Dumrongkiet Arthan 先生が研究室に来られました 

タイ Mahidol UniversityのDumrongkiet Arthan先生が研究室に来られました.先生は数年前に分子酵素学研究室で半年間研究を行った経験があります.

Lecture title: Functional Expression and Molecular Characterization of Cule x quinquefasciatus Salivary α-Glucosidase (MalI)

Time: 13:00 – 14:00 on April 30th, 2015

Place: N21 room

Culex quinquefasciatus is a mosquito, which carries the nematodes and viruses in tropical and subtropical areas. In particular, this mosquito transmits the nematodes to human-beings, suffering a lymphatic filariasis (elephantiasis at the final stage). In 2010, its genomic sequence was determined.
