Laboratory of Soil Conservation


Soil physical phenomena and soil conservation concerning water and material movement


  • NameE-mail Address
  • Position
  • Degree
  • ISHIGURO Munehide
  • Professor
  • Ph.D (agriculture)


Researchers’ directory
  • KASHIWAGI Jun-ichi
  • Lecturer
  • Ph.D (agriculture)


Researchers’ directory

Selected Publications

  1. Ahmed, F. and M. Ishiguro : Effect of adsorption site potential on adsorption of sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate in highly humic volcanic ash soil, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 61 (in press) (2015)
  2. Kashiwagi, J., K. Watabe, S. Ishii, M. Tanahashi, Y. Yamamoto, R. Yamada and Y. Fujihara : Temporal changes in soil fertility and the attempt to maintain the land productivity under slash-and –burn cultivation in the northern Laos, 20th world congress of soil science, P4-396, 439-440 (2014)
  3. Pham, D. V., M. Ishiguro, H. T. T. Tran and T. Sato : Influence of phosphate sorption on dispersion of a Ferralsol, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 60, 356-366 (2014)
  4. Fujihara, Y., Yamada, R., Oda, M., Fujii, H., Ito, O., and Kashiwagi, J. : Effects of puddling on percolation and rice yields in rainfed lowland paddy cultivation: Case sturdy in Khammouane province, central Laos, Agricultural Science, Vol.4, No.8, 360-36 (2013)
  5. Ishiguro, M. and T. Makino : Sulfate adsorption on a volcanic ash soil (allophanic Andisol) under low pH conditions, Colloids and Surfaces A; Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 384, 121-125, (2011)

Specialized Fields

Research Keywords

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