
Laboratory of Forest Policy, Hokkaido University
北海道大学 森林政策学研究室

准教授 Associate Professor


庄子 康 Yasushi Shoji

准教授 Associate Professor






  1. Ishikawa, K., Hachiya, N., Aikoh, T., Shoji, Y., Nishinari, K. and Satake, T. (2013) A decision support model for traffic congestion in protected areas: A case study of Shiretoko National Park, Tourist Management Perspectives(forthcoming)
  2. Juutinen, A., Svento, R., Mitani, Y., Mäntymaa, E., Shoji, Y. and Siikamäki, P. (2012) Modeling observed and unobserved heterogeneity in choice experiments. Environmental Economics 3(2): 57-65.
  3. Aikoh, T., Abe, R., Kohsaka, R., Iwate, M. and Shoji, Y. (2012) Factors influencing visitors to suburban open space areas near a snowy northern Japanese city, Forests 3(2): 155-165.
  4. 久保雄広・庄子康・柘植隆宏(2011)野外レクリエーションにおける利用者のリスク認識:大雪山国立公園のヒグマ生息域におけるハイキングを事例として,林業経済研究57(3):31-40.
  5. 八巻一成・庄子康・林雅秀(2011)自然資源管理のガバナンス―レブンアツモリソウ保全を事例に―,林業経済研究57(3):2-11.
  6. 山本清龍・柘植隆宏・庄子康・柴崎茂光・愛甲哲也・八巻一成(2011)富士登山における山岳遭難事故の登山ルート別特性,林業経済研究57(3):22-30.
  7. 久保雄広・庄子康(2011)選択型実験を用いたヒグマ観察ツアーに対する潜在需要の評価:大雪山国立公園における事例研究,野生生物保護学会誌13(2):9-18.
  8. 久保雄広・庄子康・柘植隆宏(2011)知床のエコツアーに対する一般市民と訪問者の選好の違い,ランドスケープ研究74(5):527-530.
  9. Juutinen, A., Mitani, Y., Mäntymaa, E., Shoji, Y., Siikamäki, P. and Svento, R. (2011) Combining ecological and economic aspects in national park management: a choice experiment application. Ecological Economics 70 (6): 1231-1239.
  10. 庄子康(2011)自然地域におけるレクリエーション研究の展開と今後の展望,林業経済研究57(1): 27-36.
  11. 香坂玲・庄子康(2010)トラベルコスト法を用いた「なごや東山の森」のレクリエーション便益評価,ヒトと動物の関係学会誌25: 66-71.
  12. Arnberger, A., Aikoh, T., Eder, R., Shoji, Y. and Mieno, T. (2010) How many people should be in the urban forest: A comparison of trail preferences of Vienna and Sapporo forest visitor segments. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 9 (3): 215-225.
  13. Ito, N., Takeuchi, K. Kuriyama, K., Shoji, Y., Tsuge, T. and Mitani, Y. (2009) The influence of decision-making rules on individual preference for ecological restoration: Evidence from an experimental survey, Ecological Economics 68 (8-9): 2426-2431.
  14. Mitani, Y., Shoji, Y. and Kuriyama, K. (2008) Estimating economic values of vegetation restoration with choice experiments: A case study of endangered species in Lake Kasumigaura, Japan, Landscape and Ecological Engineering 4(2):103-113.
  15. Shoji, Y., Yamaguchi, K. and Yamaki, K. (2008) Estimating annual visitors flow in Daisetsuzan National Park, Japan: Combining self-registration books and infrared trail traffic counters, Journal of Forest Research 13(5): 286-295.
  16. 栗山浩一・庄子康(2008)協力金が訪問行動に及ぼす影響の経済分析―屋久島におけるCVMによる実証研究,環境科学会誌21(4):307-316.
  17. 愛甲哲也・崎山愛子・庄子康(2008)ヘドニック法による住宅地の価格形成における公園緑地の効果に関する研究,ランドスケープ研究71(5):727-730.
  18. 庄子康・八巻一成・三谷羊平・栗山浩一(2008)選択型実験による北海道の国立公園に対する目的地選択の把握,ランドスケープ研究71(5):635-638.
  19. 庄子康・八巻一成・愛甲哲也(2008)絶滅危惧種の保全に対する地域住民と訪問者の認識の違い―礼文島のレブンアツモリソウをめぐって―,地域政策学研究6:97-104.
  20. 柴崎茂光・庄子康・柘植隆宏・土屋俊幸・永田信(2008)世界遺産管理における住民参加の可能性―鹿児島県屋久島の事例―,地球環境13:71-80.
  21. 愛甲哲也・小林昭裕・庄子康・八巻一成(2006)登山道補修に関する登山者と地域関係者の評価と課題,ランドスケープ研究69(5):645-650.
  22. Shoji, Y. and Shibasaki, S. (2005) Will a new inscription of a national park in Japan on the World Heritage list benefit visitors? Journal of Forest Economics 51 (2): 21-29.
  23. 庄子康・柘植隆宏・宮原紀壽(2005)選択型実験による紅葉期登山者の目的地選択モデルの構築,ランドスケープ研究68(5):783-786.
  24. 八巻一成・広田純一・小野理・庄子康・土屋俊幸・山口和男(2003)山岳自然公園におけるROS概念を用いた地域区分手法,日本林学会誌85(1):55-62.
  25. 庄子康(2001)トラベルコスト法と仮想評価法による野外レクリエーション価値の評価とその比較,ランドスケープ研究64(5):685-690.
  26. 庄子康(1999)自然公園管理に対するCVM(仮想的市場評価法)を用いたアプローチ,ランドスケープ研究62(5):669-702.
  27. 庄子康・栗山浩一(1999)野外レクリエーションによる過剰利用に対する規制について,林業経済研究45(1):51-56.
  28. 庄子康・栗山浩一(1999)自然公園において利用料金導入がもたらす過剰利用の抑制効果―CVM(仮想的市場評価法)を用いたケーススタディー,日本林学会誌81(1):51-56.


