Laboratory of Animal Production System


Sustainable and environmental friendly production system of grazing herbivore


  • NameE-mail Address
  • Position
  • Degree
  • UEDA Koichiro
  • Professor
  • Doctor (Agriculture)


Researchers’ directory
  • OH Seongjin
  • Assistant Professor
  • Ph.D (Agriculture)


Researchers’ directory


Selected Publications

  1. Mitani, T, Kobayashi, K., Ueda, K., and Kondo, S. Discrimination of “grazing milk” using milk fatty acid profile in the grassland dairy area in Hokkaido. Animal Science Journal 87, 233-241. (2016).
  2. Ueda, K., Mitani, T., and Kondo, S. Effect of timing and type of supplementary grain on herbage intake, nitrogen utilization, and milk production in dairy cows grazed on perennial ryegrass pasture from evening to morning. Animal Science Journal 88, 107-118 (2017).
  3. Shingu, Y., Ueda, K., Tada, S., Mitani, T., and Kondo, S. Effects of the presence of grazing-experienced heifers on the development of foraging behavior at the feeding station scale for first-grazing season calves. Animal Science Journal 88, 1120-1127 (2017).
  4. Oh, S., Shintani, R., Koike, S., and Kobayashi, Y. Ginkgo fruit extract as an additive to modify rumen microbiota and fermentation to mitigate methane production. Journal of Dairy Science 100, 1923-1934 (2017).
  5. Oh, S., Mbiriri, D. T., Ryu, C., Lee, K, Cho, S., and Choi, N. J. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) as a roughage source for beef cattle. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 31, 1598-1603 (2018).

Specialized Fields

Research Keywords