金容ソク(Kim Yong-Suk) †
「ソク」は、大の両袖に百の文字を書きます。日本語の意味は「さかん」「いかるさま」。(Wiktionaryより引用)。; http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki
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プロフィール †
- 日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD)
- 北海道大学大学院農学研究院・環境資源学部門・森林資源科学分野・造林学研究室
- 連絡先:soilys@for.agr.hokudai.ac.jp @は半角にして下さい
- 出身:大韓民国
- プロフィール:江原大学校・山林環境科学大学・物質循環研究グループ(李 明鐘・教授)
研究の概要 †
- 修士課程では山林内炭素循環究明研究の一環で韓国江原大学演習林のチョウセンゴヨウ及びケヤマハンノキ造林地内で土壌呼吸に対する研究を遂行した.
- 研究生及び博士課程としては、攪乱地(山火事跡地・侵入種の優占林分など)における温室効果ガスの放出を推定し、森林生態系の地球環境問題に関わる研究を進めて行きたいと考えている.
研究業績 †
原著論文 †
投稿状況: 論文:4, 総説:0, 解説:0
- Watanabe M, Watanabe Y, Kim YS, Koike T (2012) Dark aerobic methane emission associated to leaf factors of two Acacia and five Eucalyptus species. Atmospheric Environment (accepted for publication)
- Makoto K, Shibata H, Kim YS, Satomura T, Takagi K, Nomura M, Satoh F, Koike T (2012) Contribution of charcoal to short-term nutrient dynamics after surface fire in the humus layer of a dwarf bamboo-dominated forest. Biology and Fertility of Soils, DOI:10.1007/s00374-011-0657-y
- Kim YS, Imori M, Watanabe M, Hatano R, Yi MJ, Koike T (2012) Simulated nitrogen inputs influence methane and nitrous oxide fluxes from a young larch plantation in northern Japan. Atmospheric Environment 46:36-44
- 伊森允一, 毛巧芝, 渡辺誠, 金容奭, 来田和人, 小池孝良 (2011) 窒素付加がグイマツ雑種F1の針葉の養分濃度に及ぼす影響. 日本森林学会北海道支部論文集 59:45-48
- Kim YS, Makoto K, Takakai F, Shibata H, Satomura T, Takagi K, Hatano R, Koike T (2011) Greenhouse gas emissions after a prescribed fire in white birch-dwarf bamboo stands in northern Japan, focusing on the role of charcoal. European Journal of Forest Research 130:1031-1044
- Kim YS, Watanabe M, Imori M, Sasa K, Takagi K, Hatano R, Koike T (2011) Reduced atmospheric CH4 consumption by two forest soils under elevated CO2 concentration in a FACE system in northern Japan. Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment 46:30-36
- 伊森允一, 渡辺誠, 金容奭, 毛巧芝, 来田和人, 小池孝良 (2010) グイマツ雑種F1(グリーム)の成長と光合成特性に対する窒素付加の影響. 日本森林学会北海道支部論文集 58:39-42
- Makoto K, Tamai Y, Kim YS, Koike T (2010) Buried charcoal layer and ectomycorrhizae cooperatively promote the growth of Larix gmelinii seedlings. Plant and Soil 327:143-152
- Kim YS, Yi MJ, Lee YY, Makoto K, Son Y (2009) Esitimation of carbon storage, carbon inputs and soil CO2 efflux of alder plantations on granite soil in central Korea: comparison with Japanese larch plantation. Landscape and Ecological Engineering 5:157-166
- 小林真, 金容奭, 小島康夫, 玉井裕, 小池孝良 (2009) 土壌中の炭の分布様式がグイマツ実生の成長へ与える影響.日本森林学会北海道支部論文集 57:57-59
- 小林真, 金容奭, 松井克彦, 野村睦, 柴田英昭, 里村多香美, 上浦達也, 北條元, 高橋廣行, 小塚力, 坂井励, 高木健太郎, 佐藤冬樹, 笹賀一郎, 小池孝良 (2008) 火入れ処理が北海道のササ地における土壌のリンと窒素の動態へ与える影響. 日本森林学会北海道支部論文集 56:29-32
- Byun JK, Kim YS, Yi MJ, Son Y, Kim CS, Jeong JH, Lee CY, Jeong YH (2007) Growth response of Pinus densiflora, Larix leptolepis, Betula platyphylla var. japonica and Quercus acutissima seedlings at various levels of fertilization. Journal of Korean Forest Society 96:693-698 (in Korean and English summary)
- Choi YE, Kim YS, Yi MJ, Park WG, Yi JS, Chun SR, Han SS, Lee SJ (2007) Physiological and chemical characteristics of field- and mountain-cultivated ginseng roots. Journal of Plant Biology 50:198-205
- Yi MJ, Son Y, Kim JH, Kim YS, Shin DM, Jeong, MJ, Han SS (2007) Invasion of Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) seedlings into an oak forest in Korea: biomass, leaf mass per area (LMA). Eurasian Journal of Forest Research 10:97-104
- Byun JK, Kim YS, Yi MJ, Son Y, Kim CS, Jung JH, Lee CY, Jung YH (2006) Growth characteristics of Pinus densiflora, Larix leptolepis, Quercus acutissima and Betula platyphylla var. japonica seedlings of different fertilizer types and amount. Korean Journal of Forest Measurements 9:132-141 (in Korean and English summary)
- Yi MJ, Son Y, Jin HO, Park IH, Kim DY, Kim YS, Shin DM (2005) Belowground carbon allocation of natural Quercus mongolica forests estimated from litterfall and soil respiration measurements. Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 7:227-234 (in Korean and English summary)
プロシーディングス †
- Kim YS, Makoto K, Takagi K, Hatano R, Koike T (2010) Greenhouse gas emissions in a post-fire white birch stand in northern Japan. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Sap Utilization, pp 142-148.
