Overview of our research group †
Silviculture and Forest Ecological Studies
If you would like to join us as a graduate student, please carefully read the following descriptions as for your references. Then please select one of them (Research Topics) and will contact with us by e-mail (tentatively to Koike Takayoshi).
Concept and approach †
We have been studying on the sustainability and conservation of forest resources under changing environment based on Silviculture and Forest Ecology. For approacing this goal, we make researches on Forest Ecophysiology, Forest Dynamics and Ecosystem Ecology on the concept of scaling among leaf, individual and community levels. Main research topics are follows; Forest Physiological Ecology, Population Ecology and Reproductive Biology of Trees as listed below: (Please click in each topic.)~
Research Topics †
- Forest Physiological Ecology?:Ecophysiological analysis in the responses of forest plants to changing environments, such as elevetaed CO2, nitrogen deposition and soil acidification for sustainability of forest resources.
- Population Dynamics?:Analysis on the species composition and stand structure for understanding forest dynamics in Silviculture; Biological interaction analysis in grazing by insect herbivore and symbiosis of ectomycorrhiza and legume.
- Reproduction Biology in Trees?:Reproductive ecology for understanding of forest regeneration and conservation of forest resources.
Publication list in English from 2003 †
Awards †
Fiscal year of 2006 †
- The first prize in Japanese Society of Ecologists No.54(Outstanding award of the poster session in succession and regeneration section). Iijima H. and Shibuya M. (Title: Effects of micro-environment in the fallen logs on the seed germination of Picea jezoensis and Abies sakhalinensis)
- Contest in the outstanding student of forest science paper No.17 organized by the Japanese Association of Forest Technology(Prize of the commissioner of Japanese Forest Technology Association. Mr. Motoshi Tomita (Title: The local forest-stand structure affecting the dynamics of pollination of Picea jezoensis at sub-alpine zone)
- Outstanding Graduate student award by Sapporo Society for Agricultural Promotion to Dr. H. Iijima.
- Academic Award of the Japanese Forest Society in 2006 to Dr. T.Koike, (Title: Leaf morphology and photosynthetic adjustments among deciduous broad-leaved trees within the vertical canopy profile.)
- Academic Contribution Award to the Japanese Forest Technology Association in 2006 to Dr. T.Koike,
Fiscal year of 2005 †
- Contest in the outstanding student of forest science paper No.16 organized by the Japanese Association of Forest Technology(Prize of the president of Japanese Society of Forest). Mr. Naoki Ohnuma (Title: Analysis on the recovery of forets stand structure in a deciduous broadleaf forest after the typhoon damages in 1954.)
Fiscal year of 2004 †
- Contest in the outstanding student of forest science paper No.15 organized by the Japanese Association of Forest Technology(Prize of the president of Japanese Society of Forestry). Ms. Kanako Sekine (Title: Sex expression and fruiting capacity in Acer mono)
- Contribution Award for the International Congress on Air Pollution and Global Changes in 2004 to Dr. T.Koike,
- Educational Award for the Outstanding Chinese Students in 2004 to Dr. T.Koike