* NOVRIYANTI Eka [#rc38d5da]
 ** Research Theme [#rdf67b6a]
 - Eco-chemistry of the growth traits of woody species for the conservation of tropical forests.
 ** Education [#l98273a9]
 - [[Forestry Science of Faculty of Forestry>http://fahutan.ipb.ac.id/Faculty.html]], Postgraduate School of Bogor Institute of Agriculture, Indonesia.
 - on leave from The Bureau of Fiber Producing Forest, Forest Research and Development Agency~
 Department of Forestry of Indonesia
 ** Publications [#k2eaceac]
 ** Contact [#v6d518f6]
 - Tel: +81-11-706-4180, Fax: +81-11-706-2517
 - e-mail: keenove AT for.agr.hokudai.ac.jp (Please change AT to @ in your e-mail soft)
 - 〒060-8589 N372, Department of Forest Science, Hokkaido University

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