* Sano, Yuhki [#ve248e17]
 ** Research Theme [#tef6fca4]
 - Effects of scarification on the stand structure of mountain birch ('''Betula ermanii''').
 In Hokkaido, scarification is widely conducted to remove understory dwarf bamboos, in order to increase  the secondary  forests dominated by '''Betula ermanii'''.
 If we didn’t care these regenerated birch stnads, individual birch trees would become thin, consequently the forests would be vulnerable to several kinds of damages such as wind and snow.
 Therefore, we should carry out the proper density management of the second-growth birch forests by improvement cutting or thinning.
 So, I study on the effect of improvement cutting on secondary birch forest formed after scarification.
 In Hokkaido, northern Japan, scarification is widely conducted to remove understory dwarf bamboos, in order to increase  the secondary  forests dominated by '''Betula ermanii'''. We should carry out the proper density management of the second-growth birch forests to improve stand structure.
 ** Contact [#vb91c477]
 - 〒060-8589 N368, Department of Forest Science, Hokkaido University

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