- Tatsuno, T., Yoshimura, K., Nihei, N. 137Cs contamination of Japanese mustard spinach by resuspended particles in areas with different contamination conditions. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 333, 1089-1096 (2024)
- Tatsuno, T., Waki, H., Kakuma, M., Nihei, N., Ohte, N.Vertical distribution of radioactive cesium rich microparticles in Fukushima soils . Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10967-024-09691-4(2024)
- Takemura, T., Hamamoto, S., Sato, M., Suzuki, K., Okuzawa, K. Migration behavior and lifetime of CO2 micro-nano bubbles in shallow aquifer. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 137, 104207 (2024)
- Hikari Kuchikata, Mizuki Sano, Fuki Fujiwara, Kazuki Murashima, Kie Kumaishi, Megumi Narukawa, Yui Nose, Makoto Kobayashi, Shoichiro Hamamoto, Natsuko I. Kobayashi, Akifumi Sugiyama, Naoto Nihei, Yasunori Ichihashi & Miyako Kusano, Soil volatilomics uncovers tight linkage between soybean presence and soil omics profiles in agricultural fields, Scientific Reports, 14, 20541 (2024)
- Zhou, Z., Ishiguro, M., Kashiwagi, J., Araki, H,. Zhou, P., and Soluttanavong, V. Effect of inter-tillage weeding on rice yield, rice growth, and nutrient dynamics without agrochemical and fertilizer application: Results of a three-year study. Soil Tillage and Research 232, 105766 (2023)
- Yamasaki, T., Hamamoto, S., and Nishimura, T. Base flow separation for soil erosion simulation in a granitic forested headwater catchment using a process-based model, GeoWEPP. International Journal of Sediment Research, doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsrc.2023.04.003 (2023).
- Yuan, X., Hu, Q., Lin, X., Zhao, C., Wang, Q., Tachi, Y., Fukatsu, Y., Hamamoto, S., Siitari-Kauppi, M., and Li, X. Pore connectivity influences mass transport in natural rocks: Pore structure, gas diffusion and batch sorption studies. Journal of Hydrology, 618, 129172-129172 (2023)”
- Eguchi, T,. Yamada, D., Hirayama, T., Kohata, K., Kanno, N., Nihei, N., Hamamoto, S., Kubo, K., Saito, T., and Shinano, T. Potassium buffering characteristics and detection of soils with challenges in evaluating radiocesium uptake risk of crops by exchangeable potassium. ARCHIVES OF AGRONOMY AND SOIL SCIENCE. doi.org/10.1080/03650340.2023.2172166 (2023)
- Tatsuno, T., Waki, H., Kakuma, M., Nihei, N., Takase, T., Wada, T., Yoshimura, K., Nakanishi, T., Ohte, N. Effect of radioactive cesium-rich microparticles on radioactive cesium concentration and distribution coefficient in rivers flowing through the watersheds with different contaminated condition in Fukushima. Journal of Environmental Management 329, 116983 (2023).
- Tatsuno, T., Nihei, N., Yoshimura, K., Ohte, N. 137Cs transfer from soils contaminated by resuspended particles to Japanese mustard spinach in difficult-to-return zone of Fukushima. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 332, 1677-1686 (2023).
- M. M. Tharindi Lakshani , T. K. K. Chamindu Deepagoda , Yuan Li , H. F. E. Hansen , Bo Elberling 4 , Sarath P. Nissanka , Dassanayake M. J. B. Senanayake , Shoichiro Hamamoto , G. L. Sivakumar Babu , Hoysala N. Chanakya , Parameswaran T. G. , Pandit G. Arunkumar , Bjoern Ole Sander , Timothy J. Clough, and Kathleen Smits. Impact of Water Management on Methane Emission Dynamics in Sri Lankan Paddy Ecosystems, Water, 15, 3715 (2023).
- Deepagoda, C. T. K., Hamamoto, S., Elberling, B., Fu, W., Yang., T., Fan, J., Ma, X., Clough, T., and Smits, K. A new exponential model for predicting soil-gas diffusivity in undisturbed and disturbed soils with varying degree of saturation. Vadose Zone Journal, 24, doi.org/10.1002/vzj2.20236 (2022)
- Hamamoto, S., Ohko, Y., Ohtake, Y., Moldrup, P., and Nishimura, T. Water- and air-filled pore networks and transport parameters under drying and wetting processes. Vadose Zone Journal 21, e20205, https://doi.org/10.1002/vzj2.20205 (2022).
