*葉の解剖切片集 [#za15d050]
 ** 針葉樹 [#uaea3c35]
 -'''Pinus''' spp.
 -'''Taxus''' spp.
 -'''Abies''' spp.
 |BGCOLOR(WHITE):&ref(todomatsu.jpg);|Ishii, H., Ooishi, M., Maruyama, Y. and Koike, T. (2003) Acclimation of shoot and needle morphology and photosynthesis of two Picea species to different in soil nutrient availability. Tree Physiology 23: 453-461.|
 |BGCOLOR(WHITE):&ref(todomatsu.jpg);|Ishii, H., Ooishi, M., Maruyama, Y. and Koike, T. (2003) Acclimation of shoot and needle morphology and photosynthesis of two '''Picea''' species to different in soil nutrient availability. Tree Physiology 23: 453-461.|

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