*星加康智(Hoshika Yasutomo) [#m7edc264] English Page is Here!!-[[Hoshika Yasutomo>http://lab.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/fres/silv/index.php?Hoshika%20Yasutomo]] 新しいページはこちら(New Page is Here!!)-[[Hoshika Yasutomo>https://hoshika0803.wixsite.com/mysite]] ** 自己紹介 [#o4cee0de] 1. 略歴(新から旧へ) -2019.3.15 IRET-CNR (イタリア国立研究機関 陸域生態系研究所) CNR研究員 (現在に至る) -2018.12.27 IPSP-CNR of Italy CNR研究員 (permanent contract) -2017.6.1 IPSP-CNR of Italy CNR研究員 (determinant contract) -2015.4.1 IPSP-CNR of Italy プロジェクト研究員 -2013.4.1 日本学術振興会海外特別研究員(勤務先:[[Institute of Sustainable Plant Protection, National Research Council of Italy, Firenze>http://www.ipp.cnr.it/it/personale/75-paoletti-elena.html]]、イタリア環境保護研究所)~ [[Dr. Elena Paoletti>http://www.ipp.cnr.it/Downloads/Personale/Paoletti/CV%20Paoletti%20Elena.pdf]]研究グループ -2011.7.1 北海道大学・大学院農学研究院(学術研究員/農学研究院研究員)・環境省地球環境研究推進費 研究員 -2011.4.1 東京大学・大学院農学生命科学研究科・農学特定研究員 -2010.4.1 日本学術振興会特別研究員PD(東京大学・大学院農学生命科学研究科);~ -2010.3.24 東京大学・大学院農学生命科学研究科・生物・環境工学専攻博士課程終了 博士(農学)~ 生物環境情報工学研究室・[[大政>http://park.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/joho/]]Lab.出身 -2009.4.1 日本学術振興会特別研究員DC2 -2005.3.25 東京大学農学部生物システム工学専修卒業~ -2001.3.1 東京開成高校卒業 2. その他 -出身地:横浜市 -趣味:ハンドボール(ゴールキーパー)、[[キャプテン>http://www.google.co.jp/imgres?imgurl=http://www.geocities.co.jp/ut_handball/introduce/img/hoshika.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.geocities.co.jp/ut_handball/introduce/hoshika.html&usg=__2K7x2ETmsEPs4Dpa3JGQ7424QX0=&h=384&w=512&sz=41&hl=ja&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=fF-jmmOGG7Km8M:&tbnh=126&tbnw=170&ei=H7QPToWGEqLomAXq3JjRDg&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%25E6%2598%259F%25E5%258A%25A0%25E5%25BA%25B7%25E6%2599%25BA%26hl%3Dja%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DG%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:ja:official%26biw%3D927%26bih%3D581%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=321&vpy=87&dur=138&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=142&ty=104&page=1&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0]]を務めておりました -血液型:A型 ** 研究テーマ [#q186278a] -対流圏オゾンの植物影響評価のための気孔コンダクタンスのモデリング;~ [[環境省地球環境研究推進費>http://www.env.go.jp/policy/kenkyu/suishin/gaiyou/index.html]]研究メンバー ** これまでの業績 (新から旧へ)[#x934e1a3] ''1) 学術論文(査読有り)''~ +''Hoshika, Y.'', Fares, S., Pellegrini, E., Conte, A. and Paoletti, E. (2020) Water use strategy affects avoidance of ozone stress by stomatal closure in Mediterranean trees –A modelling analysis–. ''Plant, Cell and Environment'' (in press), doi: 10.1111/pce.13700 +Vitale, M., Amitrano, E.,''Hoshika, Y.'' and Paoletti, E. (2020) Plant species-specific litter decomposition rates are directly affected by tropospheric ozone: analysis of trends and modelling. ''Water, Air and Soil Pollution'' (in press) +''Hoshika, Y.'', De Carlo, A., Baraldi, R., Neri, L., Carrari, E., Agathokleous, E., Zhang, L., Fares, S., Paoletti, E. (2019) Ozone-induced impairment of night-time stomatal closure in O3-sensitive poplar clone is affected by nitrogen but not by phosphorus enrichment. ''Science of the Total Environment'', 692: 713-722. +Paoletti, E., Alivernini, A., Anav, A., Badea, O., Carrari, E., Chivulescu, S., Conte, A., Ciriani, M.L., Dalstein-Richier, L., De Marco, A., Fares, S., Fasano, G., Giovanelli, A., Lazzara, M., Leca, S., Materassi, A., Moretti, V., Pitar, D., Popa, I., Sabatini, F., Salvati, L., Sicard, P., Sorgi, T. and ''Hoshika, Y.'' (2019) Toward stomatal–flux based forest protection against ozone: The MOTTLES approach. ''Science of the Total Environment'', 691: 516-527. +Giovanelli, A., Traversi, M.L., Anichini, M., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Fares, S., and Paoletti, E. (2019) Effect of long-term vs. short-term ambient ozone exposure on radial stem growth, sap flux and xylem morphology of O3-sensitive poplar trees. ''Forests'', 10: 396. +Agathokleous, E., Araminiene, V., Belz, R.G., Calatayud, V., De Marco, A., Domingos, M., Feng, Z., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Kitao, M., Koike, T., Paoletti, E., Saitanis, C.J., Sicard, P. and Calabrese, E.J. (2019) A quantitative assessment of hormetic responses of plants to ozone. ''Environmental Research'', 176: 108527. +Feng, Z., Yuan, X., Fares, S., Loreto, F., Li, P., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Paoletti, E. (2019) Isoprene is more affected by climate drivers than monoterpenes: a meta‐analytic review on plant isoprenoid emissions. ''Plant, Cell and Environment'', 42: 1939-1949. +Podda, S., Pisuttu, C., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Pellegrini, E., Carrari, E., Lorenzini, G., Nali, C., Cotrozzi, L., Zhang, L., Baraldi, R., Neri, L. and Paoletti, E. (2019) Can nutrient fertilization mitigate the effects of ozone exposure on an ozone-sensitive poplar clone? ''Science of the Total Environment'', 657: 340-350. +Fernandes, F.F., Esposito, M.P., Engela, M.R.G., Cardoso-Gustavson, P., Furlan, C.M., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Carrari, E., Magni, G., Domingos, M. and Paoletti, E. (2019) The passion fruit liana (Passiflora edulis Sims, Passifloraceae) is tolerant to ozone. ''Science of the Total Environment'', 656: 1091-1101. +Calzone, A., Podda, A., Lorenzini, G., Maserti, B.E., Carrari, E., Deleanu, E., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Haworth, M., Nali, C., Badea, O., Pellegrini, E., Fares, S. and Paoletti, E. (2019) Cross-talk between physiological and biochemical adjustments by Punica granatum cv. Dente di cavallo mitigates the effects of salinity and ozone stress. ''Science of the Total Environment'', 656: 589-597. +Mrak, T., Štraus, I., ,Grebenc, T., Gričar, J., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Carriero, G., Paoletti, E. and Kraigher, H. (2019) Different below ground responses to elevated ozone and soil water deficit in three European oak species (Quercus ilex, Q. pubescens and Q. robur). ''Science of the Total Environment'', 651: 1310-1320. +Agathokleous, E., Belz, R.G., Calatayud, V., De Marco, A., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Kitao, M., Saitanis, C.J., Sicard, P., Paoletti, E. and