Lunchon seminar?


081212 城田徹央(Shirota Tetsuou) [スギ幹材積成長におよぼす個体サイズ、局所競争、および林冠閉鎖の影響]

INOUE,S. et al.(2008) Effects of individual size, local competition and canopy closure on the stem volume growth in a monoclonal Japanese cedar(Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantation. Ecol.Res.23:53-964.

081205 長谷川由布子(Hasegawa Yuko) [間伐と火入れがマツの養分状態に与える影響]

Sala A. et al.(2005)Physiological responses of ponderosa pine in western Montana to thining and burning. Tree Phisiology 25:339-348  →資料はこちらfile 05Sala_TP.pdf

081128 永美暢久(Nagami Nobuhisa)[カエルとサンショウウオの繁殖に効果的な森林環境とは!?]


081128矢沢俊悟(Yazawa Shungo)日中韓での比較からハリギリの生育に最適な地理・地形要因を考える?

Lee DK and Kang HS (2002) Distribution of Kalopanax septemlobus and Its Growth in Northeast Asia. Eurasian J For Res 5: 85-94.

081121 江口則和(Eguchi Norikazu)[二酸化炭素の付加によってカンバ類とケヤマハンノキはどう光合成を変化させるか!?]

Eguchi N, et al. (2008) Photosynthetic responses of birch and alder saplings grown in a free air CO2 enrichment system in northern Japan. Trees 22: 437-447 file 江口文献ゼミ.pdf

081114 (中止します)

081107 野沢友裕(Nozawa Tomohiro)

081031 末次直樹(Suetsugu Naoki) [土壌動物相と生物多様性との関係は?]

"Forest Diversity and Function" Chap. 11: Linkage Between Tree Diversity, Soils Fauna and Ecosystems

081017 飯島勇人(Iijima Hayato) [東北大滞在中の研究報告]

081010 渡邊陽子(Watanabe Youko)

081003 矢沢俊悟(Yazawa Shungo)

080919 伊森允一(Imori Masakazu) [窒素付加が光合成能力に与える影響]

080725 日向潔美(Hinata Kiyomi) [顕微鏡で観る環境条件によるタンニン分布の違い]

080718 唐木貴行(Karaki Takayuki) [種子の位置によって特徴が変わる]

080711 青山千穂(Aoyama Chiho) [CNB仮説を棄却せよ!?]

080627 浦田格 (Urata Tsutomu) [風害リスクに対する理想的な施業体系は?]

080620 北岡哲 (Satoshi Kitaoka)[針葉樹の窒素利用]

080611 渡辺誠 (Makoto Watanabe) [植林すると温暖化が進むの???]

080602 小池孝良 (Koike Takayoshi)[カラマツがC4ってホント?!]

  1. Fry, D.J. and Phillips, I.D.J. (1976) Photosynthesis of conifers in relation to annual growth cycles and dry matter production, 1: Some C4 characteristics in photosynthesis of Japanese Larch (Larix leptolepis). Physiologia Plantarum 37: 185-190.
  2. Richards, J. H. and J. A. Teeri (1982) Re-evaluation of proposed C4 photosynthetic characteristics in the genus Larix. Physiologia Plantarum 55:117-120.
  3. Eguchi, N., et al. (2004) Changes in morphology, anatomy and photosynthetic capacity of needles of Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi) seedlings grown in high CO2 concentrations. Photosynthetica 42: 173-178. (Larix leptolepis=Larix kaempferi)
  4. Qu, Laiye et al. (2004) Allocation of 14C-Carbon in two species of larch seedlings infected with ectomycorrhizal fungi. Tree Physiology 24: 1369-1376.
  5. Choi, D.S. (2008) Ecophysiological study of the growth of conifers in Korea in acidified soil with elevated CO2: The role of ectomycorrhizal infection. Eurasian J For Res 11: 1-39.

080530 丸上裕史 (Hiroshi Marugami)[顕花植物のエアレンチマの形成過程を再考!耐湛水の機構に迫る]

080523 笠小春(Koharyu Ryu)[窒素負荷はこれを読むべし!]

080516 小池孝良 (Koike Takayoshi) [熱中してます;ニセアカシア]

080509 小林真? (Makoto Kobayashi) [生態系における炭の役割に関する文献シリーズ]

1) 発表のコンセプト
A series of works by Dr. Thomas H DeLuca

2) 紹介文献:

  1. Wildfire-produced charcoal directly influences nitrogen cycling in ponderosa pine forests(2006)
    SSSAJ 70: 448-453
  2. Charcoal and shrubs modify soil processes in ponderosa pine forests of western Montana(2006)
    Plant and Soil 287: 257-266
  3. Frequent fire alters nitrogen transformations in ponderosa pine stands of the inland northwest(2006)
    Ecology 87: 2511-2522

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