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Russia, China, Korea, Malaysia Sustainability Governance Project (2005 - 2009), Hokkaido University, SGP
(1) Koike, T. (1987) Photosynthesis and expansion in leaves of the early, mid, and late successional tree species, birch, ash and maple. Photosynthetica 21:503-508.
(2) Koike, T. (1988) Leaf structure and photosynthetic performance as related to the forest succession of deciduous broad-leaved trees. Plant Species Biol., 3:77-87.
(3) Koike, T.(1990) Autumn coloring, photosynthetic performance and leaf development of deciduous broad-leaved trees in relation to forest succession. Tree Physiol., 7:21-32.
(4) Koike, T. (1995) Effects of CO2 in interaction with temperature and soil fertility on the foliar phenology of alder, birch, and maple seedlings. Can. J. Bot., 73 :149-157.
(5) Rousi, M., Mattson, W.J., Tahvanainen, J., Koike, T., and Uotila, I. (1996) Growth and hare resistance of birches: testing defense theories. Oikos 77:20-30.
(6) Koike, T., Tabuchi, R., Mori. S., Takahashi, K.. and Lei, T.T. (1998) Characteristics of the light response in seedlings and saplings of two mid successional species, ash and kalopanax, during the early stage of regeneration in a mature forest. J. Sustanable For., 6: 73-84
(7) Kitao, M., Lei, T.T., Koike, T., Tobita, H. and Maruyama, Y. (2000) Susceptibility to photoinhibition of three deciduous broadleaf tree species with different successional traits raised under various light regimes. Plant Cell Environ., 23: 81-89.
(8) Koike, T., Kitao, M., Maruyama, Y., Mori, S., and Lei, T.T. (2001) Leaf morphology and photosynthetic adjustments among deciduous broad-leaved trees within the vertical canopy profile. Tree Physiol., 21: 951-958.
(9) Kitaoka, S. and Koike, T. (2004) Invasion of broadleaf tree species into a larch plantation: Seasonal light environment, photosynthesis, and nitrogen allocation.Physiol. Plant., 121: 604-611.
(10) Koike, T. et al. (2006) Defense characteristics of seral deciduous broad-leaved tree seedlings grown under differing levels of CO2 and nitrogen. Population Ecology 48: 23-29.
(1) Koike, T. (1995) Vegetation Science in Forestry: Global Perspective based on Forest Ecosystems of East & Southeast Asia. E.O. Box et al. eds., “Physiological ecology of the growth characteristics of Japanese mountain birch in northern Japan: a comparison with Japanese mountain white birch”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 409-422.
(2) Reich, P.B., Koike, T, Gower, S.T. and Schoetlle, A (1995) Ecophysiology of coniferous forests. W.K. Smith and T.M. Hinkley eds. “Causes and consequences of variation in conifer leaf life-span”, Academic Press, San Diego, 225-254.
(3) Schulze, E-D., Bazzaz, F.A., Nadelhoffer, K., Koike, T. and Takatsuki, S. (1996) SCOPE Series. Functional roles of biodiversity: A global perspective. Mooney, H.A., Cushman, J.H., Medina, E., eds. “Biodiversity and ecosystem function of temperate deciduous broad-leaved forests” Jone Wiler & Sons, Chichester, New York, Shingapore,. 71-98.
(4) Koike, T. (2004) Autumn coloration, carbon acquisition, and leaf senescence. Eds: L.D. Nooden: Plant Cell Death Processes. Elsevier-Academic Press. Amsterdam, San Diego. 245-258.
(5) Koike, T., Kitaoka, S., Ichie, T., Lei, T.T. and Kitao, M. (2004) Photosynthetic characteristics of mixed broadleaf forests from leaf to stand. In: Shiomi, M. and Kawahata, H. eds. Global Environmental Change in the Ocean and on land. TerraPub?, Tokyo 453-472.