  1. Shoji, Y., Mitani, Y., Mieno, T and Kuriyama, K. (2008) Providing quality recreation experiences in Japan, Economics Bulletin 17 (7): 1-11.
  2. 庄子康(2008)国立公園におけるレクリエーション地域区分と管理方針の定量的評価,北海道大学農学部演習林研究報告65 (1): 1-18.
  3. 庄子康・栗山浩一(1998)自然公園における利用者規制の環境経済学的分析―北海道雨竜沼湿原を事例として,北海道大学農学部演習林研究報告55(2):369-414.


  1. 栗山浩一・柘植隆宏・庄子康(2013)初心者のための環境評価入門,勁草書房,283pp.
    • すべての章を分担で担当.
  2. Kuriyama, K., Shoji, Y. and Tsuge, T. (2012) The value of biodiversity and recreation demand models: A spatial Kuhn–Tucker model. In The Economics of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services; Managi, S. (ed.), Routledge. 37-52pp.
  3. 香坂玲・庄子康(2012)生態系サービスの評価―環境経済からのアプローチ,「エコシステムマネジメント―包括的な生態系の保全と管理へ(森章編)」,共立出版,263-275.
  4. 柘植隆宏・栗山浩一・三谷羊平編著(2011)「環境評価の最新テクニック:表明選好法・顕示選好法・実験経済学」,勁草書房,274pp.
    • 第4章「顕示選好法の新展開(83-104)」を筆頭で担当、第2章「表明選好法の最新テクニック1:選好の多様性(27-53)」,第5章「顕示選好法の最新テクニック1:端点解モデル(105-125)」,第9章「実験アプローチの最新テクニック2:実験実施とフィールド実験(208-233)」を分担で担当.
  5. 敷田麻実・森重昌之編著(2011)「地域資源を守っていかすエコツーリズム:人と自然の共生システム」,講談社,223pp.
    • 第2章2.2「エコツアーによる社会・経済への影響とモニタリング(64-77)」および2.3「自然観光資源の弦間のマネジメント(78-89)」を分担で担当.
  6. 中村太士・柿澤宏昭編著(2009)「森林のはたらきを評価する―市民に森づくりに向けて」,北海道大学図書出版会,150pp. 第6章「地域との協働による森林の評価と今後の指針(85-104)」を筆頭で担当、第9章「まとめと今後の展望(113-117)」を分担で担当.
  7. 山口和男・庄子康・八巻一成(2008)赤外線カウンターと入林届による登山利用者数の推定,「利用者の行動と体験(自然公園シリーズ2・小林昭裕・愛甲哲也編著)」,古今書院,72-84.
  8. 庄子康・橋爪智也(2008)自然公園の経済的価値の評価,「利用者の行動と体験(自然公園シリーズ2・小林昭裕・愛甲哲也編著)」,古今書院,163-176.
  9. 山口和男・庄子康(2008)広域における登山道の現況調査手法:デジタルカメラを用いた調査手法,「登山道の保全と管理(自然公園シリーズ1・渡辺悌二編著)」,古今書院,54-62.
  10. 柘植隆宏・庄子康・荒井裕二(2008)尾瀬におけるガイドツアーに対する紅葉期入山者の選好分析,「サステイナブル社会とアメニティ(高崎経済大学付属産業研究所編)」,日本経済評論社,236-257.
  11. 柘植隆宏・庄子康(2007)エコツアーのマーケットリサーチ―環境保全と観光振興の両立を目指して,「新産地産業と産業環境の現在(高崎経済大学付属産業研究所編)」,日本経済評論社,236-260.
  12. 庄子康・栗山浩一・柘植隆宏・三谷羊平・宮原紀壽・竹内憲司(2006)環境評価研究の動向と今後の課題―自然公園管理への応用を中心に,「環境経済・政策研究の動向と展望(環境経済・政策学会編)」,東洋経済新報社,148-162.
  13. 永田信・柴崎茂光・庄子康(2006)環境経済学,「林業経済研究の論点―50年の歩みから―(林業経済学会編)」,日本林業調査会,553-581.
  14. 栗山浩一・庄子康編著(2005)「環境と観光の経済評価―国立公園の維持と管理―」,勁草書房,280pp.
    • 第1章「自然公園の維持管理と経済学(3-22)」、第5章「雨竜沼湿原における実証分析(137-178)」、第6章「大雪山国立公園における実証分析(179-230)」、第7章「新しい自然公園管理に向けて(231-251)」を筆頭で担当、第2章「環境評価と環境評価手法(23-62)」、第3章「環境評価手法としてのコンジョイント分析(63-94)」、第4章「離散選択モデルによる推定手法の新たな展開」(95-134)」を分担で担当.


  1. 庄子康(2007)自然公園管理と費用負担―協力金の問題点―,国立公園657:12-15.
  2. 荻原裕・山口和男・庄子康(2007)ニセコ神仙沼リフレッシュ事業の推進における現場と研究者の協働,森林科学51:47-49.
  3. 庄子康(2003)森林レクリエ-ションの経済学的評価―これまでの研究と今後の課題,日本林学会誌85(1):78-87.


