[[分野ゼミ]] ** Lunchon seminar [#k3716bfc] We introduce the target papers and/or the content before the presentation. Please contact with [[Ryu Koharu]] because some of us will prepare a resume for participants.~ Room N356 at Agriculture School of Hokkaido University: 12:00-12:45.~ ・From July 31st to August 29th, we have summer vacation. The seminar will start again from September 5th! Date, topics and reporters: ***080725 Kiyomi Hinata [Distribution of tannin in a beech leaf as affected by environmental stresses- an observation by micro-scope][#hb60cdf2] -F. Bussotti, E. Gravono, P. Grossoni & C. Tani(1998) Occurrence of tannins in leaves of beech trees('''Fagus sylvatica''') along an ecological gradient, detected by histochemical and ultrastructural analyses: New Phytlogist 138: 469-479 ***080718 Takayuki Karaki [Germination traits are determined at the position in a seedpod] [#x092600f] ***080718 [[Takayuki Karaki>Karaki Takayuki]] [Germination traits are determined at the position in a seedpod] [#x092600f] -David J. Susko (2006) Effect of ovule position on patterns of seed maturation and abortion in '''Robinia pseudoacacia''' (Fabaceae): Can. J. Bot. 84: 1259-1265 ***080711 Chiho Aoyama [Qestions in the CNB hypothesis!?] [#k090db22] -Jason G. Hamilton, Arthur R. Zangerl, Evan H. DeLucia and May R. Berenbaum (2001) The carbon-nutrient balance hypothesis:its rise and fall. Ecological Letters 4:86-95 ***080627 Tsutomu Urata [What about an ideal forest management system against wind damages?] [#pa05d469] -Barry Gardiner, Bryan Marshall, Alexis Achim, Rex Belcher and Colin Wood (2005) The stability of different silvicultural systems: a wind-tunnel investigation. Forestry 78(5): 471-484. ***080620 [[Satoshi Kitaoka>http://satobeide.gozaru.jp/study.htm]] [Nitrogen utilization in conifer needles][#y206f33a] -Warren CR and MA Adams(2004)Evergreen trees do not maximize instantaneous photosynthesis, Trends in Plant Science 9:270-274. ***080611 [[Makoto Watanabe]] [Afforestation may accelerate global warming???] [#de062aaa] -Frank Keppler, John T. G. Hamilton, Marc Braβ and Thomas Rockmann (2006) Methane emissions from terrestrial plants under aerobic conditions. Nature 439: 187-191. -Frank Keppler, John T. G. Hamilton, W. Colin McRoberts, Ivan Vigano, Marc Braß and Thomas Rockmann (2008) Methoxyl groups of plant pectin as a precursor of atmospheric methane: evidence from deuterium labelling studies. New phytol 178: 808-814.~ ***080602 [[Takayoshi Koike>http://www.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/fres/silv/index.php?Members]] [Is Japanese lacrh C4 plant!] [#g7e844f8] -Responses of grwoth of larch species to the changing environment・・・A schok of report in 1976, A 30 years had pased! +Fry, D.J. and Phillips, I.D.J. (1976) Photosynthesis of conifers in relation to annual growth cycles and dry matter production, 1: Some C4 characteristics in photosynthesis of Japanese Larch ('''Larix leptolepis'''). Physiologia Plantarum 37: 185-190. +Richards, J. H. and J. A. Teeri (1982) Re-evaluation of proposed C4 photosynthetic characteristics in the genus '''Larix'''. Physiologia Plantarum 55:117-120. +Eguchi, N., et al. (2004) Changes in morphology, anatomy and photosynthetic capacity of needles of Japanese larch ('''Larix kaempferi''') seedlings grown in high CO2 concentrations. Photosynthetica 42: 173-178. ('''Larix leptolepis'''='''Larix kaempferi''') +Qu, Laiye et al. (2004) Allocation of 14C-Carbon in two species of larch seedlings infected with ectomycorrhizal fungi. Tree Physiology 24: 1369-1376. +Choi, D.S. (2008) Ecophysiological study of the growth of conifers in Korea in acidified soil with elevated CO2: The role of ectomycorrhizal infection. Eurasian J For Res 11: 1-39. ***080530 Hiroshi Marugami [Re-consideration of aerenchyma of hiher plants! Flooding tolerance] [#u0efc4fe] -Seago James L. Jr, Marsh Leland C., Stevens Kevin J., Soukup Ales, Votrubova Olga, Enstone Daryl E.(2005) A Re-examination of the Root Cortex in Wetland Flowering Plants With Respect to Aerenchyma, Annals of Botany. Flooding Stress. 96(4):565-579 ***080523 Koharu Ryu [Please refer to the topics of nitrogen saturation in ecosystem!] [#zf673a58] -Tatsuro Nakaji, Motohiro Fukami, Yukiko Dokiya and Takeshi Izuta(2001)Effects of high nitrogen load on growth, photosynthesis and nutrient status of '''Cryptomeria japonica''' and '''Pinus densiflora''' seedlings, Trees 15:453-461;~ ***080516 [[Takayoshi Koike>http://www.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/fres/silv/index.php?Members]] [Research topics on Black locust] [#zf053863] -Feng, Z., J. Dyckmans and H. Flessa (2004) Effects of elevated carbon dioxide concentration on growth and N2 fixation of young '''Robinia pseudoacacia'''. Tree Physiology 24: 323–330. ***080509 [[Makoto Kobayashi]] [Series of the role of fires in forest ecosystem] [#s8514e63] 1)Concept of the presentation~ A series of works by [[Dr. Thomas H DeLuca >http://www.forestry.umt.edu/personnel/faculty/deluca/]].~ 2)References:~ +Wildfire-produced charcoal directly influences nitrogen cycling in ponderosa pine forests(2006)~ SSSAJ 70: 448-453~ +Charcoal and shrubs modify soil processes in ponderosa pine forests of western Montana(2006)~ Plant and Soil 287: 257-266~ +Frequent fire alters nitrogen transformations in ponderosa pine stands of the inland northwest(2006)~ Ecology 87: 2511-2522. **UP [[Top>http://www.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/fres/silv/index.php?index_e]] [#za25a54e]