Kaien FujinoProfessor
Research Interest: Exploring and extending plant potential Hobby: Plastic model; Cats E-mail: kaien[‾at‾]res.agr.hokudai.ac.jp Hanako ShimuraLecturer
Research Interest: Mechanisms of organogenesis of crop plants, Interaction between plant and microorganisms Hobby: Growing plants; Handicrafts E-mail: hana[‾at‾]res.agr.hokudai.ac.jp
Zhang XiaDocter Course Student
Research Interest: Molecular mechanisms involved in potato dormancy and sprouting Koharu ShimuzuMaster Course Student
Research Interest: Analyses of transcriptinal regualtion of onion fructan metabolizing enzymes Kanya HamadaMaster Course Student
Research Interest: Analyses of watermelon parthenocarpy mechanisms Naoto OhtaniMaster Course Student
Research Interest: Analyses of genes related to tartary buckwheat pericarp formation& buckwheat allergens Ayu TamazawaMaster Course Student
Research Interest: Establishment of new transformation methods using virus vector in asparagus Hiroki MatsushitaMaster Course Student
Research Interest: Analyses of the mechanism of action of StCRCT, a gene related to starch synthesis in potato Yuki HiroseUnderGraduate Student
Research Interest: thinking..