Laboratory of Animal Ecology


Understanding ecology and evolution of animal populations and species


  • NameE-mail Address
  • Position
  • Degree
  • ARAKI Hitoshi
  • Professor
  • Ph.D. (Science)


Researchers’ directory


Selected Publications

  1. Satake and Araki (2012) Stocking of captive-bred fish can cause long-term population decline and gene pool replacement: predictions from a population dynamics model incorporating density-dependent mortality Theoretical Ecology 5: 283-296.
  2. Bezault, Balaresque, Toguyeni, Fermon, Araki, Baroiller, Rognon (2011) Spatial and temporal variation in population genetic structure of wild Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) across Africa. BMC Genetics 12: 102 (16 pages).
  3. Araki, Cooper and Blouin. (2009) Carry-over effect of captive breeding reduces reproductive fitness of wild-born descendants in the wild. Biology Letters 5, 621-624.
  4. Araki, Cooper and Blouin. (2007) Genetic effects of captive breeding cause a rapid, cumulative fitness decline in the wild. Science 318:100-103.
  5. Araki, Waples, Ardren, Cooper and Blouin. (2007) Effective population size of steelhead trout: influence of variance in reproductive success, hatchery programs, and genetic compensation between life-history forms. Molecular Ecology 16: 953-966.

Specialized Fields

Research Keywords

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