* Links [#ya261e07]
** In Hokkaido University [#gad7ef8d]
- [[Hokkaido University>]]
-- [[Graduate School of Agriculture>http://www.agr.hokuda...
-- [[Graduate School of Environmental Science>http://www....
--- [[Forest Research Station>http://forest.fsc.hokudai.a...
--- [[Old- Boreal Forest Conservation Studies>http://fore...
-- [[International Student Center>http://www.isc.hokudai....
** Scientific association [#o2ff45ec]
- [[IUFRO: International Union of Forest Research Organiz...
- [[The International Boreal Forest Research Association ...
- International Net journal [[Plant Root>http://www.plant...
- [[Ecological Society of Japan>
- [[The Japanese Forest Society>
** For improving our knowledge [#f3883ed7]
- [[English Proofread at Cambridge UK>http://www.scitext....
** Data Base [#t8106a2b]
- [[Google Scholar>]]
- [[Data base of Forestry & Forest Products Research Inst...
- HUSCUP [[Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly a...
** Political offices [#r6fe795b]
- [[Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries>http:...
** Universities and Research Institutes [#v2c127ea]
*** Universities [#y0bbc3b0]
*** Research Institutes [#la1d0d0b]
- [[Forestry & Forest Products Research Institute, Japan>...
- [[Hokkaido Forestry Research Institute>http://www.hfri....
* Links [#ya261e07]
** In Hokkaido University [#gad7ef8d]
- [[Hokkaido University>]]
-- [[Graduate School of Agriculture>http://www.agr.hokuda...
-- [[Graduate School of Environmental Science>http://www....
--- [[Forest Research Station>http://forest.fsc.hokudai.a...
--- [[Old- Boreal Forest Conservation Studies>http://fore...
-- [[International Student Center>http://www.isc.hokudai....
** Scientific association [#o2ff45ec]
- [[IUFRO: International Union of Forest Research Organiz...
- [[The International Boreal Forest Research Association ...
- International Net journal [[Plant Root>http://www.plant...
- [[Ecological Society of Japan>
- [[The Japanese Forest Society>
** For improving our knowledge [#f3883ed7]
- [[English Proofread at Cambridge UK>http://www.scitext....
** Data Base [#t8106a2b]
- [[Google Scholar>]]
- [[Data base of Forestry & Forest Products Research Inst...
- HUSCUP [[Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly a...
** Political offices [#r6fe795b]
- [[Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries>http:...
** Universities and Research Institutes [#v2c127ea]
*** Universities [#y0bbc3b0]
*** Research Institutes [#la1d0d0b]
- [[Forestry & Forest Products Research Institute, Japan>...
- [[Hokkaido Forestry Research Institute>http://www.hfri....