- 東陸太郎,濱本昌一郎,西村拓 陽イオン交換反応が飽和多孔質媒体中のコロイド輸送に与える影響.土壌の物理性 150, 105-113 (2022).
- 谷川原 龍之介,小島悠揮,濱本 昌一郎,神谷 浩二 TDRを用いた水中ファインバブル濃度推定手法の検討.土壌の物理性 149, 47-53 (2022).
- Tatsuno T., Hamamoto, S., Nihei, N., and Nishimura, T. Vertical migration of cesium in weathered granite soil under flowing water condition depending on Cs concentration and states of dissolved organic matter. Journal of Environment Management 306, 114409 (2022)
- Tatsuno, T., Waki, H., Kakuma, M., Nihei, N., Wada, T., Yoshimura, K., Nakanishi, T., Ohte, N. CESIUM-RICH MICROPARTICLES RUNOFF DURING RAINFALL: A CASE STUDY IN THE TAKASE RIVER. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 198, 1052-1057 (2022).
- Toyohuku, M., Okutani, F., Nakayasu, M., Hamamoto, S., Takase, H., Yazaki, K., Sugiyama, A. Enhancement of developmentally regulated daidzein secretion from soybean roots in field conditions as compared with hydroponic culture. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 85, 1165-1169 (2021).
- Sugimoto, T., Hamamoto, S., and Nishimura, T. Inhibited nanobubble transport in a saturated porous medium: Effects of deposited colloidal particles. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 242, 103854 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jconhyd.2021.103854 (2021).
- Hossain, M.I., and Ishiguro, M. Precise estimation of dodecylbenzenesulfonate in aqueous solution containing dissolved organic matter extracted from soil using UV-spectrometry. European J. Soil Sci. (2021)
- Lin, J. F., Minarsch, E.M., Ishigur, M., and Uchida, Y. Intertillage during Natural Farming Rice Paddy Production Negatively Impacted the Microbial Abundances in Soils but Not Diversities Applied and Environmental Soil Science (2021)
- 石黒宗秀. 土壌中における溶質の吸着移動現象の基礎理論:IV .溶質の吸着と移動. 土壌の物理性 147, 35-42 (2021)
- Li, P., Li, T., Ishiguro, M., Su, Y. Comparison of Same Carbon Chain Length Cationic and Anionic Surfactant Adsorption on Silica. Colloids and Interfaces 4(3) (2020)
- 石黒宗秀. 土壌中における溶質の吸着移動現象の基礎理論 III.協同吸着 · 多層吸着 · 選択係数. 土壌の物理性 145, 11-20 (2020)
- Saito T., Spadini, L., Saito, H., Martins, J. M. F., Oxarango, L., Takemura, T., Hamamoto, S., Moldrup, P., Kawamoto, K., and Komatsu, T. Characterization and comparison of groundwater quality and redox conditions in the Arakawa Lowland and Musashino Upland, southern Kanto Plain of the Tokyo Metropolitan area, Japan. Science of Total Environment 772, 137783 (2020).
- Okubo, S., Saito, T., Azad, M. A. K., Kawai, H., Suda, W., Koreeda, S., Hamamoto, S., Saito, H., Takemura, T., Komatsu, T., and Ohnishi, J. Microbial community structures in terrestrial subsurface sediments from the southern Kanto Plain, Japan. Geomicrobiology Journal 37, 595-602 (2020).
- Okutani, F., Hamamoto, S., Aoki, Y., Nakayasu, M., Nihei, N., Nishimura, T., Yazaki, K., and Sugiyama, A. Rhizosphere modelling reveals spatiotemporal distribution of daidzein shaping soybean rhizosphere bacterial community. Plant Cell Environment 43, 1036-1046, doi.org/10.1111/pce.13708 (2020).
- Tatsuno T., Hamamoto, S., Nihdei, N., and Nishimura, T. Effects of the dissolved organic matter on Cs transport in the weathered granite soil. Journal of Environmental Management 254, 109785 doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109785 (2020).
