*Plant Physiological Ecology(2nd-ed)・勉強会のページ[#j4ef0494]
**お知らせ [#v0936ec8]





-タイトル:[[Plant Physiological Ecology 2nd-edition>http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-0-387-78340-6]]:~
-Editors: Lambers, H., Pons, T.L., Chapin, F.S.  
-出版社・出版年:Springer(July 2008)   

&ref(Plant Physiological Ecology.JPG);~

**セミナーの担当と内容 [#u36153f0]


小林:Assumption and Approaches (1)~
伊森+渡辺(誠):Photosynthesis (2A)~
宮田:Respiration (2B)~
渡邊(陽):Long-Distance Transport of Assimilate (2C)~
稲田:Plant Water Relations (3)~
小池:Scaling up gas exchange and enegry balance from the leaf to the canopy level(5)~
笠+宮崎:Mineral Nutrition (6)~
佐藤:Growth and Allocation (7)~
Jiwon:Life Cycles: Environmental Influences and Adaptations (8)~
小林:Symbiotic Association (9A)~
青山:Ecological Biochemistry: Allelopathy and Defence Against Herbivors (9B)~
岩崎:Interaction Among Plants (9E)~
末次:Role in Ecosystem and Global Processes (10A, 10B)~






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Plant Ecophysiological Ecology-2nd edition のバックアップソース(No.10)