Laboratory of Agricultural Circulative Engineering


Effective utilization of biological wastes and biomass


  • NameE-mail Address
  • Position
  • Degree
  • IWABUCHI Kazunori
  • Professor
  • Doctor(Agriculture)


Researchers’ directory
  • SHIMIZU Naoto
  • Associate Professor
  • Doctor(Agriculture)


Researchers’ directory


Selected Publications

  1.  Saludes, R, Iwabuchi, K., Miyatake, F. , Abe, Y., Honda, Y, Characterization of dairy cattle manure/wallboard paper compost mixture, Bioresource Technology, 99(15), 7285-7290, 2008
  2. Saludes, R, K. Iwabuchi, A. Kayanuma and T. Shiga, Composting of dairy cattle manure using a thermophilic–mesophilic sequence, Biosystems Engineering, 98(2), 198-205, 2007
  3. Joko Nugroho Wahyu Karyadi, Naoto Shimizu, Kazuhiko Ohmiya, and Toshinori Kimura Optimization Air Supply on Cattle Manure Composting in Packed-Bed Reactor CIGR International Symposium on “Sustainable Bioproduction – Water, Energy, and Food”, 22FOS9-05, September 19-23, 2011, Tokyo, Japan, (2011)
  4. Marcos A. das Neves, Naoto Shimizu, Toshinori Kimura, and Kiwamu Shiiba Kinetics of Bioethanol Production from Wheat Milling By-Product  Journal of Food Process Engineering, 30(3), 338-356, (2007).

Specialized Fields

Research Keywords