- 石黒宗秀. 土壌中における溶質の吸着移動現象の基礎理論 Ⅱ.ラングミュアの吸着式. 土壌の物理性 141, 85-90 (2019)
- 桑原淳, 横濱充宏, 大岸譲, 石黒宗秀. 乳牛ふん尿由来のスラリー連用による草地土壌化学性と牧草品質への影響. 農業農村工学会論文集 87(1), 73-82 (2019)
- 石黒宗秀. Water, solute transport, and interfacial electric phenomena in soils. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 65(3), 223-227 (2019)
- Yamasaki, T., Hamamoto, S., and Nishimura, T. Effect of air mobility in a soil pipe on water flow through a model hillslope after pipe clogging. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45, 905-911, doi.org/10.1002/esp.4782 (2019).
- 竹村貴人,磯部有作,奥澤康一,佐ノ木哲,下茂道人,鈴木健一郎,清木隆文,西本壮志,濱本昌一郎,藤井 幸泰 3Dプリンターの地盤工学への適用に関する研究レビュー.地盤工学ジャーナル 14, 3677-383 (2019).
- Hamamoto, S., Sugimoto, T., Takemura, T., Nishimura, T., and Bradford, S. Nano-bubble retention in saturated porous media under repulsive van der Waals and electrostatic conditions. Langmuir 35, 6853-6860. (2019).
- Izumoto, S., Hamamoto, S., Kawamoto, K., Nagamori, M., and Nishimura, T. Methane eruption from a landfill final cover soil during rainfall events in laboratory experiments. Soils and Foundations 59, 1052-1062. (2019).
- Kumara, G. M. P., Kawamoto, K., Saito, T., Hamamoto, S., and Asamoto, S. Evaluation of autoclaved aerated concrete fines for removal of Cd(II) and Pb(II) from wastewater. ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering 145, 04019078. (2019).
- Baniya, A., Kawamoto, K., Hamamoto, S., Sakaki, T., Saito, T., Muller, K., Moldrup, P., and Komatsu, T. Linking pore network structure derived by micro-focus X-ray CT to mass transport parameters in differently compacted loamy soils. Soil Research 57, 642–656. (2019).
- Ca, N. T., Hamamoto, S.,and Nishimura, T. Effects of soil amendments on pH and aggregate stability of saline sodic soil and acid sulfate soil in Mekong delta, Viet Nam.土壌の物理性 141, 3-8 (2019).
- 石黒宗秀. 土壌中における溶質の吸着移動現象の基礎理論 Ⅰ.いろいろな吸着式. 土壌の物理性 140, 23-28 (2018)
- Ning, Z., Ishiguro, M., Koopal, L. K., Sato, T., Kashiwagi, J. Comparison of strontium retardation for kaolinite, illite, vermiculite and allophane. J. Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 317(1), 409-419 (2018)
- 小杉重順, 石黒宗秀. 入来カオリナイトのリン酸吸着特性とそのモデリング. 農業農村工学会論文集 86(306), 63-70 (2018)
- Ghanbarian B., Hamamoto, S., Kawamoto, K., Sakaki, T., Moldrup, P., Nishimura, T., and Komatsu, T. Saturation-dependent gas transport in sand packs: Experiments and theoretical applications. Advanced Water Resources 122,139-147 (2018).
- Gao, Z., Hu, Q., and Hamamoto, S. Using multicycle mercury intrusion porosimetry to investigate hysteresis phenomenon of different porous media. Journal of Porous Media 7, 607-622 (2018).
- Izumoto, S., Hamamoto, S., Kawamoto, K., Nagamori, M., and Nishimura, T. Monitoring of methane emission from a landfill site in daily and hourly time scales using an automated gas sampling system. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 1-7 (2018).
- Kubo, K., Hirayama, T., Fujimura, S., Eguchi, T., Nihei, N., Hamamoto, S., Takeuchi, M., Saito, T., Ota, T., and Shinano, T. Potassium behavior and clay mineral composition in the soil with low effectiveness of potassium application. Soil Science Plant Nutrition 64, 265-271 (2018).
- Hamamoto, S., Takemura, T., Suzuki, K., and Nishimura, T. Effects of pH on Nano-bubble stability and transport in saturated porous media. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 208, 61-67 (2018).
- Hamamoto, S., Eguchi, T., Kubo, K., Nihei, N., Hirayama, T., and Nishimura, T. Adsorption and transport behaviors of potassium in vermiculitic soils. Radioisotopes 67, 93-100 (2018).
- 斎藤健志,濱本昌一郎,竹村貴人,上島雅人,川本健,小松登志子 温度変化が堆積物からのホウ素およびヒ素の溶出量とその存在形態に及ぼす影響.土木学会論文集G 74, 8-15 (2018).
