* Members of Lab. Silvicutlure and Forest Ecology [#ne570fa3]
 ** Teaching Staff [#p41267c7]
 ** Teaching staff [#p41267c7]
 - Professor
 --[[Koike Takayoshi]]   ([[From Lab. Forest Dynamics>http://forest.fsc.hokudai.ac.jp/~hozen/fordyn/fordyn.htm]]) ~
 【Key words】 Physiological Ecology of Forest plants, Forest rehabilitation (Photosynthesis of woody plants, Plant defense traits); ~
 ---An introduction to the research group of Forest Ecophysiology; Click here → &ref(Koike-Eng.pdf); 
 - Associate Professor
 --[[Shibuya Masato]]~
 【Research subject】Stand dynamics and management of secondary broadleaved forests based on interaction between trees
 - Assistant Professor
 --[[Saito Hideyuki]]~
 - Specially Appointed Professor
 --[[Masato Shibuya>http://researchers.general.hokudai.ac.jp/profile/sp/en.u.zZE4jS81cL1itj2xsi6w==.html]]~
 [[Research gate>https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Masato_Shibuya]] ~
 【Key words】 Stand dynamics and management of secondary broadleaved forests based on interaction between trees
 - Lecturer
 --[[Toshizumi Miyamoto>https://researchers.general.hokudai.ac.jp/profile/en.f8b58ade0f0b3ee8520e17560c007669.html]]~
 --[[Hideyuki Saito>http://researchers.general.hokudai.ac.jp/profile/sp/en.Fl-ZoLmmoaYsDBAnpBtoPA==.html]]~
 【Key words】Forestry and forest engineering, Environmental influence evaluation, Basic genome science 	 
 ** Researchers [#ce3bac5d]
 --[[Shirota Tetsuoh]]
 --[[Iijima Hayato>http://www.geocities.jp/iijima_web/e/index_e.html]]: Modeling of stand dynamics of natural coniferous forests in Hokkaido, northern Japan.
 ** Graduate Students [#g96ace15]
 :Research topic and subject
 - DC3
 --[[Eguchi Norikazu]] ([[From Lab. Forest Dynamics>http://forest.fsc.hokudai.ac.jp/~hozen/fordyn/fordyn.htm]]): The effect of elevated CO2 concentration on the hydraulic characteristics of representative deciduous tree species and their xylem structure with FACE.
 --[[Ji DongHun]] ([[From Lab. Forest Dynamics>http://forest.fsc.hokudai.ac.jp/~hozen/fordyn/fordyn.htm]]): The effect of tyhoon disturbance on the change in seasonal photosynthetic characteristics of '''Pinus koraiensis''' saplings in experimental forest of Kangwon National University, Korea.
 ** Students(2023th) [#g96ace15]
 Research topic and subject are tentative! (Memo.in parenthesis shows research interest at present);~
 *** Graduate Students [#g96ace15]
 [[Frontiers in Environmental Sciences>https://www.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/en/g/frontiers-in-environmental-sciences]] 
 --[[Keisuke Yano>https://researchmap.jp/read0213224]]
 --[[Hisayuki Wada>http://rschr.hro.or.jp/rschr.php?epy_id=lRtgHubwwHLowbN&fg=1&name_or_4=&keyword=%E6%A3%AE%E6%9E%97%E7%A0%94%E7%A9%B6%E6%9C%AC%E9%83%A8%E6%9E%97%E6%A5%AD%E8%A9%A6%E9%A8%93%E5%A0%B4%20]]
 --[[Makoto Kobayashi]] ([[From Lab. Forest Dynamics>http://forest.fsc.hokudai.ac.jp/~hozen/fordyn/fordyn.htm]]): The effect of charcoal on the interaction between ectomycorhiza and host plants in forest ecosystem.
 --[[Tadamasa Maeda>前田唯眞]]
 --[[Kawamura Tomoharu]]: Evaluation of natural regeneration possibility of coniferous plantations in Tomakomai and Chitose region in Hokkaido, northern Japan, with special references to the composition and amount of seed bank and dispersal of seeds.
 --[[Hayashi Toshiro]]: The evaluation of effectiveness of indicative gene expressed in '''Fagus crenata''' saplings in drought condition.
