem structure of deciduous tree species grown in Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE).
- S. Kitaoka *, T. Sakata, M. Watanabe, Y. Kim, H. Utsugi, H. Tobita, A. Uemura, S. Aizawa, M. Kitao, Y. Maruyama, K. Sasa, and T. Koike. Evaluation of methane emission from three dominant cool temperate deciduous tree species grown under elevated CO2 concentration in northern Japan.
- kim, Y.S.*, Lee, Y.Y., Yi, M.J., Son, Y. and Koike, T. Soil CO2 efflux and its relationship to vegetation in even-aged alder and pine forests, Central Korea.
- Watanabe, Y.*, Tobita, H., Kitaoka, S., Kitao, M., Maruyama, Y., Uemura, A., Utsugi, H., Choi, D.S., Sasa, K., Funada, R. and Koike, T. Changes in wood structure in seedlings of oak and alder growing under combinations of elevated CO2 concentration and high nitrogen loading.
- Ryu, K.*, Shibata, H., Watanabe, M., Takagi, K, Nomura, M and Koike, T. A brief history of larch plantation in northern Japan with special reference to environmental change.
- Karaki, T.*, Kondo, T., Watanabe, Y., Kadomatsu, M., Akibayashi, Y., Saito, H., Shibuya, M. and Koike, T. Development of water impermeability and anatomical feature in seeds of Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), an invasive species in Japan.
- Makoto. K*, H. Shibata, Y. Kim, T. Satomura, K. Takagi, M. Nomura, F. Satoh, K. Sasa, and T. Koike. Effects of experimental burning on the soil nutrient concentrations in white birch forest in Hokkaido, northern Japan.
- 小池孝良 (2008) 変動環境下でのカラマツ類の成長応答, 北海道の林木育種 51:
2007年 †
- 飯島勇人 (2007) 緑化植物 ど・こ・ま・で・き・わ・め・る エゾマツ(Picea jezoensis Carr.). 緑化工学会誌, 33 (2): 396.
- 富田基史, 斎藤秀之, 陶山佳久. (2007) エゾマツ天然林における繁殖構造と種子生産 -局所的な林分密度の違いと花粉散布の関係に着目して-. 北海道の林木育種.
2006年 †
- 澁谷正人. (2006) ソウル大学校との合同学生実習. 北方林業, 58: 10-13.
2005年 †
- 飯島勇人, 澁谷正人, 斎藤秀之, 高橋邦秀 (2005) 倒木上に播種したエゾマツの更新初期動態 (2) -発芽や生残および成長に適した倒木-. 北方林業, 57: 230-232.
- 高橋邦秀, 大沼直樹, 富田基史, 林登志郎, 鈴木依子, 近藤航 (2005) 藻岩山の風害林に見る構成樹種の特徴. 北方林業, 57: 197-200.
- 飯島勇人, 澁谷正人, 斎藤秀之, 高橋邦秀 (2005) 倒木上に播種したエゾマツの更新初期動態 (1) -発芽および生残に適した播種時期-. 北方林業, 57: 201-203.
- 飯島勇人 (2005) エゾマツ研究会の発足 -北海道の森林の保全と再生を目指して-. 北方林業, 57: 157-159.
- 飯島勇人 (2005) 森林動態を考える -シンポジュウムの報告-. 北方林業, 57: 110-112.
- 城田徹央・斎藤秀之・飯村佳代・澁谷正人・高橋邦秀(2005)東シベリアに生育するカラマツ「Larix gmelinii」と「L. cajanderi」について.北海道の林木育種48:9-12.
- Saito H., Komori H., Shirota T., Suzuki M., Lopez L., Iwahana G., Kononov A.V., Kobayashi Y., Hatano R., Koide T., Shibuya M., Maximov, T.C., Fukuda M., Takahashi, K. (2005) Changing precipitation regimes and photosynthetic performance of the East-Siberian taiga. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Global Change: Connection to the Arctic (GCCA6). (eds. Fukushima H., Murata I., Fukuda M., Tanaka HL., Matsumi Y., Kanda H., Matsuoka H.)199-202.
- Saito H., Komori H., Shirota T., Suzuki M., Lopez L., Iwahana G., Kononov A.V., Kobayashi Y., Hatano R., Koide T., Shibuya M., Maximov, T.C., Fukuda M., Takahashi, K. (2005) Reduction of CO2 uptake in response to decreasing precipitation regimes in east-Siberian taiga: evidence of positive feedback to global warming. In Proceedings of International Symposium on “The Symptom of Environmental Change in Siberian Permafrost Region” (accepted)
- Shirota T., Saito H., Maximov TC., Takahashi K. (2005) Analysis of spatial-size-age structure and fire history of matured larch forest in eastern Siberia. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Global Change: Connection to the Arctic (GCCA6). (eds. Fukushima H., Murata I., Fukuda M., Tanaka HL., Matsumi Y., Kanda H., Matsuoka H.) 204-206.
- Shirota T., Saito H., Makisimov A., Kononov A., Isaev AP, Maximov TC., Shibuya M., Yajima T., Takahashi K. (2005) Comparison of structure among five mature larch forests in eastern Siberia. In: Proceedings for 2nd Symposium on Water Cycle in Northern Eurasia. (eds, Ohata T., Ohta T., Kodama Y.).39-42.