- Osawa, K., Nonaka, Y., Nishimura, T., Tanoi, K., Matsui, H, Mizoguchi, M., Tatsuno, T. Quantification of dissolved and particulate radiocesium fluxes in two rivers draining the main radioactive pollution plume in Fukushima, Japan (2013-2016). Anthropocene 22, 40-50 (2018).
- Ning, Z., Ishiguro, M., Koopal, L. K., Sato, T., Kashiwagi, J. Strontium adsorption and penetration in kaolinite at low Sr2+ concentration. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 63(1), 14-17 (2017)
- Hamamoto, S., Moldrup, P., Kawamoto, K., Sakaki, T., Nishimura, T., and Komatsu, T. Closure to discussion of “Pore network structure linked by X-ray CT to particle characteristics and transport parameters” by Hamamoto S., Moldrup P., Kawamoto K., Sakaki Nishimura, T. T., and Komtatsu, T. Soils and Foundations 57, 901-903 (2017).
- Sugiyama, A., Yamazaki, Y., Hamamoto, S., Hisabumi, H., and Yazaki K. Synthesis and Secretion of Isoflavones by Field-Grown Soybean. Plant and Cell Physiology 58, 1594-1600 (2017).
- Yamasaki, T., Imoto, H., Hamamoto, S., and Nishimura, T. Determination of the role of entrapped air in water flow in a closed soil pipe using a laboratory experiment. Hydrological Processes 31, 3740-3749 (2017).
- Bandai, T., Hamamoto, S., Rau, G. C., Komatsu, T., and Nishimura, T. The effect of particle size on thermal and solute dispersion in saturated porous media. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 122, 74-84 (2017).
- Ochi, K., Sasaki, M., Ishida, M., Hamamoto, S., Nishimura, T., and Sanada, Y. Estimation of the vertical distribution of radiocesium in soil on the basis of the characteristics of gamma-ray spectra obtained via aerial radiation monitoring using an unmanned helicopter. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14, 926, doi.org/10.3390/ijerph14080926 (2017).
- Ueshima, M., Takemura, T., Saito, T., Ito, Y., Hamamoto, S., Saito, H., and Komatsu, T. Relationship between trace elements and depositional environments in shallow sediments: a case study from Southern Kanto Plain, Central Japan. Environmental Earth Science 76, 1-9 (2017).
- Hamamoto, S., Nihei, N., Y. Ueda, Moldrup, P., and Nishimura, T. Effects of flow rate and gas species on microbubble and nanobubble transport in porous media. Journal of Environmental Engineering 143, 1-7 (2017).
- 桑原淳, 横濱充宏, 中山博敬, 石黒宗秀. メタン発酵消化液の施用が草地土壌の団粒形成に及ぼす影響, 日本土壌肥料学雑誌 87, 413-421 (2016)
- Li. P., Ishiguro, M. Adsorption of anionic surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulfate) on silica. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 62(3), 223-229 (2016)
- Ishiguro, M., and Koopal, L. K. Surfactant adsorption to soil components and soils. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 231, 59-102 (2016)
- Hamamoto, S., Moldrup, P., Kawamoto, K., Sakaki, T., Nishimura, T., and Komatsu, T. Pore network structure linked by X-ray CT to particle characteristics and transport parameters. Soils and Foundations 56, 676-690 (2016).
- Saito, T., Hamamoto, S., Ueki, T., Ohkubo, S., Moldrup, P., Kawamoto, K., and Komatsu, T. Temperature change affected groundwater quality in a confined marine aquifer during long-term heating and cooling. Water Research 94, 120-127 (2016).
- Mon, E. E., Hamamoto, S., Kawamoto, K., Komatsu, T., and Moldrup, P. Temperature effects on solute diffusion and adsorption in differently-compacted kaolin clay. Environmental Earth Science 75, 562, DOI 10.1007/s12665-016-5358-2 (2016).
- Hamamoto, S., Dissanayaka, S., Kawamoto, K., Nagata, O., Komatsu, T., and Moldrup, P. Transport properties and pore-network structure in variably-saturated Sphagnum peat soil. European Journal of Soil Science 67, 121-131 (2016).
