* 発表論文リスト [#z2f8a2a0]

** 学術論文 [#r52cbcd0]
*** 2006年 [#df3623b6]
-Iijima, H., Shibuya, M., Saito, H., and Takahashi, K. 2006. The water relations of '''Picea jezoensis''' seedlings on fallen logs. Can. J. For. Res. In press.
-花田尚子, 澁谷正人, 斎藤秀之, 高橋邦秀. 2006. カラマツ人工林への広葉樹の侵入経過. 日林誌, 88 (1). In press.

*** 2005年 [#l42320c9]
- 趙慧卿, 高橋邦秀, 澁谷正人, 斎藤秀之, 金鍾眞, 洪性珏. 2005. 低温湿層処理、温度、乾燥がサイシウモミとトドマツの発芽特性に与える影響. 日林誌, 87 (5): 465-470.
- Cho, H.K., Miyamoto, T., Takahashi, K., Kim, D.W., Hong, S.G., and Kim, J.J. 2005. First report on '''Racodium therryanum''' associated with seed infection of '''Abies koreana''' in Korea. Plant Pathology Journal, 21(3): 297-300.
- Shibuya, M., Hasaba, H., Yajima, T., and Takahashi, K. 2005. Effect of thinning on allometry and needle-age distribution of trees in natural '''Abies''' stands of northern Japan. J. For. Res. 10: 15-20.

*** 2004年 [#sa45f8f9]
- Shibuya, M., Haga, N., Sasaki, T., Kikuchi, S., Haruki, M., Noda, M., Takahashi, K., and Matsuda, K. 2004. Stand and self-thinning dynamics in natural '''Abies''' stands in northern Hokkaido, Japan. Ecol. Res. 19: 301-310.
- Shibuya, M., Saito, H., Sawamoto, T., Hatano, R., Yajima, T., Takahashi, K., Cha, J.Y., Isaev, A.P., and Maximov, T.C. 2004. Time trend in aboveground biomass, net primary production, and carbon storage of natural '''Larix gmelinii''' stands in Eastern Siberia. Eurasian J. For. Res. 7: 67-74.
- 飯島勇人, 澁谷正人, 斎藤秀之, 高橋邦秀. 2004. 倒木上のコケの高さがエゾマツ実生の生残と成長に与える影響. 日林誌, 86 (4): 358-364.	
- Ozaki, K., Saito, H., and Yamamuro, K. 2004. Compensatory photosynthesis as a response to partial debudding in ezo spruce, '''Picea jezoensis''' seedlings. Ecol. Res. 19: 225-232.


** その他(紀要等) [#wa09ac14]
*** 2005年 [#f376b727]
- 飯島勇人, 澁谷正人, 斎藤秀之, 高橋邦秀. 2005. 倒木上に播種したエゾマツの更新初期動態 (2) -発芽や生残および成長に適した倒木-. 北方林業, 57: 230-232.
- 高橋邦秀, 大沼直樹, 富田基史, 林登志郎, 鈴木依子, 近藤航. 2005. 藻岩山の風害林に見る構成樹種の特徴. 北方林業, 57: 197-200.
- 飯島勇人, 澁谷正人, 斎藤秀之, 高橋邦秀. 2005. 倒木上に播種したエゾマツの更新初期動態 (1) -発芽および生残に適した播種時期-. 北方林業, 57: 201-203.
- 飯島勇人. 2005. エゾマツ研究会の発足 -北海道の森林の保全と再生を目指して-. 北方林業, 57: 157-159.
- 飯島勇人. 2005. 森林動態を考える -シンポジュウムの報告-. 北方林業, 57: 110-112.
- Takahashi K. (2005) Future perspective of forest management in Siberian permafrost area. In Proceedings of International Symposium on “The Symptom of Environmental Change in Siberian Permafrost Region”.
- Saito H., Komori H., Shirota T., Suzuki M., Lopez L., Iwahana G., Kononov A.V., Kobayashi Y., Hatano R., Koide T., Shibuya M., Maximov, T.C., Fukuda M., Takahashi, K. (2005) Changing precipitation regimes and photosynthetic performance of the East-Siberian taiga. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Global Change: Connection to the Arctic (GCCA6). (eds. Fukushima H., Murata I., Fukuda M., Tanaka HL., Matsumi Y., Kanda H., Matsuoka H.)199-202.
- Saito H., Komori H., Shirota T., Suzuki M., Lopez L., Iwahana G., Kononov A.V., Kobayashi Y., Hatano R., Koide T., Shibuya M., Maximov, T.C., Fukuda M., Takahashi, K. (2005) Reduction of CO2 uptake in response to decreasing precipitation regimes in east-Siberian taiga: evidence of positive feedback to global warming. In Proceedings of International Symposium on “The Symptom of Environmental Change in Siberian Permafrost Region” (accepted)
- Saito H., Shirota T., Lopez L., Iwahana G., Maximov, T.C., Takahashi, K. (2005) Changing precipitation regimes and leaf area in a canopy of mature larch forest in eastern Siberia. In: Proceedings for 2nd Symposium on Water Cycle in Northern Eurasia. (eds, Ohata T., Ohta T., Kodama Y.) (accepted)
- Shirota T., Saito H., Maximov TC., Takahashi K. (2005) Analysis of spatial-size-age structure and fire history of matured larch forest in eastern Siberia. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Global Change: Connection to the Arctic (GCCA6). (eds. Fukushima H., Murata I., Fukuda M., Tanaka HL., Matsumi Y., Kanda H., Matsuoka H.) 204-206.
- Shirota T., Saito H., Maximov, T.C., Isaev, AP., Takahashi, K. (2005) Safe site of larch seedlings in the lightly burnt forest in eastern Siberia. In Proceedings of International Symposium on “The Symptom of Environmental Change in Siberian Permafrost Region” (accepted)
- Shirota T., Saito H., Makisimov A., Kononov A., Isaev AP, Maximov TC., Shibuya M., Yajima T., Takahashi K. (2005) Comparison of structure among five mature larch forests in eastern Siberia. In: Proceedings for 2nd Symposium on Water Cycle in Northern Eurasia. (eds, Ohata T., Ohta T., Kodama Y.).
- 城田徹央・斎藤秀之・飯村佳代・渋谷正人・高橋邦秀(2005)東シベリアに生育するカラマツ「Larix gmelinii」と「L. cajanderi」について.北海道の林木育種48(印刷中)

