** Teaching staff [#p41267c7]
- Professor
--[[Koike Takayoshi]]   (From Lab. [[Forest Dynamics>http://forest.fsc.hokudai.ac.jp/~hozen/fordyn/fordyn.htm]]) ~
【Key words】 Physiological Ecology of Forest plants, Forest rehabilitation (Photosynthesis of woody plants, Plant defense traits); 
---An introduction to the research group of Forest Ecophysiology;~
Click here → &ref(Koike-Eng.pdf);; [[JSPS-SPPS>http://www.spps.fi/cgi-bin/SPPSreader.pl?Story=20th&Vol=1109]];[[GCOE-Program-Environmental Change & Forest>http://www.ees.hokudai.ac.jp/gcoe/en/seminar/20110902.html]]
- Associate Professor
--[[Shibuya Masato>http://hecate.general.hokudai.ac.jp/welcome/top-page-eng.html]]~
【Research subject】Stand dynamics and management of secondary broadleaved forests based on interaction between trees
- Lecturer
--[[Saito Hideyuki>http://hecate.general.hokudai.ac.jp/welcome/top-page-eng.html]]~
【Key words】Forestry and forest engineering, Environmental influence evaluation, Basic genome science 	 

** Researchers [#ce3bac5d]
-[[Dr. Watanabe Makoto>http://www.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/fres/silv/index.php?Makoto%20Watanabe]] (graduated from [[Prof. T.Izuta's Lab.>http://www.tuat.ac.jp/~negitoro/Izuta%20Laboratory.html]]): PD fellow,~
--Environmental botany of plant species as affected by ozone under different soil nitrogen, drought and CO2 concentration.~
--Evaluation of growth and ecophysilogy of woody species grown in FACE (Free Air CO2 Enrichment). 
-[[Dr. Matsumoto Naoyuki>http://www.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/fres/silv/index.php?%BE%BE%CB%DC%C4%BE%B9%AC]]
--Studies on the microbes-soil micro-fauna interaction under low temperature at FACE
-[[Dr. Mao Qiaozhi>http://www.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/fres/silv/index.php?Mao%20Qiaozhi]]
--Eco-physiological study on the effect of elevated O3, CO2 and high nitrogen loading on deciduous tree species. PDF of The Environment Research and Technology Development Fund ([[ERTDF>http://www.env.go.jp/policy/kenkyu/suishin/english/index.html]])   

** Adjunct Research Members [#d4a7d1d2]
-Dr. Watanabe Yoko ([[From Lab. Forest Dynamics>http://forest.fsc.hokudai.ac.jp/~hozen/fordyn/fordyn.htm]]): PD Research Fellow of FSC (Ecosystem Function Group), Wood anatomy in histochemistry for analysis on biological interactions, for identification of treasure trove in conservation of historic and artistics.
-Dr. [[Hoshika Yasutomo]](graduated from [[Prof. K. Omasa's Lab.>http://park.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/joho/omasaEng.htm]]): PD fellow, JSPS PD at [[Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante - IPP>http://www.ipp.cnr.it/index.php/it/contattaci.html]], Modeling for estimation of O3 absorption by woody plants treated with free air O3 fumigation;~
A member of the research project of The Environment Research and Technology Development Fund ([[ERTDF>http://www.env.go.jp/policy/kenkyu/suishin/english/index.html]])  
-[[Dr. Shirota Tetsuoh]]: Assistant Professor of the Forest Ecology Lab. of Shinshu University: Modeling of tree growth in Northeastern Siberia 
-[[Dr. Iijima Hayato>http://www.geocities.jp/iijima_web/e/index_e.html]]: [[Researcher of the Forest Research Institute of Yamanashi Prefecture: Forest Protection>http://read.jst.go.jp/public/cs_kkn_004EventAction.do?lang_act5=J&action5=event&kcd1_act5=E253000000&judge_act5=2]], Modeling of stand dynamics of natural coniferous forests in Hokkaido, northern Japan.
-[[Dr. Eguchi Norikazu]] ([[From Lab. Forest Dynamics>http://forest.fsc.hokudai.ac.jp/~hozen/fordyn/fordyn.htm]]): Research Officer of [[The Forestry and Forest Products Technology Center of Aichi Prefecture>http://www.pref.aichi.jp/ringyo-c/]] (Former research topics on the effect of elevated CO2 concentration on the hydraulic characteristics of representative deciduous tree species and their xylem structure with FACE).
-Dr. [[Cao Di]] Study on the microbe diversity, survival and growth of plant species grown under salinity soil condition.
** Graduate Students [#g96ace15]
Research topic and subject are tentative
-DC2(The China Scholarship Council (CSC Program) fellow)
--[[Wang Xiaona]]: Dynamics of root growth of tree species grown under elevated CO2 and O3. 
-Graduate Researcher (Ph.D. course student)
--[[Chan Tommy>http://www.helsinki.fi/metsaymparisto/staff/en/en_tommy.html]]: Evaluation of deciduous tree species grown at FACE with Chlorophyll-a fluorescence, Research period April 2nd〜October 31, 2013;~
On leave from The Research Group of Forest Ecophysiology, [[Lab. of Dr. Eija Juurola>http://www.helsinki.fi/metsaymparisto/staff/en/en_eija.html]]), Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki, Finland;~