- Ahmed, F., Ishiguro, M. : Effect of adsorption site potential on adsorption of sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate in highly humic volcanic ash soil, Soil Sci. Plant Nutr., 61, 432-439 DOI:10.1080/00380768.2014.1003144 (2015)
- 石黒宗秀:除塩対策に関する基礎情報1.溶質移動の基礎と除塩、日本土壌肥料学雑誌、86(5), 381-386 (2015)
- Hamamoto, S., Kawamoto, K., Takemura, T., Kimura, K., Komatsu, T., and Oda, M. Geotechnical properties of Kanto alluvial soils based on geochemical survey. Journal of Geological Sciences 2, 1-7 (2015).
- Dung Viet PHAM, Munehide ISHIGURO, Ha Thu Thi TRAN and Tsutomu SATO : Influence of phosphate sorption on dispersion of a Ferralsol, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 60, 356-366. DOI; 10.1111/j.1747-0765.2006.t01-22-.x (2014)
- 斎藤広隆,斎藤健志,向後雄二,濱本昌一郎,Per Moldrup,小松登志子 熱応答試験実施時間の短縮がみかけ熱伝導率推定に与える影響.土壌の物理性 128,11-20 (2014).
- Naveed, M., Moldrup, P., Arthur, E., Holmstrup, M., Nicholaisen, M., Tuller, M., Hamamoto, S., Kawamoto, K., Komatsu, T., Vogel, H. J., and de Jonge, L. W. Simultaneous loss of soil biodiversity and functions along a copper contamination gradient: When soil goes to sleep. Soil Science Society of America Journal 78, 1239-1250 (2014).
- Saito, T., Hamamoto, S., Mon, E. E., Komatsu, T., Takemura T., Saito, H., and Moldrup, P. Thermal properties of boring core samples from the kanto area, japan: development of predictive models for thermal conductivity and diffusivity. Soils and Foundations 54,116-125 (2014).
- 竹村貴人,濱本昌一郎,大西純一,中尾有利子,伊東芳夫 地球温暖化がもたらす地盤の環境変化と災害 6. 地温変化が地盤環境に及ぼす影響と評価.地盤工学会ジャーナル62,42-49 (2014).
- Sewwandi, B. G. N., Vithanage, M., Wijesekara, S. S. R. M. D. H. R., Mowjood, M. I. M., Hamamoto, S. and Kawamoto, K. Adsorption of Cd(II) and Pb(II) onto humic acid treated coconut (cocos nucifera) husk. ASCE Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste 18, 04014001 (2014).
- Kotake, T., Hamamoto, S., Saito, T., Komatsu, T., Ohnishi, J., and Tsumuraya, Y. Characterization of soluble polysaccharides in deep subsoil. Soil Science Plant Nutrition 59, 871-876 (2013).
- Yoichi Fujifara, Ryuichi Yamada, Masato Oda, Hideto Fujii, Osamu Ito, Junichi Kashiwagi: Effects of puddling on percolation and rice yield in rainfed lowland paddy cultivation: Case study in Khammouane province, central Laos, Agricultural Science, Vol.4, No.8, 360-368 (2013)
- 石黒宗秀:土壌と界面電気現象(1)はじめに : 土壌における界面電気現象と農業・環境、日本土壌肥料学雑誌、84(5), 405-410 (2013)
- 鈴木克拓・石黒宗秀:土壌と界面電気現象(2)拡散電気二重層とDLVO理論、日本土壌肥料学雑誌、84(5), 411-417 (2013)
- 笹沼公美,濱本昌一郎,川本健,榊利博,小松登志子 脱水・吸水過程が不飽和砂質土の通気係数に与える影響.土木学会論文集C 69,378-385 (2013).
- Moldrup, P., Chamindu Deepagoda T.K.K, Hamamoto, S., Komatsu, T., Kawamoto, K., Rolston, D. E., and de Jonge, L. W. Structure-dependent water-induced linear reduction model for predicting gas diffusivity and tortuosity in repacked and intact soil. Vadose Zone Journal 11, DOI: 10.2136/vzj2013.01.0026 (2013).
- Mon, E. E., Hamamoto, S., Kawamoto, K., Komatsu, T., and Moldrup, P. Temperature effects on geotechnical properties of kaolin clay: Simultaneous measurements of consolidation characteristics, shear stiffness, and permeability using a modified oedometer. Journal on Geological and Earth Sciences 1, 1-10 (2013).