- Makoto K, Shibata H, Kim YS, Satomura T, Takagi K, Nomura M, Satoh F, Sasa K, Koike T (2008) The effects of charcoal removal on short term soil nutrient dynamics after experimental burning in the Betula platyphylla forests, northern Japan. Proceedings of The ’88 Fires: Yellowstone and Beyond, pp 124-125.
- Makoto K, Shibata H, Kim YS, Satomura T, Takagi K, Nomura M, Satoh F, Sasa K, Koike T (2008) Effects of experimental burning on soil nutrient concentrations in a white birch forest in Hokkaido, northern Japan -a method for experimental burning-. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Food, Energy and Industry 2008 (ICSA2008), pp 264-269.
- Kim YS, Lee YY, Yi MJ, Son Y, Koike T (2008) Soil CO2 in even-aged alder and pine man-made forests in central Korea with special reference to plant vegetation types. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Food, Energy and Industry 2008 (ICSA2008), pp 32-37.
- Kitaoka S, Sakata T, Watanabe M, Kim YS, Utsugi U, Tobita H, Uemura A, Aizawa S, Kitao M, Maruyama Y, Sasa K, Koike T (2008) Evaluation of methane emission from three dominant cool temperate deciduous tree species grown under elevated CO2 concentration in northern Japan. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Food, Energy and Industry 2008 (ICSA2008), pp 11-14.
総説・解説 †
- 佐藤香織, 小林真, 金容奭, 小池孝良 (2011) 森林の山火事に関するシンポジウム‐第23回IUFRO世界大会報告‐. 北方林業 63(4):101-104
- 渡辺誠, 金容奭, Eka Novriyanchi, 毛巧芝 (2010) 第4回国際樹液サミット2010に参加して. 北方林業 62(10):9-10
- 渡辺誠, 金容奭, 幸田秀穂, 小池孝良 (2009) 好気的条件下におけるアカシアとユーカリの葉からのメタン放出に関する調査. 北方林業 61(11):11-14
口頭発表 †
- Kim YS; Potential Impact of atmospheric N deposition on soil N2O emission varies with different soil N regimes. Joint seminar Between Korea University and Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 6 July 2011.
- Kim YS, Makoto K, Takagi K, Hatano R, Koike T; Greenhouse gas emissions in a post-fire white birch stand in northern Japan. The 4th International Symposium on Sap Utilization, Bifuka, Japan, 16-18 April 2010.
- Kim YS; Effect of forest disturbance on nitrous oxide emission from a brown forest soil -forest fire and nitrogen deposition-. EES/GCOE-RA Joint Research Meeting, Sapporo, Japan, 24 March 2010.
- Yi MJ, Kim YS, Ji DH, Kim DY, Park IH, Jin HO, Son Y; Soil CO2 efflux in natural oak forests of kangwon province, Korea. The 44th Annual Meeting of the Korea Forest Society. Seoul, Korea, February 2003.
ポスター発表 †
- Kim YS, Yi Mj, Makoto K, Koike T; Greenhouse gas emissions after a prescribed fire in white birch stands in northern Japan. The 53th Annual Meeting of the Korean Forest Society, Jeju, Korea, 8-9 February 2012.
- Kim YS, Yi MJ, Koike T; Potential Impact of atmospheric N deposition on soil N2O emission varies with different soil N regimes. AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, California, USA, 5-9 December 2011.
- Kim YS, Yi MJ, Koike T; Potential Impact of atmospheric N deposition on soil N2O emission varies with different soil N regimes. The 52th Summer Meeting of the Korean Forest Society, Daejeon, Korea, 23-24 August 2011.