*** 2004年 [#f376b727]
- SAITO Hideyuki, SUZUKI Masahiro, MAXIMOV Trofim C., TAKAHASHI Kunihide, 2004, Environmental control of CO2 uptake in a larch canopy in eastern Siberia: temperature and air water vapor pressure deficit affect the midday depression. Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on global change connection to the arctic 2003, 144-150.
- 高橋邦秀, 波多野隆介, 渋谷正人, 斎藤秀之, 2004, 永久凍土地帯カラマツ林への森林攪乱の生態生理学的影響評価, 北ユーラシア水循環シンポジウム予稿集, 56-57.
- 斎藤秀之, 鈴木雅博, 小森弘基, 城田徹央, 高橋邦秀, 2004,  永久凍土地帯カラマツ林の樹冠における光合成の生態生理学的研究, 北ユーラシア水循環シンポジウム予稿集, 88-89.
- Saito H., Hattori, M., Suzuki, M., Shirota T., Shibuya M., Hatano, R., Maximov, T.C., Takahashi, K. Immediate changes in NEP following clear-cutting in a mature larch stand in eastern Siberia.(2004) In: Extended Abstract for International Semi-open Workshop “C/H2O/energy balance and climate over boreal regions with special emphasis on eastern Siberia (eds, Ohta, Dolman, Maximov).
- Lopez L., Saito H., Shirota T., Kobayashi Y., Iwahana G., Takahashi K., Hatano R., Maximov T. and Fukuda M. (2004) Response of transpiration from Larix gmelinii stands to Irrigation in Eastern Siberia In: Extended Abstract for International Semi-open Workshop “C/H2O/energy balance and climate over boreal regions with special emphasis on eastern Siberia (eds, Ohta, Dolman, Maximov).
- Shirota, T., Saito, H., Takahashi, K., Maximov, T.C., Makisimov, A. Kononov, A.V. (2004) Estimation of the productive structure of Larix cajanderi forest in Spasskaya Pad. In: Extended Abstract for International Semi-open Workshop “C/H2O/energy balance and climate over boreal regions with special emphasis on eastern Siberia (eds, Ohta, Dolman, Maximov).
- 高橋邦秀(2004)森林火災発生と炭素収支.自然災害科学23:331-333.

*** 2003年 [#f376b727]
- SAITO Hideyuki, YAMAMURO Koji, TSUNO Yuichi., IIJIMA Hayato, SHIBUYA Masato, TAKAHASHI Kunihide, MAXIMOV Trofim C., 2003, Spatial variations of light intensity and photosynthetic properties within a Larix gmelinii tree crown in eastern Siberia. Proceedings of the10th symposium on the joint Siberian permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2001, 7-14.
- SUZUKI Masahiro, SAITO Hideyuki, IIJIMA Hayato, ONOE Takashi, MAXIMOV Trofim C., 2003, Photosynthetic and stomatal responses to air vapor pressure deficit within a larch canopy in east-Siberia. Proceedings of the10th symposium on the joint Siberian permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2001, 15-19.
- SAITO Hideyuki, YAMAMURO Koji, TSUNO Yuichi., IIJIMA Hayato, TAKAHASHI Kunihide, MAXIMOV Trofim C., 2003, Drought limitation of CO2 assimilation rate in Larix gmelinii saplings growing on understory of the mature stand. Proceedings of the10th symposium on the joint Siberian permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2001, 35-38.
- SAITO Hideyuki, SUZUKI Masahiro, IIJIMA Hayato, SHIBUYA Masato, TAKAHASHI Kunihide, ISAEV Alexander P., MAXIMOV Trofim C., 2003, Initial charge in carbon and nitrogen storages in organic layer following clear-cutting of larch stand in eastern Siberia. Proceedings of the10th symposium on the joint Siberian permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2001, 53-57.
- TAKAHASHI Kunihide, ISAEV Alexander P., MAXIMOV Trofim C., SAITO Hideyuki, 2003, Fire history of mature larch forests near Yakutsk, eastern Siberia. Proceedings of the10th symposium on the joint Siberian permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2001, 65-68.


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研究紹介/業績リスト のバックアップソース(No.12)