- Naveed, M., Hamamoto, S., Kawamoto, K., Sakaki, T. Takahashi, M., Komatsu, T., Moldrup, P., Lamandé, M., Wildenschild, D., Prodanović, M., and de Jonge, L.W. Correlating gas transport parameters and X-ray computed tomography measurements in porous media. Soil Science 178, 60-68 (2013).
- 竹村貴人,小田匡寛,濱本昌一郎,川本健,赤間友哉,田井秀迪,木村克己 沖積粘性土の剪断剛性率とその堆積時環境依存性に関する研究—関東平野南部における事例—.地学雑誌122,472-492 (2013).
- 鴨志田剛久,濱本昌一郎,川本健,榊利博,小松登志子 異なる水分条件を有する砂の熱特性:粒子の粒径・形状,および石英含有率の影響.土壌の物理性 11,11-16 (2013).
- Chamindu, D.T.K.K., Arthur, E., Moldrup, P., Hamamoto, S., Kawamoto, K., Komatsu, T., and de Jonge, L.W. Modeling air permeability in variably saturated soil from two natural clay gradients. Soil Science Society of America Journal 77, 362-371, doi:10.2136/sssaj2012.0300 (2013)
- Hamamoto, S., Moldrup, P., Kawamoto, K., and Komatsu, T. Maxwell’s law based models for liquid and gas phase diffusivities in variably-saturated soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal 76, 1509-1517 (2012).
- Naveed, M., Hamamoto, S., Kawamoto, K., Sakaki, T., Takahashi, M., Komatsu, T., Moldrup, P., and de Jonge, L. W. Gas dispersion in granular porous media under air-dry and wet conditions. Soil Science Society of America Journal 76,845-852 (2012).
- Hamamoto, S., Moldrup, P., Kawamoto, K., Komatsu, T. Organic matter fraction dependent model for predicting the gas diffusion coefficient in variably saturated soils. Vadose Zone Journal 11, doi: 10.2136/vzj2011.0065 (2012).
- Peng, S., Q. Hu, and Hamamoto, S. Diffusivity of rocks: Gas diffusion measurements and its correlation to porosity and pore-size distribution. Water Resources Research 48, W02507 (2012).
- 柏木淳一・棚橋麻衣子・藤原洋一・小田正人:ラオス北部山岳地域における天水田導入の効果,農業農村工学会誌,第80巻,5号 345-348 (2012)
- Ahmed, F., Ishiguro, M. and Akae, T. : Adsorption of sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate on highly humic non-allophanic Andisol at high-electrolyte concentration, Journal of the Japanese Society of Soil Physics, Vol.120, 45-54, (2012)
- Ahmed, F., Ishiguro, M. and Akae, T. : Dissolution of humic substances from highly humic volcanic ash soil as affected by anionic surfactant, electrolyte concentration and pH, Journal of Environmental Protection, Vol.3, 280-287, (2012)
- Ahmed, F., Ishiguro, M. and Akae, T. : Influence of organic matter on the adsorption of sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate on volcanic ash soil, Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management, Vol.3, 23-27, (2012)
- 斎藤広隆,濱本昌一郎,小松登志子 地中熱利用と地盤環境.農業機械学会誌 74, 20-25 (2012).
- Mon, E. E., Sharma, A., Kawamoto, K., Hamamoto, S., Komatsu, T., Hiradate, S., and Moldrup, P. The pH dependency of 2,4-D adsorption and desorption in Andosol and kaolinite. Soil Science 177,12-21 (2012).
- Rouf, M. A., Hamamoto, S., Kawamoto, K., Sakaki, T., Komatsu, T., and Moldrup, P. Unified measurement system with suction control for measuring hysteresis in soil-gas transport parameters. Water Resources Research 48, W02506 (2012).
- Dissanayaka, S., Hamamoto, S., Kawamoto, K., Komatsu, T., and Moldrup, P. Thermal properties for peaty soils under variable saturation: Effects of the liquid phase impedance factor and volume shrinkage. Vadose Zone Journal 11, doi: 10.2136/vzj2011.0092 (2012).
- Ishiguro, M. and T. Makino : Sulfate adsorption on a volcanic ash soil (allophanic Andisol) under low pH conditions, Colloids and Surfaces A; Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Vol.384, 121-125, (2011)
- Ishiguro, M and L. K. Koopal : Predictive model of cationic surfactant binding to humic substances, Colloids and Surfaces A; Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Vol.379, 70-78 (2011)
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