  1. Kuriyama, K, Shoji, Y. and Tsuge, T. (2012) Estimating the value of mortality risk reduction in outdoor recreation: An application of the Kuhn-Tucker demand model. The 19th Annual Conference, European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Session: Travel Cost, 28 June 2012, Prague.
  2. Tsuge, T., Kuriyama, K. and Shoji, Y. (2012) Estimating welfare measure of recreation site condition through changes in time investment: A multiple discrete-continuous extreme value choice model. AERE Summer Conference, Session: Recreation Modeling, 4 July 2012, Asheville, North Carolina, US.
  3. Juutinena, A. Mitani, Y. Mantymaaa, E., Shoji, Y., Siikamaki, P. and Svento, R. (2011) Modeling observed and unobserved heterogeneity in choice experiments. The 18th Annual Conference, European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Choice Experiments II, 29 June to 2 July 2011, Roma.
  4. Kuriyama, K. Shoji, Y. and Tsuge, T. (2011) Recreation demand models with spatial heterogeneity: A spatial Kuhn-Tucker model. The 18th Annual Conference, European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Spatial Session I, 29 June to 2 July 2011, Roma.
  5. Tsuge, T. Shoji, Y. and Kuriyama, K. (2011) Applying a familiarity-base choice site approach to the Kuhn-Tuchker model. Inaugural AERE Summer Conference, Session: Poster Session, 9-10 June 2011, Seattle.
  6. Kuriyama, K, Shoji, Y. and Tsuge, T. (2011) Estimating value of mortality risk reduction using the Kuhn-Tucker model: An application to recreation demand. Inaugural AERE Summer Conference, Session: Topics in Recreation Modeling I, 9-10 June 2011, Seattle.
  7. Tsuge, T. Shoji, Y. and Kuriyama, K. (2010) An application of the Kuhn-Tucker model to SP data: A case study of recreation demand in Hokkaido, JAPAN. The Fourth World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Session: Environmental Valuation: Recreation Services and Open Space I, 28 June to 2 July 2010, Montreal, Canada.
  8. Shoji, Y., Hashizume, T., Kuriyama, K. and Tsuge, T. (2006) Determining visitor preferences for maintenance and repair of alpine trails by applying photographic technique and choice experiment, The Third World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, Session 2N: Tourism, 3-7 July 2006, Kyoto.