- Shirota T., Saito H., Maximov, T.C., Isaev, AP., Takahashi, K. (2005) Safe site of larch seedlings in the lightly burnt forest in eastern Siberia. In "Symptom of Environmental Change in Siberian Permafrost Region” (eds, Hatano R. and Guggenberger G.),159-162.
- Takahashi K. (2005) Future perspective of forest management in Siberian permafrost area. In "Symptom of Environmental Change in Siberian Permafrost Region” (eds, Hatano R. and Guggenberger G.),163-170.
2004年 †
- 澁谷正人, 花田尚子, 斎藤秀之, 高橋邦秀 (2004) 種多様性を増進するカラマツ人工林の施業. 北方林業, 56: 113-116.
- SAITO Hideyuki, SUZUKI Masahiro, MAXIMOV Trofim C., TAKAHASHI Kunihide, (2004) Environmental control of CO2 uptake in a larch canopy in eastern Siberia: temperature and air water vapor pressure deficit affect the midday depression. Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on global change connection to the arctic 2003, 144-150.
- 高橋邦秀, 波多野隆介, 澁谷正人, 斎藤秀之 (2004) 永久凍土地帯カラマツ林への森林攪乱の生態生理学的影響評価, 北ユーラシア水循環シンポジウム予稿集, 56-57.
- 斎藤秀之, 鈴木雅博, 小森弘基, 城田徹央, 高橋邦秀 (2004) 永久凍土地帯カラマツ林の樹冠における光合成の生態生理学的研究, 北ユーラシア水循環シンポジウム予稿集, 88-89.
- Saito H., Hattori, M., Suzuki, M., Shirota T., Shibuya M., Hatano, R., Maximov, T.C., Takahashi, K. Immediate changes in NEP following clear-cutting in a mature larch stand in eastern Siberia.(2004) In: Extended Abstract for International Semi-open Workshop “C/H2O/energy balance and climate over boreal regions with special emphasis on eastern Siberia (eds, Ohta, Dolman, Maximov).
- Lopez L., Saito H., Shirota T., Kobayashi Y., Iwahana G., Takahashi K., Hatano R., Maximov T. and Fukuda M. (2004) Response of transpiration from Larix gmelinii stands to Irrigation in Eastern Siberia In: Extended Abstract for International Semi-open Workshop “C/H2O/energy balance and climate over boreal regions with special emphasis on eastern Siberia (eds, Ohta, Dolman, Maximov).
- Shirota, T., Saito, H., Takahashi, K., Maximov, T.C., Makisimov, A. Kononov, A.V. (2004) Estimation of the productive structure of Larix cajanderi forest in Spasskaya Pad. In: Extended Abstract for International Semi-open Workshop “C/H2O/energy balance and climate over boreal regions with special emphasis on eastern Siberia (eds, Ohta, Dolman, Maximov).
- 高橋邦秀(2004)森林火災発生と炭素収支.自然災害科学23:331-333.
2003年 †
- 鈴木雅博, 澁谷正人, 斎藤秀之, 高橋邦秀 (2003) カラマツ人工林のリターフォール量及び窒素還元量. 日本林学会北海道支部論文集, 51: 70-72.
- SAITO Hideyuki, YAMAMURO Koji, TSUNO Yuichi., IIJIMA Hayato, SHIBUYA Masato, TAKAHASHI Kunihide, MAXIMOV Trofim C., (2003) Spatial variations of light intensity and photosynthetic properties within a Larix gmelinii tree crown in eastern Siberia. Proceedings of the10th symposium on the joint Siberian permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2001, 7-14.
- SUZUKI Masahiro, SAITO Hideyuki, IIJIMA Hayato, ONOE Takashi, MAXIMOV Trofim C. (2003) Photosynthetic and stomatal responses to air vapor pressure deficit within a larch canopy in east-Siberia. Proceedings of the10th symposium on the joint Siberian permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2001, 15-19.
- SAITO Hideyuki, YAMAMURO Koji, TSUNO Yuichi., IIJIMA Hayato, TAKAHASHI Kunihide, MAXIMOV Trofim C., (2003) Drought limitation of CO2 assimilation rate in Larix gmelinii saplings growing on understory of the mature stand. Proceedings of the10th symposium on the joint Siberian permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2001, 35-38.
- SAITO Hideyuki, SUZUKI Masahiro, IIJIMA Hayato, SHIBUYA Masato, TAKAHASHI Kunihide, ISAEV Alexander P., MAXIMOV Trofim C. (2003) Initial charge in carbon and nitrogen storages in organic layer following clear-cutting of larch stand in eastern Siberia. Proceedings of the10th symposium on the joint Siberian permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2001, 53-57.
- TAKAHASHI Kunihide, ISAEV Alexander P., MAXIMOV Trofim C., SAITO Hideyuki (2003) Fire history of mature larch forests near Yakutsk, eastern Siberia. Proceedings of the10th symposium on the joint Siberian permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2001, 65-68.