Calabrese, E.J. (2019) Predicting the effect of ozone on vegetation via the linear non-threshold (LNT), threshold and hormetic dose-response models.''Science of the Total Environment'', 649: 61-74. +Pellegrini, E., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Dusart, N., Cotrozzi, L., Gérard, J., Nali, C., Vaultier, M-N., Jolivet, Y., Lorenzini, G. and Paoletti, E. (2019) Antioxidative responses of three oak species under ozone and water stress conditions. ''Science of the Total Environment'', 647: 390-399. +Zhang, L., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Carrari, E., Cotrozzi, L., Pellegrini, E. and Paoletti, E. (2018) Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus imbalance on photosynthetic traits of poplar Oxford clone under ozone pollution ''Journal of Plant Research'', 131: 915-924. +Sicard, P., Agathokleous, E., Araminiene, V., Carrari, E., ''Hoshika, Y.'', De Marco, A. and Paoletti, E. (2018) Should we see urban trees as effective solutions to reduce increasing ozone levels in cities?. ''Environmental Pollution'', 243: 163-176. +Gustafson, E.J., Kubiske, M.E., Miranda, B.R., ''Hoshika, Y.'' and Paoletti, E. (2018) Extrapolating plot-scale CO2 and ozone enrichment experimental results to novel conditions and scales using mechanistic modeling. ''Ecological Processes'', 7: 31. +''Hoshika, Y.'', Osada, Y., De Marco, A., Penuelas, J. and Paoletti, E. (2018) Global diurnal and nocturnal parameters of stomatal conductance in woody plants and major crops. ''Global Ecology and Biogeography'', 27: 257-275. +''Hoshika, Y.'', Watanabe, M., Carrari, E., Paoletti, E. and Koike, T. (2018) Ozone-induced stomatal sluggishness changes stomatal parameters of Jarvis-type model in white birch and deciduous oak. ''Plant Biology'', 20: 20-28. +Moura, B.B., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Silveira, N.M., Marcos, F.C.C., Machado, E.C., Paoletti, E. and Ribeiro, R.V. (2018) Physiological and biochemical responses of two sugarcane genotypes growing under free-air ozone exposure. ''Environmental and Experimental Botany'', 153: 72-79. +Watanabe, M., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Inada, N. and Koike, T. (2018) Photosynthetic activity in relation to a gradient of leaf nitrogen content within a canopy of Siebold's beech and Japanese oak saplings under elevated ozone. ''Science of the Total Environment'', 636: 1455-1462. +Moura, B.B., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Ribeiro, R.V. and Paoletti, E. (2018) Exposure- and flux-based assessment of ozone risk to sugarcane plants. ''Atmospheric Environment'', 176: 252-260. +''Hoshika, Y.'', Carrari, E., Zhang, L., Carriero, G., Pignatelli, S., Fasano, G., Materassi, A. and Paoletti, E. (2018) Testing a ratio of photosynthesis to O3 uptake as an index for assessing O3-induced foliar visible injury in poplar trees. ''Environmental Science and Pollution Research'', 25: 8113-8124. +''Hoshika, Y.'', Moura, B. and Paoletti, E. (2018) Ozone risk assessment in three oak species as affected by soil water availability. ''Environmental Science and Pollution Research'', 25: 8125-8136. +Zhang, L., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Carrari, E., Badea, O. and Paoletti, E. (2018) Ozone risk assessment is affected by nutrient availability: Evidence from a simulation experiment under free air controlled exposure (FACE). ''Environmental Pollution'', 238: 812-822. +Zhang, L., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Carrari, E., Burkey, K.O. and Paoletti, E. (2018) Protecting the photosynthetic performance of snap bean under free air ozone exposure. ''Journal of Environmental Sciences'', 66: 31-40. +Gao, F., Catalayud, V., Paoletti, E., ''Hoshika, Y.'' and Feng, Z. (2017) Water stress mitigates the negative effects of ozone on photosynthesis and biomass in poplar plants. ''Environmental Pollution'', 230: 268-279. +''Hoshika, Y.'', Fares, S., Savi, F., Gruening, C., Goded, I., De Marco, A., Sicard, P. and Paoletti, E. (2017) Stomatal conductance models for ozone risk assessment at canopy level in Mediterranean evergreen forests. ''Agricultural and Forest Meteorology'', 234: 212-221. +Cambi, M., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Mariotti, B., Paoletti, E., Picchio, R., Venanzi, R. and Marchi, E. (2017) Compaction by a forest machine affects soil quality and '''Quercus robur''' L. seedling performance in an experimental field. ''Forest Ecology and Management'', 384: 406-414. +Paoletti, E., Materassi, A., Fasano, G., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Carriero, G., Silaghi, D. and Badea, O. (2017) A new-generation 3D ozone FACE (Free Air Controlled Exposure). ''Science of the Total Environment'', 575: 1407-1414. +''Hoshika, Y.'', De Marco, A., Materassi, A. and Paoletti, E. (2016) Light intensity affects ozone-induced stomatal sluggishness in snapbean. ''Water, Air, and Soil Pollution'', 227: 419. +Duarte, A.G., Katata, G., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Hossain, M., Kreuzwieser, J., Arneth, A. and Ruehr, N.K. (2016) Immediate and potential long-term effects of consecutive heat waves on the photosynthetic performance and water-balance in Douglas-fir. ''Journal of Plant Physiology'', 205: 57-66. +Haworth, M., ''Hoshika, Y.'' and Killi, D. (2016) Has the impact of rising CO2 on plants been exaggerated by meta-analysis of free-air CO2 enrichment studies? ''Frontiers in Plant Science'', 7: 1153. +Carriero, G., Brunetti, C., Fares, S., Hayes, F., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Mills, G., Tattini, M. and Paoletti, E. (2016) BVOC responses to realistic nitrogen fertilization and ozone exposure in silver birch. ''Environmental Pollution'', 231: 988-995. +Carriero, G., Emiliani, G., Giovanelli, A., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Manning, W.J., Traversi, M.L. and Paoletti, E. (2015) Effects of long-term ambient ozone exposure on biomass and wood traits in poplar treated with ethylenediurea (EDU). ''Environmental Pollution'', 206: 575-581. +Watanabe, M.,''Hoshika, Y.'', Inada, N. and