Ryu Koharu
* RYU Koharu [#md7b59e2]
** Research Theme [#oe2dfede]
- Effects of high nitrogen load on the growth and physiol...
** Speciality [#ea1912b2]
- Forest ecophysiology; The response of larches to enviro...
** Poster Presentation (English) [#yb556c2c]
- Koharu RYU, M. Watanabe, H. Shibata, K. Takagi & T. Koi...
: p. 64-67
- Koharu RYU, M. Watanabe, H. Shibata & T. Koike (2008) P...
** Study sites [#f637f88e]
&ref(TEF nursery in Forest.jpg);~
Experimental Nursery in forest for larch and spruce
** Contact [#t83ba90b]
- Tel:;+81-11-706-3346,
- E-mail:koharyu@for.agr.hokudai.ac.jp
- 〒060-8589 N360, Department of Forest Science, Hokkaido...
- [[Japanese>http://www.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/fres/silv/index...
* RYU Koharu [#md7b59e2]
** Research Theme [#oe2dfede]
- Effects of high nitrogen load on the growth and physiol...
** Speciality [#ea1912b2]
- Forest ecophysiology; The response of larches to enviro...
** Poster Presentation (English) [#yb556c2c]
- Koharu RYU, M. Watanabe, H. Shibata, K. Takagi & T. Koi...
: p. 64-67
- Koharu RYU, M. Watanabe, H. Shibata & T. Koike (2008) P...
** Study sites [#f637f88e]
&ref(TEF nursery in Forest.jpg);~
Experimental Nursery in forest for larch and spruce
** Contact [#t83ba90b]
- Tel:;+81-11-706-3346,
- E-mail:koharyu@for.agr.hokudai.ac.jp
- 〒060-8589 N360, Department of Forest Science, Hokkaido...
- [[Japanese>http://www.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/fres/silv/index...
Ryu Koharu