
Tomomichi Kato Assistant Professor, Ph.D Tomomichi KATO

Topics: Ecosyste Modeling, Field Measurement of Fluorescence, Data Assimilation, Data mining
Sakai Post-doc researcher, Dr. Yuma Sakai

Topic: Modeling of Solar-Induced Fluorescence and Ecosystem Photosynthesis
Technitian, Mr. Daiki Watanabe

Topic: Collection and analysis of crop production data


tsujimoto 2nd year of Master course
Katsuto Tsujimoto

Topic: Spectrum Measurement of solar-induced fluorescence in forest

Kazuki Mizuno 1st year of Master Course
Kazuki Mizuno

Topic: Detection of SIF from Satellite

Wulan Research Student
Wulan (From China)

Topic: SEIB-DGVM simulation for climate change effects on vegetation migration and material cycling shift


argo Working in Hokkaido Prefecture
Argo Kawashima (officially supervized by Profs. T. Yamamoto and T. Inoue)

Topic: Reconcile of the effect by climatic change on the rice production during 110 years in Japan

We are seeking for the potential students now.