Koike, T. (2015) Difference in photosynthetic responses to free air ozone fumigation between upper and lower canopy leaves of Japanese oak ('''Quercus monglica''' var. '''crispula''') saplings. ''Journal of Agricultural Meteorology'', 71: 227-231. +''Hoshika, Y.'', Watanabe, M., Inada, N. and Koike, T. (2015) Effects of ozone-induced stomatal closure on ozone uptake and its changes due to leaf age in sun and shade leaves of Siebold’s beech. ''Journal of Agricultural Meteorology'', 71: 218-226. +''Hoshika, Y.'', Katata, G., Deushi, M., Watanabe, M., Koike, T. and Paoletti, E. (2015) Ozone-induced stomatal sluggishness changes carbon and water balance of temperate deciduous forests. ''Scientific Reports'', 5: 9871. +Wang, X., Qu, L., Mao, Q., Kawaguchi, K., Watanabe, M., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Koyama, A., Tamai, Y. and Koike, T. (2015) Ectomycorrhizal species richness and growth of the hybrid larch F1 under elevated O3 and CO2. ''Environmental Pollution'', 197: 116-126. +''Hoshika, Y.'', Carriero, G., Feng, Z., Zhang, Y. and Paoletti, E. (2014) Determinants of stomatal sluggishness in ozone-exposed deciduous tree species. ''Science of the Total Environment'', 481: 453-458. +Watanabe, M., ''Hoshika, Y.'' and Koike, T. (2014) Photosynthetic responses of Monarch birch seedlings to different timing of free air ozone fumigation. ''Journal of Plant Research'', 127: 339-345. +Watanabe, M., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Inada, N. and Koike, T. (2014) Canopy carbon budget of Siebold's beech '''Fagus crenata''' sapling under free air ozone exposure. ''Environmental Pollution'', 184: 682-689. [[Abstract>http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0269749113002194]] +Kitao, M., Komatsu, M.,''Hoshika, Y.'', Yazaki, K., Yoshimura, K., Fujii, F., Miyama, T. and Kominami, Y. (2014) Seasonal ozone uptake by a warm-temperate mixed deciduous and evergreen broadleaf forest in western Japan estimated by the Penman-Monteith approach combined with a photosynthesis dependent stomatal model. ''Environmental Pollution'', 184: 457-463. [[Abstract>http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0269749113004971]] + ''Hoshika, Y.'', Watanabe, M., Inada, N. and Koike, T. (2013) Model-based analysis of avoidance of ozone stress by stomatal closure in Siebold’s beech ('''Fagus crenata'''). ''Annals of Botany'' , 112: 1149-1158. doi: 10.1093/aob/mct166. [[Abstract>http://aob.oxfordjournals.org/content/112/6/1149.abstract]] + ''Hoshika, Y.'', Watanabe, M., Inada, N., Mao, Q. and Koike, T. (2013) Photosynthetic response of early and late leaves of white birch ('''Betula platyphylla''' var. '''japonica''') grown under free-air ozone exposure. ''Environmental Pollution'', 182: 242-247. [[Abstract>http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0269749113004028]] +''Hoshika, Y.'', Pecori, F., Conese, I., Bardelli, T., Marchi, E., Manning, W.J., Badea, O. and Paoletti, E. (2013) Effects of a three-year exposure to ambient ozone on biomass allocation in poplar using ethylenediurea. ''Environmental Pollution'', 180: 299-303. [[Abstract>http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0269749113002996]] +''Hoshika, Y.'', Tatsuda, S., Watanabe, M., Wang, X., Watanabe, Y., Saito, H., and Koike, T. (2013) Effect of ambient ozone at the somma of Lake Mashu on growth and leaf gas exchange in '''Betula ermanii''' and '''B. platyphylla''' var. '''japonica'''. ''Environmental and Experimental Botany'', 90: 12-16.[[Abstract>http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0098847212002109]] +''Hoshika, Y.'', Omasa, K., and Paoletti, E. (2013) Both ozone exposure and soil water stress are able to induce stomatal sluggishness. ''Environmental and Experimental Botany'' 88: 19-23. [[Abstract>http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S009884721100311X]] +Watanabe, M., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Inada, N., Wang, X., Mao, Q. and Koike, T. (2013) Photosynthetic traits of Siebold’s beech and oak saplings grown under free air ozone exposure. ''Environmental Pollution'' 174: 50-56. [[Abstract>http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0269749112004848]] +''Hoshika, Y.'', Watanabe, M., Inada, N., and Koike, T. (2012) Growth and leaf gas exchange in three birch species exposed to elevated ozone and CO2 in summer. ''Water, Air, and Soil Pollution'' 223: 5017-5025.[[Abstract>http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11270-012-1253-y]] +''Hoshika, Y.'', Wanatabe, M., Inada, N., and Koike, T. (2012) Modeling of stomatal conductance for estimating ozone uptake of '''Fagus crenata''' under experimentally enhanced free-air ozone exposure. ''Water, Air, and Soil Pollution '' 223: 3893-3901.[[Abstract>http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11270-012-1158-9]] +''Hoshika, Y.'', Omasa, K., and Paoletti, E. (2012) Whole-tree water use efficiency is decreased by ambient ozone and not affected by O3-induced stomatal sluggishness. ''Plos One '' 7(6): e39270.[[Abstract>http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0039270]] +Koike, T., Mao, Q., Inada, N., Kawaguchi, K., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Kita, K., and Wanatabe, M. (2012) Growth and photosynthetic responses of hybrid larch ('''Larix gmelinii''' var. '''japonica''' x '''L. kaempferi) ''' cuttings to elevated ozone and/or carbon dioxide. ''Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment'' 6(2): 104-110.[[pdf>http://asianjae.org/download_jnr.php?no=98]] +''Hoshika, Y.'', Paoletti, E., and Omasa, K. (2012) Parameterization of '''Zelkova serrata''' stomatal conductance model to estimate stomatal ozone uptake in Japan. ''Atmospheric Environment'' 55: 271-278.[[Abstract>http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S135223101200221X]] +''Hoshika, Y.'', Wanatabe, M., Inada, N., and Koike, T. (2012) Ozone-induced stomatal sluggishness develops progressively in Siebold's beech ('''Fagus crenata'''). ''Environmental Pollution'' 166: 152-156.