#NEXUS [MacClade 4.05 registered to YOSHIZAWA Kazunori, Hokkaido Univ] BEGIN TAXA; DIMENSIONS NTAX=17; TAXLABELS Atrichadenotecnum Gen._sp. Loensia T._circularoides T._corniculum T._furcalingum T._falx T._fuscipenne T._castum T._alexanderae T._yamatomajus T._nothoapertum T._mixtum T._latebrachium T._taiwan T._incognitum T._album; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=31; FORMAT SYMBOLS= " 0 1 2" MISSING=? GAP=- ; CHARSTATELABELS 1 male_eye, 2 six_marginal_spots, 3 oposit_spots, 4 proxima_l_band, 5 spots_in_cell_a, 6 'forewing dense/sparse', 7 male_eighth_sternite, 8 'male 8th+hyp', 9 clunial_arm, 10 epiproct_lobe_broadly_expanded, 11 epiproct_lobe_with_process, 12 epiproct_corn_like, 13 paraproctal_basal_process, 14 'paraproctal corn-like process', 15 paraproctal_distal_process, 16 'hypandrial median tongue p/a', 17 hypandrial_median_tongue_movable?, 18 lateral_corner_of_hypandrium, 19 hypandrial_left_process, 20 hypandrial_left_distal_lobe, 21 hypandrial_right_process, 22 hypandrial_right_arm, 23 paramere_present, 24 paramere_width, 25 'phallosome-anteriorly', 26 'phallosome-posteriorly', 27 'anterior margin of phallosome sclerotize/weak', 28 median_sclerotized_band_of_subgenital_plate, 29 vv_of_gonapophyses, 30 ev_lobe, 31 'gonopore plate one/two' ; MATRIX [ 10 20 30] [ . . . ] Atrichadenotecnum 0000000000000000?000000?0000000 Gen._sp. 00000000000000010000000?0000000 Loensia 0000000000000000?000000?0000000 T._circularoides 011110????????????????????00110 T._corniculum 0111110001000100?000000?0000000 T._furcalingum 01111111101010011000000?1000110 T._falx 01111111101010011000000?1000110 T._fuscipenne 011111????????????????????00110 T._castum 111110????????????????????00001 T._alexanderae 11111010110000011000000?1000001 T._yamatomajus 01111010100100010011200?1110000 T._nothoapertum 01111010100100000001200?1110100 T._mixtum 0111100011000011100101101101000 T._latebrachium 0111100011000011110101101101000 T._taiwan 0111110011000011110101101101000 T._incognitum 1111100011000011101111111100000 T._album 1111100011000011101111111100000 ; END; BEGIN ASSUMPTIONS; OPTIONS DEFTYPE=unord PolyTcount=MINSTEPS ; END; BEGIN TREES; TRANSLATE 1 Atrichadenotecnum, 2 Gen._sp., 3 Loensia, 4 T._circularoides, 5 T._corniculum, 6 T._furcalingum, 7 T._falx, 8 T._fuscipenne, 9 T._castum, 10 T._alexanderae, 11 T._yamatomajus, 12 T._nothoapertum, 13 T._mixtum, 14 T._latebrachium, 15 T._taiwan, 16 T._incognitum, 17 T._album ; TREE * UNTITLED = [&R] (((((((((16,17),(13,(15,14))),(12,11)),(9,10)),(8,(4,(6,7)))),5),3),2),1); END; BEGIN MacClade; Version 4.0 84; LastModified -1159391287; FileSettings editor '1' '1' '1' '0'; Singles 010; Editor 0001100111111110010001001 '1' '16' Geneva '9' '100' '1' all; EditorPosition '44' '6' '483' '931'; TreeWindowPosition '44' '633' '297' '348'; ListWindow Characters closed Geneva '9' '44' '25' '561' '464' 000; ListWindow Taxa closed Geneva '9' '50' '10' '337' '278' 100000; ListWindow Trees closed Geneva '9' '50' '10' '276' '490' ; ListWindow TypeSets closed Geneva '9' '50' '10' '276' '490' ; ListWindow WtSets closed Geneva '9' '50' '10' '276' '490' ; ListWindow ExSets closed Geneva '9' '50' '10' '276' '490' ; ListWindow CharSets closed Geneva '9' '50' '10' '129' '181' ; ListWindow TaxSets closed Geneva '9' '50' '10' '276' '490' ; ListWindow CharPartitions closed Geneva '9' '50' '10' '276' '490' ; ListWindow CharPartNames closed Geneva '9' '50' '10' '276' '490' ; ListWindow WtSets closed Geneva '9' '50' '10' '276' '490' ; ChartWindowPosition '52' '30' '686' '964'; StateNamesSymbols closed Geneva '9' '10' '50' '30' '148' '220'; WindowOrder Data; OtherSymbols &/ 00 ?-; Correlation '0' '0' '1000' '0' '0' 10011010; Salmo 00000001; EditorFile '2'; ExportHTML _ MOSS '100' 110000; PrettyPrint 10; EditorToolsPosition '627' '806' '115' '165'; TreeToolsPosition '421' '815' '126' '138'; TreeWindowProgram 00; TreeWindow 0000; Continuous '0' '3' 1; Calculations 0010001; SummaryMode '1' '0' 0; Charts Geneva '9' (normal) 0010; NexusOptions '0' '0' '50' 001011011; TipLabel '1'; TreeFont Geneva '9' (normal); TreeShape 1.0 1.0 1101; TraceLabels 0101; ChartColors '0' '0' '65535' '9' '0' 1; ChartBiggestSpot 1; ChartPercent 10; ChartBarWidth '10' 1; ChartVerticalAxis 10101; ChartMinMax '0'; TraceAllChangesDisplay '0' 1; BarsOnBranchesDisplay '1' '0' '60000' '10000' '10000' '10000' '10000' '60000' '65000' '65000' '65000' '6' '1' 0100101; ContinuousBranchLabels 0; AllStatesBranchLabels 1; IndexNotation '2' 1; PrintTree 10.00 '2' '2' '2' '2' '2' '2' '2' '2' '2' '2' '2' Geneva '9' (normal) Geneva '10' (normal) Geneva '9' (normal) Geneva '9' (normal) Geneva '9' (bold ) Geneva '9' (normal) Geneva '9' (normal) '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '0' '1' '1' '1' '1' '0' '0' '-39' '4' '-40' '0' '1' '2' '1' '8' '0' '0' '0' '2' 1000111000000000000100000111000; MatchChar 00 .; EntryInterpretation 01; ColorOptions 00; TreeTools '0' '5' '4' '0' '10' '4' '0' 00100111111101110; EditorTools '0' '0' '0' '1000' '0' '0' '6' '3' '0' 100000101110001; PairAlign '2' '2' '3' '2' '1' '1' '2' '1' '3' 1010; BothTools '1'; END;