FSEGG seminar on 6/24

3年ぶりに北大農学部に演者をお招きしてFrontier Science in Ecology, Genetics & Genomics セミナーを開催します。参加無料、事前登録不要のセミナーですので興味のある方は是非ご参加ください。

June 24th (Fri), 13:00-14:00, room N11, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University

“Ecology of chum salmon juvenile during their early marine life inferred from environmental DNA”


Yuki MINEGISHI, Ph.D. (Associate Professor, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo)

The studies on chum salmon in Japan has been conducted mainly in Hokkaido. In contrast, not much attention has been paid to the chum salmon population in the northeast area of the Honshu Island, including the Sanriku-ria Coast, Iwate Prefecture. However, the environment in this area is clearly different from that of Hokkaido, such as high water temperature in the coastal areas and rivers and the steep topography consisting of many semi-closed small bays, which should result in the local characteristics of ecological and behavioral traits. To understand the local ecological characteristics of chum salmon in the Sanriku area, we have been performing various studies on this species in Otsuchi Town, Iwate Prefecture. In this seminar, the ecology of juvenile chum salmon inferred from environmental DNA will be presented.