[[Abstract>http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S026974911200125X]] +''Hoshika, Y.'', Shimizu, Y., and Omasa, K. (2011) A comparison between stomatal ozone uptake and AOT40 of deciduous trees in Japan. ''I-forest - Biogeosciences and Forestry''. 4: pp 128-135.[[Abstract>http://www.sisef.it/iforest/contents/?id=ifor0573-004]] +''Hoshika, Y.'', Hajima, T., Shimizu, Y., Takigawa, M., and Omasa, K. (2011) Estimation of stomatal ozone uptake of deciduous trees in East Asia. ''Annals of Forest Science'' 68: pp 607-616.[[Abstract>http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs13595-011-0051-9]] +''星加康智''・羽島知洋・清水庸・滝川雅之・大政謙次 (2009) 東アジア域における落葉広葉樹林を対象としたオゾン吸収量推定に関する成長期間の影響. ''生態工学会誌'' 21: pp 3-8.[[Abstract>https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/seitaikogaku/21/1/21_1_3/_article/-char/ja/]] +''星加康智''・羽島知洋・清水庸・大政謙次 (2007) 日本における現状の森林植生と潜在自然植生のNPPの比較. ''農業気象'' 63: pp 33-39.[[Abstract>https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/agrmet/63/1/63_1_33/_article/-char/ja/]] [北方森林学会論文集] +稲田直輝、''星加康智''、渡辺 誠、小池孝良 (2013) ブナの陽樹冠と陰樹冠へのオゾン影響解明〜開放系オゾン暴露実験による解析. ''北方森林研究'', 61, 49-50. +渡辺誠、''星加康智''、小池孝良 (2013) 異なる時期のオゾン付加に対するウダイカンバ苗の成長・光合成応答. ''北方森林研究'', 61, 37-40. +Mao, Q., ''Hoshika, Y.'', Watanabe, M., and Koike, T. (2012) Symptom of ozone injured leaves in 3 kinds of birch species in Hokkaido. ''Boreal Forest Research'' 60: 35-38. +稲田直輝・''星加康智''・渡辺誠・小池孝良 (2012) 開放系暴露装置によるブナとシラカンバの光合成機能へのオゾンの影響. ''北方森林研究'' 60: 31-32. +原悠子・伊藤寛剛・毛 巧芝・渡辺誠・''星加康智''・高木健太郎・斉藤秀之・澁谷正人・小池孝良(2012)開放系大気CO2増加施設で育成したカンバ類3種のシュートの動態 −CO2付加2年目の効果−、''北方森林研究'' 60: 39-40. ''2) 書籍'' +Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y., Koike, T. and Izuta, T. (2017) Effects of ozone on Japanese trees. In "Air Pollution Impacts on Plants in East Asia",Springer, Tokyo, Japan, pp 73-100. +星加康智・大政謙次 植物影響評価のためのオゾン吸収モデリング, 生態工学ハンドブック vol.7 陸域環境と生態工学 (ビオフィリア特別付録),アドスリー,pp 2-5, 2015. +Koike, T., Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y., Kitao, M., Matsumura, H., Funada, R. and Izuta, T. Effects of ozone on forest ecosystems in East and Southeast Asia. (Matyssek, R., Clarke, N., Cudlin, P., Mikkelsen, T.N., Tuovinen, J.-P., Wieser, G. and Paoletti, E., eds.), Climate Change, Air Pollution and Global Challenges: Understanding and Solutions from Forest Research, Elsevier, pp 371-390, 2013. +星加康智 気孔の役割, 北海道の気象と農業(日本農業気象学会北海道支部編),北海道新聞社,pp 142-144, 2012. ''3) 解説、総説、その他'' +Agathokleous, E., Koike, T., Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y. and Saitanis, C. Ethylene-di-urea (EDU), an effective phytoproctectant against O3 deleterious effects and a valuable research tool. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, 71, pp 185-195, 2015. +Hoshika, Y., Watanabe, M., Kitao, M., Haberle, K-H., Grams, T.E.E., Koike, T. and Matyssek, R. Ozone induces stomatal narrowing in European and Siebold's beeches: a comparison between two experiments of free-air ozone exposure. Environmental Pollution, 196, pp 527-533, 2015. +王暁娜,毛巧芝,甘烔圭,渡辺誠,星加康智,小池孝良 カラマツ属樹木に対する対流圏オゾンの影響評価の現状と課題, 北海道の農業気象. 65: pp 49-57, 2013. +川口光倫,星加康智,渡辺誠,小池孝良 カンバ類へのオゾンの影響 -メカニズム解明とフィールド観察をつなげる-, 北方林業. 65: pp 73-75, 2013. +渡辺誠,星加康智,小池孝良 開放系付加施設を利用した異なる時期のオゾン付加に対するウダイカンバの光合成応答, 北方林業. 65: pp 76-79, 2013. +星加康智,毛巧芝,稲田直輝,王暁娜,川口光倫,渡辺誠,小池孝良 日本の冷温帯落葉樹を対象としたオゾンの影響評価に関する新たな取り組み, 北海道の農業気象. 64: pp 13-22, 2012. +Kawaguchi, K., Hoshika, Y., Watanabe, M. and Koike, T., Ecophysiological responses of northern birch forests to the changing atmospheric CO2 and O3 concentration. Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment 6: 192-205, 2012. +王暁娜,龍田慎平,渡辺誠,星加康智,小池孝良 ダケカンバ衰退木と根の活動 ‐外生菌根菌の役割‐, 北方林業. 64: pp 170-172, 2012. +星加康智 オゾン吸収量によるブナへのオゾン影響評価のこころみ, 北方林業. 64: pp 50-51, 2012. +小池孝良,毛巧芝,渡辺誠,稲田直輝,川口光倫,星加康智 北海道の森林を対象にしたオゾン影響解明の展望, 北海道の農業気象. 63: pp 17-23, 2011. +星加康智, 清水庸, 大政謙次 空間情報を用いた対流圏オゾンの植生影響評価法, 遺伝. 裳華房. 65 (2): pp 58-64, 2011. +星加康智 熱帯雨林は生物圏と大気環境のバランスを維持している, 遺伝. 裳華房. 62 (6): pp 117-118, 2008. 【その他】 +小池孝良,毛巧芝,渡辺誠,星加康智 森林研究機関連合(IUFRO-07関連)集会 -大気変動環境と森林動態に関する国際会議-, 北方林業. 66: pp 40-43, 2014. +渡辺誠・星加康智・小池孝良 国際会議「気候変動と大気汚染に対する森林の生物学的応答」に参加して, 北方林業 64: pp 366-369, 2012. +星加康智 海外短期留学報告:イタリアでの研究生活, 北海道の農業気象. 63: pp 28-31, 2011. ''3) 学会発表など''~ ''・国際会議発表など'' ''[Oral presentations]'' +○Hoshika, Y. and Paoletti, E. Do ozone and drought change the parameters of photosynthesis-stomatal model? -The analysis by the optimal stomatal conductance model-. IUFRO world congress 2019. Curitiba, Brazil, Sept 29-Oct 5, 2019. +○Hoshika, Y., Zhang, L., Carrari, E., Badea, O. and Paoletti, E. Nutritional availability changes ozone dose-response relationships in poplars. ICP vegetation 32nd Task Force Meeting. Targoviste, Romania, Feb 18-21, 2019. +○Hoshika, Y., Carrari, E., De Marco, A., Sicard, P., Badea, O. and Paoletti, E. 3D ozone FACE as a basic device for the parameterization of tree forest species and the validation of visible foliar ozone injury. International Conference "Forest Science for a Sustainable Forestry and Human Wellbeing in a Changing World - INCDS "Marin Drãcea” 85 Years of Activity, Centenary of The Great Union in 1918". Bucharest, Romania, Sept 18-21, 2018. +○Hoshika, Y. and Paoletti, E. Development of stomatal conductance modeling under elevated ozone for forest trees. International Conference on Ozone and Plant Ecosystems. Firenze, Italy, May 21-25, 2018. +Paoletti, E., Carrari, E., Zhang, L., Moura, B. and ○Hoshika, Y. Ozone risk assessment for forest trees as affected by soil water deficit and nutritional availability. ICP vegetation 31st Task Force Meeting. Dessau, Germany, Mar 5-8, 2018. +○Hoshika, Y. and Paoletti, E. Does ozone change the parameters of photosynthesis-stomatal model? -The analysis by the optimal stomatal conductance model-. IUFRO Tokyo 2017, Actions for Sustainable Forest Ecosystems under Air Pollution and Climate Change. Fuchu, Japan, Oct 22-26, 2017. +○Hoshika, Y., Katata, G., Deushi, M., Watanabe, M., Koike, T. and Paoletti, E. Ozone-induced stomatal sluggishness changes carbon and water balance of temperate deciduous forest. IUFRO 125th anniversary congress 2017. Freiburg, Germany, Sep 18-22, 2017. +○Hoshika, Y., Watanabe, M., Carriero, G., Koike, T. and Paoletti, E. To