- Mao QZ, Imori M, Wanatabe M, Kim YS, Kita K, Koike T; Eco-physiological responses of hybrid larch F1 seedlings to high nitrogen loading. Acid Arin 2011, Beijing, China, 16-19 June 2011.
- Kim YS, Watanabe M, Imori M, Takagi K, Satoh F, Hatano R, Koike T; Reduced atmospheric CH4 consumption by two forest soils under elevated CO2 concentration in a FACE system in northern Japan. The 52th Annual Meeting of the Korean Forest Society and 2011 Joint Conference on the Forest Science, Gyeongju, Korea, 16-17 February 2011.
- Kim YS, Imori M, Watanabe M, Koike T; Effect of nitrogen application on nitrous oxide emissions from a brown forest soil in northern Japan. XXIII IUFRO World Congress, Seoul, Korea, 23-28 August 2010.
- 渡辺 誠, 山川雄大, 金容奭, 渡辺陽子, 幸田秀穂, 竹内裕一, 小池孝良 (2009) 好気的条件下におけるアカシアとユーカリの葉からのメタン放出. 第50回大気環境学会年会, 2009年9月16-18日日本横浜.
- Kim YS; Effect of surface fire on carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide fluxes in a white birch forest in northern Japan. 第24回IGBP科学委員会,2009年4月日本小樽.
- Kim YS, Makoto K, Takakai F, Shibata H, Takagi K, Hatano R, Koike T; Effect of surface fire on CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes in a white birch forest in northern Japan. the 120th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society, Kyoto, Japan, March 2009.
- Kim YS, Lee YY, Yi MJ, Son Y, Koike T; Soil CO2 in even-aged alder and pine man-made forests in central Korea with special reference to plant vegetation types. The International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Food, Energy and Industry 2008 (ICSA2008), Sapporo, Japan, July 2008.
- 小林真, Kim Yong-Suk, 里村多香美, 柴田英昭, 高木健太郎, 野村睦, 佐藤冬樹, 笹賀一郎, 小池孝良; 炭は火入れ後の土壌の養分動態にどのような影響を与えるのか?-北海道の森林における火入れ実験の結果より−. 第55回日本生態学会大会, 2008年3月日本福岡.
- Jeong MJ, Yi MJ, Son Y, Kim YS, Choi YE, Han SS; Soil respiration and soil microbial activity of Pinus densiflora stands after fire. The 118th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society, Fukuoka, Japan, April 2007.
- Yi MJ, Son Y, Kim YS, Jeong MJ, Yi JS; Above- and below-ground biomass of Korean pine seedlings invading thinned oak forest in Korea. The 118th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society, Fukuoka, Japan, April 2007.
- JI DH, Yi MJ, Kim YS, Sin DM, Koike T; Effects of disturbance by typhoon on the photosynthetic characteristics of Korean Pine seedlings. The 47th Summer Meeting of the Korean Forest Society, Jinju, Korea, July 2006.
- Yi MJ, Son Y, Jin HO, Park IH, Kim DY, Kim YS; Soil CO2 evolution in natural broad-leaved deciduous forests of central Korea. The 116th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society, Tokyo, Japan, March 2005.
- JI DH, YI MJ, KIM JH, SON Y, Kim YS, SIN DM; Above-and below-ground biomass and growth of the Korean Pine advance growth occurring stand. The 45th Annual Meeting of the Korean Forest Society, Seoul, Korea, February 2004.
- YI MJ, JI DH, Kim YS, SON Y, PARK IH, JIN HO, KIM DY; Nutrient retranslocation and nutrient-use efficiency for oak forests in Kangwon. The 44th Summer Meeting of the Korean Forest Society, Sangju, Korea, July 2003.
- JI DH, Kim YS, HAN SK, YI MJ, SON Y; Aboveground biomass and nutrient distribution of a Korean Pine advance growth and oak mixed-species stand in Chunchon, Kangwon. The 44th Annual Meeting of the Korean Forest Society, Seoul, Korea, February 2003.
受賞 †
- Kim YS; 変動環境下における森林土壌からの温室効果ガス(CO2, CH4及びN2O)放出量の解明 1.地表火が森林土壌からの温室効果ガス発生に与える影響.北海道大学グローバルCOE主催.地球環境科学研究院・G-COE-RA合同成果報告発表会.優秀研究賞.2009年3月日本札幌.
- Kim YS; Soil CO2 evolution and environmental factors in Manchurian alder and Korean pine plantations. 2006年度韓国山地保全協会研究論文・写真コンテスト. 研究論文部門第2位.2006年10月韓国ソウル.