Memo.in parenthesis shows research interest at present;~
--[[Oikawa Monta]]:(Plant-Insect interactions in deciduous broad-leaved tree saplings under elevated CO2)
--[[Hara Yuko]]:(Physiological ecology of responses of woody plants under elevated CO2 with FACE)
--[[Ogura Sun'ji]]:(Forest Genetics of flowering of beech trees)(tentative)
--[[Sakuma Akira]]:(Analysis on the forest declining under changing environment)
--[[Sano Yuhki]]:(Numerical analysis on the forest stand for practical forestry)

--[[Araki Motoji]]:(Tree doctoral studies: interaction of birches and micro-organisms)
-Research student
--[[Kam Dong Gyu]]:(Effects of tropospheric ozone on the growth of deciduous trees -free Air O3 fumigation studies)(tentative)~
Graduated from [[Department of Forest Environment Science, Chonbuk National University,Korea>http://en.chonbuk.ac.kr/pj/pjDept.php?movePage=1&pageKey=233&subKey=&TP=001&pid=628&did=654&action=view]]
-Research student of [[Fublight schalorship>http://www.fulbright.jp/scholarship/index.html]]
--[[Jamie Mosel]]「Study on the light utilization of regenerated seedlings under FACE, elevated CO2」
[[St. Olaf College>http://www.stolaf.edu/]] (Minnesota, U.S.A.);~
First subject-Ecology, Second subject-Philosophy, Japanese
** Undergraduate Students [#k8cc0ba8]
--[[Kato Mikihiro]](Forest rehabilitation at tropical forests in Indonesia)(tentative)
--[[Kosugi Ryota]](Forest stand dynamics)(tentative)
--[[Sakikawa Tetsukazu]](Tree doctoral studies on forest ecophysiology)(tentative)
--[[Toda Mariko]](Forest regeneration)(tentative)
--[[Diao Huitian]]
On leave from China (Physiological anatomy of crown of hybrid larch F1 under high nitrogen loading -differentiation of sun vs shade crown-) ;~ 
[[Nankai University, College of Life Science>http://sky.nankai.edu.cn/english/]]
-Exchange student
--[[Cho Junjin]]
On leave from Korea [[Kongju National University, College of Industrial Science, Department of Forest Resources>http://english.kongju.ac.kr:8090/academics/under_ZE0860.jsp#null]] (Forest botanical and forest ecological studies)

** Back to [[top>http://www.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/fres/silv/index.php?index_e]] [#hc99c8ef]

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