develop stomatal conductance modeling under elevated ozone in forest trees. IUFRO international congress “Global Challenges of Air Pollution and Climate Change to Forests”. Nice, France, Jun 1-5, 2015. +○Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y., Inada, N. and Koike, T. Difference in photosynthetic responses to ozone between canopy positions in Japanese oak. IUFRO international congress “Global Challenges of Air Pollution and Climate Change to Forests”. Nice, France, Jun 1-5, 2015. +○Hoshika, Y., Watanabe, M., Carriero, G., Koike, T. and Paoletti, E. Stomatal conductance modeling for assessing ozone impacts on deciduous trees. ICP-Vegetation The 28th Task Force Meeting. Roma, Italy, Feb 3-5, 2015. +○Koike, T., Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y., Satoh, F. and Izuta, T. Steady State and Dynamic Gas Exchange Responses to Free Air O3 Exposure in Sensitive or Tolerant Trees. 9th APGC symposiums "Plants and the changing environment". Monterey, USA, Jun 8-12, 2014. +○Fares, S., Savi, F., Hoshika, Y., Cieslik, S., Gruening, C., Goded, I. and Paoletti, E. Measuring and modeling ozone fluxes in Mediterranean forest ecosystems in Italy. 9th APGC symposiums "Plants and the changing environment". Monterey, USA, Jun 8-12, 2014. +○Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y., Inada, N., Mao, Q.Z. and Koike, T. Photosynthetic responses of Siebold's beech ('''Fagus crenata''') saplings to ozone: Consideration of within-canopy light gradient. International Conference on Ozone and Plants. Beijing, China, May 21-24, 2014. +○Mao, Q.Z., Sakikawa, T., Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y. and Koike, T. Leaf structure and sensitivity of beech and oak under ozone fumigation. International Conference on Ozone and Plants. Beijing, China, May 21-24, 2014. +○Koike, T., Wang, M., Watanabe, M., Sakuma, A., Sakikawa, T., Tatuda, S., Mao, Q.Z., Shi, C., Saito, H. and Hoshika, Y. Declining symptom of mountain birch ('''Betula ermanii''') in eastern Hokkaido, northern Japan. International Conference on Ozone and Plants. Beijing, China, May 21-24, 2014. +○Wang, M., Qu, L.Y., Kawaguchi, K., Mao, Q.Z., Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y., Koyama, A., Tamai, Y. and Koike, T. Ectomycorrhizaheterogeneity and growth of hybrid larch F1 grown under elevated O3. International Conference on Ozone and Plants. Beijing, China, May 21-24, 2014. +○Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y., Wang, X.N., Mao, Q.Z., Inada, N., Sakikawa, T. and Koike, T. Free air ozone fumigation study on deciduous broad-leaves tree species in northern Japan. ISAM(International Symposium on Agricultural Meteorology) 2014. Sapporo, Japan, Mar 17-21, 2014. +○Fares, S., Savi, F., Hoshika, Y., De Marco, A., Cieslik, S., Gruening, C., Matteucci, M., Siccard, P. and Paoletti, E. Ball-Berry vs Jarvis approaches to model stomatal ozone deposition in mediterranean forests: validation using the test sites of Castelporziano and San Rossore Forests. ICP-vegetation, the 27th task force meeting. Paris, France, Jan 28-30, 2014. +○Hoshika. Y., Watanabe, M., Inada, N. Mao, Q.Z. and Koike, T. Estimation of stomatal ozone uptake of sun and shade leaves for Siebold’s beech ('''Fagus crenata'''). International Conference“Vegetation Response to Climate Change and Air Pollution – Unifying Evidence and Research across Northern and Southern Hemisphere Jointly organized by: IUFRO Research Group 7*01*00. Bahia, Brazil, September 1-6 2013. +○Watanabe, M., Hoshika. Y., Inada, N. Mao, Q.Z. and Koike, T. Photosynthetic traits in leaves of Siebold’s beech (Fagus crenata) saplings under free air O3 exposure in relation to the within-canopy light gradient. International Conference“Vegetation Response to Climate Change and Air Pollution – Unifying Evidence and Research across Northern and Southern Hemisphere Jointly organized by: IUFRO Research Group 7*01*00. Bahia, Brazil, September 1-6 2013. +○Mao, Q.Z., Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y., Kita, K. and Koike, T. Photosynthetic responses of three kinds of larch seedlings raised under free air CO2 enrichment (FACE). International Conference“Vegetation Response to Climate Change and Air Pollution – Unifying Evidence and Research across Northern and Southern Hemisphere Jointly organized by: IUFRO Research Group 7*01*00. Bahia, Brazil, September 1-6 2013. +○Wang, X.N., Mao, Q.Z., Qu, L.Y., Kawaguchi, K., Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y., Koyama, A. Tamai, Y. and Koike, T. Ectomycorrhizal richness and growth of hybrid larch F1 under elevated O3 and CO2. International Conference“Vegetation Response to Climate Change and Air Pollution – Unifying Evidence and Research across Northern and Southern Hemisphere Jointly organized by: IUFRO Research Group 7*01*00. Bahia, Brazil, September 1-6 2013. +○Sicard, P., De Marco, A., Vas, N., Dalstein-Richier, L., Hoshika, Y. and Paoletti, E. Exposure-based and flux-based criteria translated into real-world Mediterranean forest impacts. International Conference“Vegetation Response to Climate Change and Air Pollution – Unifying Evidence and Research across Northern and Southern Hemisphere Jointly organized by: IUFRO Research Group 7*01*00. Bahia, Brazil, September 1-6 2013. +○Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y., Inada, N., Wang, X., Mao, Q. and Koike, T. Photosynthetic responses of Siebold’s beech and oak saplings grown in northern Japan to free air ozone exposure. Aerosols in East Asia and Their Impacts on Plants and Human Health, November 29 – December 1 2012. +○Koike, T., Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y., Kitao, M., Funada, R., and Izuta, T. Pollution-plants researches in Japan. International conference ‘Biological Reactions of Forests to Climate Change and Air Pollution’. Kaunas, Lithuania, March 18-27 2012. +○Paoletti, E., Hoshika, Y., and Manning, W. J. Ambient ozone exposure affects carbon allocation and gas exchange in poplars treated with the antiozonant ethylenediurea for three years. International conference ‘Biological Reactions of Forests to Climate Change and Air Pollution’. Kaunas, Lithuania, March 18-27 2012. +○Hoshika, Y., Omasa, K., and Paoletti, E. Stomatal closure is sluggish in poplar leaves with ozone visible injury. COST conference FP0903; Ozone, climate change and forests. Prague, Czech republic, June 14-16 2011. +○Hoshika, Y., Omasa, K., and Paoletti, E. Stomatal sluggishness in response to ozone exposure and soil water stress in ozone-sensitive snapbean. 