  1. Kawahara, T., Koda, Y., Shimura, H., Sugiura, N., Takahashi, H., Izawa, T., Yamaki, K., Shoji, Y., Iino, T., Yamashita, N. Kitamura, K. and Inoue, K. (2012) The conservation of Cypripedium macranthos var. rebunense from multiple points of view. The 8th international Symposium on Diversity and Conservation of Asian Orchids Abstracts, 43-50, 19-21 November 2012, Shenzhen, China.
  2. Kubo, T., Shoji, Y., Masuda, Y. and Aikoh, T. (2012) Residents' preference for bear occurrence in Shiretoko Peninsula, Japan: An image-based stated choice approach, 2012 Human Dimensions Conference, Pathways to Success Conference and Training: Integrating Human Dimensions into Fish and Wildlife Management, 24-27 Sepember, 2012, Colorado, US.
  3. Aikoh, T., Ohba, K., Shoji, Y. and Kubo, T. (2012) Visitors' attitudes toward introducing a new visitor management program into a brown bear habitat in Japan. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas, 306, 21–24 August 2012, Stockholm, Sweden.
  4. Kubo, T., Shoji, Y., Takimoto, K., Suzuki, H., and Osada, M. (2012) Understanding residents' risk perceptions associated with fatal brown bear accidents: A case study in Shibetsu town, northern Japan, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas, 382, 21–24 August 2012, Stockholm, Sweden.
  5. Kubo, T. and Shoji, Y. (2011) Trekkers' preferences for bear-encounter risk management in Daisetsuzan National Park, northern Japan: Using a choice experiment. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Bear Research and Management, 22 July 2011, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  6. Shoji, Y., Shiina, H, Kubo, T. and Aikoh, T. (2010) Visitor preferences for a low-risk option: A new guided-tour in Shiretoko National Park. In Parrotta, J.A. and Carr, M.A. (eds.), Abstracts of XXIII World Congress of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations: International Forestry Review 12 (5), 203, 23-28 August 2010, Seoul, Korea.
  7. Yamaki, K., Shoji, Y. and Hayashi, M. (2010) Social network structure in Rebun Lady-slipper (Cypripedium macranthos var. rebunense) conservation. In Parrotta, J.A. and Carr, M.A. (eds.), Abstracts of XXIII World Congress of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations: International Forestry Review 12 (5), 203, 23-28 August 2010, Seoul, Korea.
  8. Kubo, T. and Shoji, Y. (2010) Heterogeneous preferences for trekking in bear habitat: The use of latent class stated preference choice model. In Goossen, M., Elands, B. and van Marwijk, R. (eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas, 315-316 (Poster Presentation), 30 May to 3 June 2010, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  9. Shibasaki, S., Onodera, S., Aikoh, T., Tsuge, T., Shoji, Y. and Yamaki, K. (2010) Current situations and issues of risk management in protected areas: A case study of the Oirase Stream Area in Towada-Hachimantai National Park, Japan. In Goossen, M., Elands, B. and van Marwijk, R. (eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas, 229-230, 30 May to 3 June 2010, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  10. Aikoh, T., Kikuchi, K. and Shoji, Y. (2010) Visitors' attitudes to the collection of voluntary fees in national parks in Japan. In Goossen, M., Elands, B. and van Marwijk, R. (eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas, 201-202, 30 May to 3 June 2010, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  11. Kubo, T. and Shoji, Y. (2009) Potential demand for a bear watching tour in Hokkaido, northern Japan: A stated-choice approach, The 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Abstracts in the Web Site (http://www.issrm09.info/abstractdisp_popup.php?useprikey=Y&prikey=272&id=1142), 5-9 July 2009, Vienna, Austria.
