* Recent patterns andmecanisms of carbon exchange by terrestrial ecosystems [#k901e79b]
 - 日時:4月21日(木) 13:00-
 - 場所:N229
 - 発表者:早坂直樹
 ** 文献 [#k30d71cb]
 + D. S. Schimel, J. I. House, K. A. Hibbard, P. Bousquet, P. Ciais, P. Peylin, B. H. Braswell, M. J. Apps, D. Baker, A. Bondeau, J. Canadell, G. Churkina, W. Cramer, A. S. Denning, C. B. Field, P. Friedlingstein, C. Goodale, M. Heimann, R. A. Houghton, J. M. Melillo, B. Moore, D. Murdiyarso, I. Noble, S. W. Pacala, I. C. Prentice, M. R. Raupach, P. J. Rayner, R. J. Scholes, W. L. Steffen, C. Wirth. 2001. Recent patterns andmecanisms of carbon exchange by terrestrial ecosystems. Nature, 414:169-172 [[ABSTRACT:http://www.nature.com/cgi-taf/DynaPage.taf?file=/nature/journal/v414/n6860/abs/414169a0_fs.html]]
 // ** 要旨 [#j4d98c42]
 ** コメント [#l3b9ae86]
 * Characterization of full-length enriched expressed sequence tags of stresstreated poplar leaves [#zd0a8aea]
 - 日時:4月21日(木) 13:00-
 - 場所:N229
 - 発表者:林登志郎
 ** 文献 [#i9492d89]
 +  Nanjo, T., Futamura, N., Nishiguchi, M., Igasaki, T., Shinozaki, K., and Shinohara, K. 2004. Characterization of full-length enriched expressed sequence tags of stresstreated poplar leaves. Plant and Cell Physiology. 45:1738-1748. [[ABSTRACT:http://pcp.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/45/12/1738]]
 // ** 要旨 [#j4d98c42]
 ** コメント [#b993ea77]

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分野ゼミ/文献紹介ゼミ/2005-04-21 vol.9 の変更点