Recent research

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Environmental Horticulture and Landscape Architecture

1. Conseravation and use of native plant species

 Indigenous and common plant species in our surroundings are being rapidly lost.
  Our purpose is to use and conserve such species for environmental education, landscaping material, and the vegetation recovery, etc. by positively introducing and managing
if necessary.
  We are studying the life cycle, environment of habitats, ecopshyology of seed germination, propagation strategy, and the management methods for the population of the indigenous plant which has been still remained around the urban area.

Environment in habitat ofGagea lutea

Population of Gagea lutea in Hokkaido University

・Forest floor plants and their habitat in remaining forest

Remained forest in Hokkaido University

Field observation in remained forest

・Ecophysiology of seed germination in forest plant species in North area in Japan

Erythronium japonicum Corydalis ambigua Trillium kamtschaticum Gagea lutea

Investigation in winter 1 Investigation in winter 2

Cardiocrinum cordatum var. Glehni Adonis amurensis Caltha palustris subsp barthei Aconitum japonicum

・Characteristics and germination phenology of coastal sand dune plants

Lathyrus japonicus

Calystegia soldanella

Viola senamiensis

Linaria japonica

Dianthus superbus subsp. longicalycinus
Arabis Stelleri var. japonica
now preparing

Sowing at the experimental site

Site in winter

・Relationships between environmental gradient and vegetation in Ishikari coastal dune

March in Ishikari Pleasant and lonely investigation of soil in a vast extent of coastal dune Fox lives in coastal dune

・Destruction by auto terrain vehicle and restoration of vegetation in Ishikari coastal sand dune
Destruction of coastal dune vegetation by ATV Investigation of soil hardness

・Effect of artificial disturbance for retrogressive succession in Ishikari beach vegetation

・Ecopshyology of seed germination and possibility as vegetation recovery material of native leguminous

Astragalus adsurgens

Thermopsis lupinoides

Thermopsis lupinoides


・Present state of remaining and use of indigenous plant population around urban area

2. Propagation from seedlongs ornamental plants

・Germination of Sandersonia aurantiaca

3. Urban Greening Techniques in North Japan

・Seed germination of cactus as inoor plants in North area

Notocactus herteri




 Tetsuya Kondo Top page   Profile

Environmental Horticulture and Landscape Architecture