  12. Yamaki, K., Shoji, Y. and Hayashi, M. (2009) Social network structure in Rebun Lady-slipper (Cypripedium macranthum var. rebunense) conservation, The 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Abstracts in the Web Site (http://www.issrm09.info/abstractdisp_popup.php? useprikey=Y&prikey =218&id=1068), 5-9 July 2009, Vienna, Austria.
  13. Mieno, T., Aikoh, T. and Shoji, Y. (2007) Quantitative evaluation of crowding and conflict perception in an urban forest park, Japan, The 13th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Abstracts in the Web Site (http://www.issrm2007.org/abstractdisp_popup.php?useprikey=Y&prikey =358&id=1616), 17-20 June 2007, Park City, UT, US.
  14. Shibasaki, S. Shoji, Y., Tsuge, T., Hirata, K., Tsuchiya, T. and Nagata, S. (2007) Has the designation of a world heritage site led to environmental improvement or environmental destruction? A case study of Yakushima Island, Japan, The 13th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Abstracts in the Web Site (http://www.issrm2007.org/ abstractdisp_popup.php?useprikey=Y&prikey =353&id= 1577), 17-20 June 2007, Park City, UT, US.
  15. Shoji, Y., Hashizume, T., Kuriyama, K. and Tsuge, T. (2006) The valuation of maintenance and repair of alpine trails: An approach using choice experiment and photographic technique, In School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University (ed.), Books of Abstracts: The 12th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, 297, 3-8 June 2006, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
  16. Yamaki, K. and Shoji, Y. (2004) Classification of trail settings in an alpine national park using the recreation opportunity spectrum approach, In Sievanen, T., Erkkonen, J., Jokimaki, J., Saarinen, J., Tuulentie, S. & Virtanen, E. (eds.), The Second International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas (in Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute 2), 318-323, 16-20 June 2004, Rovaniemi, Finland.
  17. Shoji, Y.. and Yamaki, K. (2004) Visitor perceptions of the inscription on the World Heritage List: The use of stated choice methods, In Sievanen, T., Erkkonen, J., Jokimaki, J., Saarinen, J., Tuulentie, S. & Virtanen, E. (eds.), The Second International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas (in Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute 2), 318-323, 16-20 June 2004, Rovaniemi, Finland.
  18. Shoji, Y., Tsuge, T. and Miyahara, N. (2004) Valuing crowding and site-choice behavior in fall trekking season: A case study of Daisetsuzan National Park, In Ito, T. and Tanaka, N. (eds.), Social Roles of Forests for Urban Population: Forest Recreation, Landscape, Nature Conservation, Economic Evaluation and Urban Forestry, Japan Society of Forest Planning Press: 43-61, 23-24 August 2004, Sapporo, Japan.
  19. Yamaki, K., Shoji, Y., Kobayashi, A. and Yamaguchi, K. (2004) Visitor perceptions of trail deterioration in Daisetsuzan National Park, Japan, In Ito, T. and Tanaka, N. (eds.), Social Roles of Forests for Urban Population: Forest Recreation, Landscape, Nature Conservation, Economic Evaluation and Urban Forestry, Japan Society of Forest Planning Press: 18-30, 23-24 August 2004, Sapporo, Japan.