* Lab. Silviculture and Forest Ecology [#cff84f71] ** Dear colleague, [#o08f0685] On behalf of our research group, thank you very much for your kindness. Our university is almost in safety and has no problem. [[Our students and teaching staff>http://www.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/fres/silv/index.php?Members]] are fine after the big earthquake. We study and make experiments as usual. Thank you very much for your encouragement! Please access [[here>FrontPage]] for Japanese site ! ** Contents [#i070a293] - [[Members]]: Teaching staff, Researchers, Graduate (Post Graduate) and Undergraduate Students - [[Studies]]: Main research subjects in our laboratory. - [[Seminar]]: Introduction and information of our seminar. - Progress in our Laboratory: A brief history of the Lab. of Silviculture &ref(history.pdf);: - [[Links]] - Visitors: Total:&counter(total);, Today:&counter(today);, Yesterday:&counter(yesterday); ** Imformation [#we59b031] # comment(below) -Please apply the [[JSPS>http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-fellow/index.html]] scholarship for studying with us! -- &new{2012-3-17}; -Please apply the [[JSPS>http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-fellow/index.html]] scholarship for studying with us! --[[Shibuya Masato>http://researchers.general.hokudai.ac.jp/profile/sp/en.u.zZE4jS81cL1itj2xsi6w==.html]] &new{2012-3-17}; -Attention! Most parts of this site are under construction ^^;) -- [[Iijima Hayato>http://www.geocities.jp/iijima_web/e/index_e.html]] &new{2007-06-23 13:05:35 (土)}; ** Recently updated [#v9d579c5] #recent(5)