8th APGC Symposium: 'Plant Functioning in a Changing Global and Polluted Environment’, Groningen, Netherlands, June 5-9 2011. +○Hoshika, Y., Paoletti, E., and Omasa, K. Study of stomatal conductance in autumn for modeling of stomatal ozone uptake -Effects of visible injury on stomatal conductance-. Workshop on Atmospheric Deposition in East Asia 2011. Sapporo, Japan, March 2011. +○Hoshika, Y., and Omasa, K. Stomatal conductance modeling of deciduous tree species for ozone risk assessment in Japan. COST conference FP0903; Research, monitoring and modelling in the study of climate change and air pollution impacts on forest ecosystems. Rome, Italy, October 2010. +○Hoshika, Y. Stomatal conductance modelling of forest trees for ozone risk assessment. Workshop on Atmospheric Deposition in East Asia 2009. Tokyo, February 2009. ''[Poster presentations]'' +○Hoshika, Y., Mariotti, B., Martini, S., De Marco, A., Sicard, P. and Paoletti, E. For the assessment of ozone and climate change impacts on southern European forests: MITIMPACT PROJECT. IUFRO world congress 2019. Curitiba, Brazil, Sept 29-Oct 5, 2019. +○Hoshika, Y., Zhang, L., Carrari, E., Cotrozzi, L., Pellegrini, E. and Paoletti, E. Nutritional availability changes ozone risk-assessment for poplars –Results by the Ozone FACE study–. IUFRO world congress 2019. Curitiba, Brazil, Sept 29-Oct 5, 2019. +○Hoshika, Y., Carrari, E., Zhang, L., Carriero, G., Pignatelli, S., Fasano, G., Materassi, A. and Paoletti, E. Testing a ratio of photosynthesis to ozone uptake as an index for assessing ozone-induced foliar visible injury of poplar trees. IUFRO Tokyo 2017, Actions for Sustainable Forest Ecosystems under Air Pollution and Climate Change. Fuchu, Japan, Oct 22-26, 2017. +Paoletti, E., Du, E., McNulty, S., Grulke, N., Hoshika, Y. and ○Carrari, E. Sustainable forest management options for forests under severe ozone and nitrogen pollution. IUFRO Tokyo 2017, Actions for Sustainable Forest Ecosystems under Air Pollution and Climate Change. Fuchu, Japan, Oct 22-26, 2017. +Paoletti, E., Tagliaferro, F., Giannetti, F., Ebone, A., Proietti, C., De Marco, A., Sicard, P., Hoshika, Y., ○Carrari, E., Anav, A., Grosa, M., Clemente, M., Bardi, L., De Maria, R., Ciriani, M. and Dalstein-Richier L. Ozone and climate change impacts on Southern European forests: MITIMPACT project concept. IUFRO Tokyo 2017, Actions for Sustainable Forest Ecosystems under Air Pollution and Climate Change. Fuchu, Japan, Oct 22-26, 2017. +○Sicard, P., Anav, A., Badea, O., Carrari, E., Dalstein-Richier, L., De Marco, A., Fares, S., Hoshika, Y., Silaghi D. and Paoletti E. Epidemiological analysis: a new approach for forest protection against ozone. IUFRO Tokyo 2017, Actions for Sustainable Forest Ecosystems under Air Pollution and Climate Change. Fuchu, Japan, Oct 22-26, 2017. +Paoletti, E., Fasano, G., ○Hoshika, Y., Lazzara, M., Carrari, E., Carriero, G., Zhang, L., Moura, B. and Materassi, A. A new-generation 3D ozone FACE (free air controlled exposure) in the Mediterranean area. The 2nd Asian Air Pollution Workshop. Beijing, China, Oct 22-23, 2016. +○Carriero, G., Hoshika, Y., Fares, S., Pignattelli, S., Lazzara, M., Giovannelli, A., Emiliani, G., Traversi, M.L., Brunetti, C., Tattini, M. and Paoletti, E. A six-year EDU experiment on an O3-sensitive poplar clone. IUFRO international congress “Global Challenges of Air Pollution and Climate Change to Forests”. Nice, France, Jun 1-5, 2015. +Agathokleous, E., ○Saitanis, CJ., Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y., and Koike, T. Current knowledge on EDU (Ethylene-di-urea), the most effective antiozonant. ICP-Vegetation The 28th Task Force Meeting. Roma, Italy, Feb 3-5, 2015. +○Carriero, G., Hoshika, Y., Fares, S., Pignattelli, S., Lazzara, M., Giovanelli, A., Emilliani, G., Traversi, ML., Brunetti, C., Tattini, M. and Paoletti, E. A six-year EDU experiment on an O3-sensitive poplar clone. ICP-Vegetation The 28th Task Force Meeting. Roma, Italy, Feb 3-5, 2015. +○Hoshika, Y., Pignattelli, S., Lazzara, M., Bartolini, P., Pecori, F. and Paoletti, E. Stomatal ozone flux-response relationship for net photosynthesis in poplar trees with or without EDU. II International Congress of Silviculture. Firenze, Italy, Nov 26-29, 2014. +○Hoshika, Y., Carriero, G., Zhang, Y., Feng, Z. and Paoletti, E. Ozone-induced stomatal sluggishness is related to ozone uptake per net photosynthetic rate in three tree species in China. II International Congress of Silviculture. Firenze, Italy, Nov 26-29, 2014. +Hoshika, Y., Pignattelli, S., Lazzara, M., Bartolini, P., Pecori, F. and ○Paoletti, E. Stomatal ozone flux-response relationship for visible injury and net photosynthesis in poplar trees treated with or without EDU. IUFRO 2014 world congress. Salt Lake City, USA, Oct 5-11, 2014. +○Hoshika, Y., Watanabe, M., Inada, N., Paoletti, E. and Koike, T. Stomatal conductance modeling in Siebold's beech under ozone environment by Ball-Woodrow-Berry algorithms. 