 --[[Kento Tajima]]
 --Kenya Fujitani
 --Yuki Matsuda
 --[[Kanetoshi Masaharu]]: The effect of the increases of CO2 concentration and nitrogen accumulation on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of '''Robinia pseudoacacia'''.
 --[[Nozawa Tomohiro]]: Growth and allocation characteristics of sex dimorphic '''Morus bombycis'''.
 --[[Matsunami Shiroh]]: Studies of root sprout activity of '''Robinia pseudoacacia''' and the way to invade new area.
 --[[Yamada Tadayasu]]: Gene expression characteristics of '''Fagus crenata''' leaves at canopy layer induced by stress: seasonal change and response to stress.
 --Nahoko Goto
 --Dewei Jiang
 *** Undergraduate Students [#k8cc0ba8]
 [[Department of Forest Science >https://www.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/en/s/forest-science]] 
 ** Undergraduate Students [#k8cc0ba8]
 --[[Marugami Yushi]]: Physiological ecology in evaluation of water relations of reforestational trees seedlings native to the tropical region (tentative title).
 --[[Ishido Hikaru]]: Examination of gene expression in Siebold beech '''Fagus crenata''' seedlings in relation to desiccation stress (tentative title).
 --[[Urata tsutomu]]: The construction of effective forest management guideline for preventing wind disturbance in '''Larix kaempferi''', '''Abies sachalinensis''', and '''Picea jezoensis''' artificial forests in Hokkaido, northern Japan.
 --[[Karaki Takayuki]]: The germination characteristics of '''Robinia pseudoacacia''': the relationship between water conductance of seed coat and seasonal vigor of seeds.
 --[[Hinata Kiyomi]]: The effect of CO2 concentration and nitrogen accumulation on spatical location of defence chemicals in leaves of deciduous tree species
 --[[Ryu Koharu]]: The effect of nitrogen accumulation on the symbiotic relationship between seedlings growing on serpentine soil and ectomycorhiza.
 -BC4 ()shows the tentative title of BSc thesis.
 --Erina Furuya
 --Chisato Ito
 --Masanori Wada
 --Miho Tateno
 --Nana Hamano
 --Shota Akiyama
 ** Post Graduated Research student [#f55bc25e]
 --[[Kim YongSuk]]: Studies on the changes of forest soil properties and greenhouse gas emission following disturbances
 ** Collaborate Research Members [#d4a7d1d2]
 -Dr. [[Yoko Watanabe>http://woodyplantbiology.wixsite.com/woodyplantbiology/about3-c1ne4]] ([[From Lab. Forest Dynamics>http://forest.fsc.hokudai.ac.jp/~hozen/fordyn/fordyn.htm]]): PD Research Fellow of Woody plant biology, Wood anatomy in histochemistry for analysis on biological interactions, for identification of treasure trove in conservation of historic and artistics.[[Research gate>https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yoko_Watanabe]]
 -Dr. [[Yasutomo Hoshika]](graduated from [[Prof. K. Omasa's Lab.>http://park.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/joho/omasaEng.htm]]): PD fellow at [[Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante - IPP>http://www.ipp.cnr.it/index.php/it/contattaci.html]], Modeling for estimation of O3 absorption by woody plants treated with free air O3 fumigation;~
 A member of the research project of The Environment Research and Technology Development Fund ([[ERTDF>http://www.env.go.jp/policy/kenkyu/suishin/english/index.html]])  
 Researcher of Research Faculty of Agriculture of Hokkaido University
 -Mr.[[Tetsuto Sugai]]:  [[JSPS-DC1>https://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-pd/index.html]], Bio-systems sustainability,[[Plant Nutrition Ecology>https://www.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/en/r/lab/plant-nutrition?from=gs#watanabe-toshihiro]], Graduate school of Agriculture of Hokkaido Univ.
 ** Back to [[top>http://www.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/fres/silv/index.php?index_e]] [#hc99c8ef]
 ** Back to [[Japanese>http://www.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/fres/silv/index.php?%A5%E1%A5%F3%A5%D0%A1%BC]] [#q83ea39c]

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