9th APGC symposiums "Plants and the changing environment". Monterey, USA, Jun 8-12, 2014. +○Hoshika, Y., Watanabe, M., Inada, N. and Koike, T. An analysis of avoidance of ozone stress by stomatal closure using optimization model of stomata for Siebold's beech. International Conference on Ozone and Plants. Beijing, China, May 21-24, 2014. +○Hoshika, Y., Carriero, G., Zhang, Y., Feng, Z. and Paoletti, E. Ozone-induced impairment of stomatal control is related to ozone uptake per net photosynthetic rate in three tree species in China. International Conference on Ozone and Plants. Beijing, China, May 21-24, 2014. +○Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y. and Koike, T. Photosynthetic responses of Monarch birch seedlings to differing timings of free air ozone fumigation. International Conference on Ozone and Plants. Beijing, China, May 21-24, 2014. +○Sakikawa, T., Shi, C., Mao, Q.Z., Oikawa, M., Hoshika, Y., Watanabe, M. and Koike, T. Leaf dynamics and insect grazing of Japanese white birch grown under free-air ozone exposure. International Conference on Ozone and Plants. Beijing, China, May 21-24, 2014. +○Agathokleos, E., Saitanis, C.J., Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y., Satoh, F. and Koike, T. Research proposal for moderating ground-surface ozone on representative plant species native to Greece and Japan. International Conference on Ozone and Plants. Beijing, China, May 21-24, 2014. +○Savi, F., Paoletti, E., Hoshika, Y., Cieslik, S.A., Gruening, C. and Fares, S. Modelling stomatal ozone deposition in Mediterranean forests: validation using field observations from two coastal test sites. FO3REST international meeting - 30th Task Force Meeting on ICP Modelling and Mapping. Rome, Italy, Apr 7-10, 2014. +○Sakikawa, T., Oikawa, M., Mao, Q.Z., Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y. and Koike, T. Leaf phenology and insect grazing of white birch ('''Betula platyphylla''' var. '''japonica''') grown under a free-air ozone exposure. ISAM(International Symposium on Agricultural Meteorology) 2014. Sapporo, Japan, Mar 17-21, 2014. +○Hoshika, Y., Watanabe, M., Inada, N., Mao, Q. and Koike, T. Estimation of stomatal ozone uptake for Siebold's beech grown under free-air ozone exposure. ISAM(International Symposium on Agricultural Meteorology) 2013. Kanazawa, Japan, March 27-29 2013. +○Hoshika, Y., Watanabe, M., Inada, N., and Koike, T. Ozone develops sluggishness of stomatal light response progressively in Siebold's beech ('''Fagus crenata'''). International conference ‘Biological Reactions of Forests to Climate Change and Air Pollution’. Kaunas, Lithuania, March 18-27 2012. +○Koike, T., Watanabe, M., Wang, X., Tatsuta, S., Sakuma, A., Yamaguchi, T., Noguchi, I., Saito, H., and Hoshika, Y. Declining symptom of mountain birch ('''Betula ermanii''') in northern Japan. International conference ‘Biological Reactions of Forests to Climate Change and Air Pollution’. Kaunas, Lithuania, May 18-27 2012. +○Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y., Inada, N,, Wang, X., Mao, Q., and Koike, T. Photosynthetic traits of Fagus crenata and Quercus crispula sapling grown under free air ozone exposure. International conference ‘Biological Reactions of Forests to Climate Change and Air Pollution’. Kaunas, Lithuania, May 18-27 2012. +○Hoshika, Y., Inada, N., Watanabe, M., and Koike, T. Effects of ozone on stomatal response for '''Fagus crenata''' grown under free air ozone exposure. ISAM 2012, Osaka, Japan, March 13-17 2012. +○Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y., Inada, N., Wang, X., Mao, Q., Yamaguchi, T., Noguchi, I., and Koike, T. Photosynthetic traits of '''Fagus crenata''' sapling grown under free air ozone exposure. ISAM 2012. Osaka, Japan, March 13-17 2012. +Hoshika, Y., ○Paoletti, E., and Omasa, K. Stomatal conductance modeling of Zelkova serrata to estimate stomatal ozone uptake in Japan. ICP-vegetation, the 25th task force meeting. Brescia, Italy, Jan 31-Feb 2, 2012. +○Hoshika, Y., Hajima, T., Shimizu, Y., Takigawa, M., and Omasa, K. Estimation of ozone stomatal flux for decidious forests in East Asia,International Symposium on Agricultural Meteorology 2009 (ISAM 2009), Koriyama, Japan, March 2009. +○Hoshika, Y., Shimizu, Y., Takigawa, M., and Omasa, K. Modelling a stomatal ozone flux for forests in East Asia. APGC2008 Symposium on Plant Functioning in a Changing Environment, Creswick, Australia, December 2008. +○Hoshika, Y., Hajima, T., Shimizu, Y., Takigawa, M., and Omasa, K. Effects of growing season on ozone stomatal flux for deciduous forests in East Asia. ISAM2008, Shimonoseki, Japan, March 2008. +○Hoshika, Y., Hajima, T., Shimizu, Y., Takigawa, M., and Omasa, K. Effects of mid-anthesis date on ozone stomatal flux for wheat plants in East Asia. ISAM2008, Shimonoseki, Japan, March 2008. ''・国内会議発表など'' ''[口頭発表]''~ +○渡辺 誠・黄瀬佳之・星加康智・Evgenios Agathokleous・小池孝良・松村秀幸・河野吉久・伊豆田 猛, 日本の森林樹種の成長および乾物分配のオゾンに対する応答. 第128回日本森林学会大会, 鹿児島, 2017年3月26-29日 +○堅田 元喜, 星加 康智, 大気汚染下での葉の濡れが及ぼす森林炭素循環への影響. 日本地球惑星科学連合大会2016, 幕張, 2016年5月22-26日. +○堅田 元喜, 星加 康智, 空間スケールをつなぐ:対流圏オゾンによる温帯落葉樹林への影響の数値的評価. 第127回大気環境学会年会, 藤沢, 2016年3月27-30日. +○堅田 元喜, 星加 康智, 森林での大気沈着とその植物影響研究:モデルと観測の相互発展への道筋. 第56回大気環境学会年会, 東京, 2015年9月15-17日. +○渡辺 誠, 星加 康智, 小池 孝良, 異なる時期のオゾン暴露がウダイカンバ苗の光合成に与える影響. 第55回大気環境学会年会, 松山, 2014年9月17日. +○渡辺 誠, 星加 康智, 稲田 直輝, 小池 孝良, ブナ幼木の葉群光合成に与える開放系オゾン暴露の影響. 第125回日本森林学会, さいたま,2014年3月26-30日. +○渡辺 誠, 星加 康智, 稲田 直輝, 小池 孝良, オゾンに対するブナの光合成応答〜樹冠内光勾配との関係〜. 第54回大気環境学会年会, 新潟,2013年9月18-20日. +○稲田 直輝, 星加 康智, 渡辺 誠, 毛 巧芝, 小池 孝良, ブナとミズナラを対象としたオゾンの光合成への影響~光環境とオゾン影響の関係~. 第124回日本森林学会大会, 盛岡, 2013年3月. +○渡辺 誠, 星加 康智, 小池 孝良, 異なる時期のオゾン付加がウダイカンバ苗の光合成に与える影響. 第124回日本森林学会大会, 盛岡, 2013年3月. +○星加 康智, 渡辺 誠, 稲田 直輝, 毛 巧芝, 小池 孝良, 開放系オゾン暴露実験を用いたブナ葉の気孔コンダクタンス モデリング-オゾン影響の考慮について-. 日本農業気象学会北海道支部2012年大会, 札幌, 2012年12月. +○星加 康智, 渡辺 誠, 稲田 直輝, 毛 巧芝, 小池 孝良, 開放系オゾン暴露実験を用いたブナ葉のオゾン吸収量推定のための気孔コンダクタンスモデリング. 第19回大気環境学会北海道東北支部会, 札幌, 2012年10月. +○渡辺 誠,星加 康智,小池 孝良,異なる時期のオゾン付加に対するウダイカンバ苗の光合成応答.第19回大気環境学会北海道東北支部会, 札幌, 2012年10月. +○星加 康智, 渡辺 誠, 稲田 直輝, 毛 巧芝, 小池 孝良, 開放系オゾン暴露実験による冷温帯落葉広葉樹を対象としたオゾン吸収量の推定. 第53回大気環境学会年会, 横浜, 2012年9月. +○星加 康智,稲田 直輝,渡辺 誠,小池 孝良,開放系オゾン暴露実験によるブナを対象とした光合成速度と気孔応答へのオゾンの影響.第123回日本森林学会大会,宇都宮,2012年3月。 +○小池 孝良,毛 巧芝,稲田 直輝,川口 光倫,来田 和人,渡辺 誠,グイマツ雑種F1の成長と光合成に及ぼすオゾンと高CO2の影響.第123回日本森林学会大会,宇都宮,2012年3月。 +○Novriyanti E.,渡辺 誠,星加 康智,橋床 泰之,小池 孝良,Insensible response of eucalypts species to elevated [O3] as compare with elevated [CO2] may not reflect the actual defense cascade.第123回日本森林学会大会,宇都宮,2012年3月。 +○星加 康智,小池 孝良,オゾンによる葉面可視障害が気孔コンダクタンスにおよぼす影響.新学術領域「植物の高CO2応答」第2回若手ワークショップ,千歳,2011年10月。 +○星加 康智,大政 謙次,落葉広葉樹を対象としたオゾンの影響を考慮にいれた気孔コンダクタンスモデリング.第51回大気環境学会年会,大阪,2010年9月。 +○星加 康智, 大政 謙次, 落葉広葉樹への対流圏オゾンの影響を評価するための気孔コンダクタンスモデリング.創立50周年第50会大気環境学会年会, 横浜, 2009年9月。 +○星加 康智,羽島 知洋, 清水 庸, 滝川 雅之, 大政 謙次,落葉広葉樹を対象としたオゾン影響評価のための気孔コンダクタンスモデリング.農業環境工学関連学会2009年合同大会, 東京, 2009年9月。 +○星加 康智,羽島 知洋, 清水 庸, 滝川 雅之, 大政 謙次, オゾンフラックスモデルを用いた小麦のオゾン吸収量推定における開花期の影響.2008生態工学会年次大会, 東京, 2008年6月。 +○佐々木 健介,星加 康智,羽島 知洋,清水 庸,大政 謙次,プロセスモデルを使用した気候変動によるアジア域の自然植生への影響予測,農業環境工学関連学会 2007年合同大会,東京,2007年9月。 +○佐々木 健介,星加 康智,羽島 知洋,清水 庸,大政 謙次,プロセスモデルを使用した気候変動によるアジア域の自然植生への影響予測,日本農業気象学会2007年春季大会,石垣,2007年3月。 +○星加 康智,羽島 知洋,清水 庸,大政 謙次,滝川 雅之,フラックスモデルを用いた東アジア域における対流圏オゾンの植生の吸収量の推定,日本農業気象学会2007年春季大会,石垣,2007年3月。 +○星加 康智,清水 庸,大政 謙次,温暖化時における植物季節の発現日変化の予測,農業環境工学関連学会2006年合同大会,札幌,2006年9月。 +○星加 康智,羽島 知洋,清水 庸,大政 謙次,プロセスモデルを用いた日本における森林植生の純一次生産量の推定,農業環境工学関連7学会合同大会,金沢,2005年9月。 ''[ポスター発表]'' +○黄瀬 佳之, 安土 文鹿, 小林 亜由美, 山口 真弘, 渡辺 誠, 星加 康智, 松村 秀幸, 小池 孝良, 北尾 光俊, 船田 良、伊豆田 猛, 葉のオゾン吸収量に基づいた日本に分布するブナ、コナラ、ミズナラおよびシラカンバの葉のCO2吸収量に対するオゾンの影響評価. 第55回大気環境学会年会, 松山, 2014年9月17日。 +○星加 康智, 渡辺 誠, 稲田 直輝, 毛 巧芝,小池 孝良, 開放系オゾン暴露実験を用いたブナ葉の気孔応答へのオゾンの影響-光合成・気孔コンダクタンスモデルを用いた解析-. 第124回日本森林学会大会, 盛岡, 2013年3月。 +○星加 康智, 渡辺 誠, 稲田 直輝, 王 暁娜,毛 巧芝,小池 孝良, 開放系オゾン暴露実験を用いたブナ葉のオゾン吸収量推定. 第61回北方森林学会大会, 札幌, 2012年11月。 +○渡辺 誠, 星加 康智, 小池 孝良, 異なる時期のオゾン付加に対するウダイカンバ苗の成長・光合成応答. 第61回北方森林学会大会, 札幌, 2012年11月。 +○稲田 直輝, 星加 康智, 渡辺 誠, 王 暁娜,毛 巧芝,小池 孝良, ブナの陽樹冠と陰樹冠へのオゾン影響解明−開放系オゾン暴露実験による解析−. 第61回北方森林学会大会, 札幌, 2012年11月。 +○川口 光倫, 渡辺 誠, 星加 康智, 稲田 直輝, 小池 孝良, シラカンバの葉の展開は大気変化に影響されるか. 第61回北方森林学会大会, 札幌, 2012年11月。 +○稲田 直輝, 星加 康智, 渡辺 誠, 小池 孝良, 開放系オゾン暴露実験による冷温帯落葉広葉樹の光合成機能に与えるオゾンの影響. 第53回大気環境学会年会, 横浜, 2012年9月。 +○星加 康智,稲田 直輝,渡辺 誠,小池 孝良,開放系オゾン暴露実験によるブナを対象とした気孔応答へのオゾンの影響.第60回北方森林学会,札幌,2011年11月。 +○稲田 直輝,星加 康智,渡辺 誠,小池 孝良,開放系オゾン暴露実験によるブナとシラカンバの光合成機能へのオゾンの影響,第60回北方森林学会,札幌,2011年11月。 +○Mao Q, 星加 康智, 渡辺 誠,小池 孝良, Symptom of ozone injured leaves in deciduous broadleaved trees native to Hokkaido.第60会北方森林学会, 札幌, 2011年11月。 +○原 悠子,伊藤 寛剛, 渡辺 誠,毛 巧芝,星加 康智,斎藤 秀之,渋谷 正人,高木 健太郎,小池 孝良,開放系大気CO2増加(FACE)施設で育成したカンバ3種のシュートの動態−CO2付加2年目の効果−.第60回北方森林学会, 札幌, 2011年11月。 +○星加 康智,Elena Paoletti, 大政 謙次, インゲンマメの気孔応答に対するオゾンと土壌水分との影響,日本生物環境工学会2011年札幌大会,札幌,2011年9月。 +○清水 庸,星加 康智,大政 謙次,日本における温暖化時の植物季節の変化予測マップの作成,日本農業気象学会2007年春季大会,石垣,2007年3月。 +○羽島 知洋,星加 康智,清水 庸,大政 謙次,DAYCENTをベースとした陸域生態系モデルの開発と純生態系生産量の推定,日本農業気象学会2007年春季大会,石垣,2007年3月。 ''4) 招待講演''~ + Hoshika Y(2017) "Impacts of air pollution and urban trees". 於)Aspetti attuali e furuti del verde urbano, Firenze, Italy, 4 Oct, 2017. + Hoshika Y(2017) "Ruolo degli inquinanti atmosferici nelle malattie delle piante". 於)Emergenze fitosanitarie e controllo ecosostenibile, Firenze, Italy, 5 May, 2017. + Hoshika Y(2016) Global ozone impacts on forest carbon and water use. 於)Task Force session (Devision 7) on Climate Change and Forest Health in IUFRO regional Asia Oceania congress, Beijing, China, 26 October, 2016. + 星加康智(2012)オゾンに対する気孔応答(ブナの気孔コンダクタンスに対するオゾンの影響、分担)、於)新学術領域「植物の高CO2応答」第3回若手ワークショップ,鎌倉,2012年10月8日、ホテルマホロバマインズ三浦会議室。 + 星加康智(2011)対流圏オゾンの植物影響評価のための気孔コンダクタンス・モデリング、於)日本農業気象学会北海道支部セミナー(「農業気象・農林環境研究における最近の話題−若手研究者による研究最前線−」2011年8月30日、北大総合研究棟講義室) ''5) 受賞等''~ + イタリア森林学会若手賞"iForest賞",14 November 2019, Palermo, Italy. + 農業気象学会賞奨励賞, "樹木によるオゾン吸収量推定のための気孔コンダクタンスモデルの開発", 29 March 2017, Towada, Japan. + Excellent Poster Award at International Symposium in Agricultural Meteorology 2012 (ISAM 2012): Yasutomo Hoshika, Naoki Inada, Makoto Watanabe and Takayoshi Koike(2012) Effects of ozone on stomatal response for '''Fagus crenata''' grown under free air ozone exposure, Osaka, March 2012. ''6) その他''~ + イタリア大学教員相当国家資格 フェーズ2(Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, Fascia 2) 分野:植物防疫およびストレス生理学, 2018年7月30日-2024年7月30日 (審査結果2018年7月25日、イタリア教育・大学・研究省). + イタリア大学教員相当国家資格 フェーズ2(Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, Fascia 2) 分野:森林および樹木生理生態学, 2018年11月6日-2024年11月6日 (審査結果2018年10月29日、イタリア教育・大学・研究省). ** 競争的外部資金の受入 [#n4b9763f] •MITIMPACT (Prediction and evaluation of the impacts of climate change and photochemical air pollution on transfrontier vegetation– mitigation strategy), European Commission -Interreg ALCOTRA programme-, 28,262千円, 分担代表者(2019-2020年度、引継) •葉のオゾン吸収メカニズムの解明による新たなオゾンフラックスモデルの作成, 日本学術振興会海外特別研究員, 5,260千円, 研究代表者(2013-2014年度) •季節ごとのオゾン暴露がおよぼす植物影響の特異性評価, 科学研究費補助金 若手研究(B), 3,000千円, 研究代表者(2012-2014年度) •オゾンフラックスモデルを用いた東アジア域の植生の対流圏オゾンの吸収量の推定,日本学術振興会特別研究員奨励費, 1,400千円, 研究代表者(2009-2010年度) ** 投稿状況 [#n4b9763f] 論文: 筆頭×3, 共著×3; 総説・解説・その他: 筆頭×0, 共著×0; Book Chapter: 筆頭×0, 共著×0 ** 学会活動 [#n4b9763f] 1. 所属学会~ 日本農業気象学会・同北海道支部会、イタリア森林学会、大気環境学会、北方森林学会、北方林業会、日本森林学会、日本生態学会 2. 査読経験~ 農業気象、大気環境学会誌、Environmental Control in Biology、Trees、New Phytologist, Frontiers In Forests And Global Change, Environmental Pollution、Global Change Biology, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, International Journal of Biometeorology, Science of the Total Environment, Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment, Eurasian Journal of Forest Research, Experimental Agriculture 3. 委員など~ -Review Editor (Frontiers in Forests and Global Change) -Special Issue Guest Editor (Science of the Total Environment, "Ozone and Plants") -Special Issue Guest Editor (Journal of Plant Research, "Physiological ecology of woody species in response to air pollution and climate changes") -CNR オゾンFACE施設管理責任者(2015年4月1日より、n. protocol IPSP-CNR 2589) -CNR IRET Firenze 植物生理生態学実験室管理者(2019年より) -IUFRO WP 8.04.02 Genetic, biochemical and physiological processes, Deputy (2019年9月より) -IUFRO TASK FORCE Climate Change and Forest Health メンバー(Group E4) -IUFRO World congress 2019 (2019年9月29日-10月5日, Curitiba, Brazil), Session Organizer "Physiological and biogeochemical response of forest ecosystems to climate change and air pollution" -International Conference on Ozone and Plant Ecosystems (2018年5月21-25日, Firenze, Italy), Scientific Committee member -第125回IUFRO Anniversary congress 2017 (2017年9月18-22日, Freiburg, Germany), Session Organizer "Modern approaches in evaluating ozone impacts on forests" (session no.56) -第123回日本森林学会大会 (2012年3月26-29日, 宇都宮) ポスター審査員 ** 連絡先 [#j7a2baab] -E-mail: yasutomo.hoshika@cnr.it または hoshika0803@gmail.com (@半角に) -Istituto di Ricerca sugli Ecosistemi Terrestri, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - IRET-CNR, Via Madonna del Piano 10 Sesto Fiorentino, 50019 Firenze, Italia -Telefono: + 39 055 5225585, Fax: + 39 055 5225666 [[topページへ>http://www.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/fres/silv/]]