* KAWAGUCHI Korin [#yd88294f]
 ** Research Theme [#a42eb591]
 - Interactive effects of rising concentrations of ozone (O3) and carbon dioxide (CO2) on deciduous tree species~
 - Impacts of rising concentrations of ambient ozone and carbon dioxide on a hybrid larch F&size(11){1}; .~
 M.Sci. thesis, in Japanese~
 - Kawaguchi K., Hoshika Y., Watanabe M., Koike T. Ecophysiological responses of northern birch forests to the changing atmospheric CO&size(11){2}; and O&size(11){3}; concentrations.~
 Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment (2012), Vol. 6, No. 3: pp192-205. 
 Saplings of birch species which are native to Hokkaido (Japan) and a larch species which is widely planted in Hokkaido are being exposed to elevated concentrations of O3 and/or CO2 in open-top chambers.~
 I do the research through tree-physiological approaches (photosynthesis, phenology, anatomy) helped by other members.~
 Views of Sapporo experimental forest
 - Keywords of the research: Tree physiology, Atmospheric science, Environmental stress~
 - Keywords of my other interests: Dynamics of boreal (+ hemiboreal) forest, Forest fire
 ** Publications [#lb04ba76]
 In Japanese~
 - Koike, Mao, Watanabe, Inada, Kawaguchi, Hoshika. (2011) Prospects to clarify ozone impacts on forests in Hokkaido. Agricultural Meteorology in Hokkaido 63, 17-23.
 - Kawaguchi. (2011) Survey in Canada, the country of boreal forests. Northern Forestry 63, 337-340.
 - Ito, Kawaguchi. (2011) Study ecosystems wide and long: an open lecture in the 58th meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan. Northern Forestry 63, 346-349.
 - Kawaguchi, Osawa. (2012) Relationships between fallen logs and stand structure in a naturally established young '''Pinus banksiana''' stand in Canada. Boreal Forest Research (In PRESS).
 ** Presentations [#k2b97f4b]
 In Japanese~
 - Kawaguchi, Watanabe, Inada, Ueda, Satoh, Koike. Effects of elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide and ozone alone and in combination on some deciduous tree species. The 123th meeting of the Japanese Forest Society (March 2012: In PREPARATION).
 - Kawaguchi, Osawa. Relationships between fallen logs and stand structure in a naturally established young '''Pinus banksiana''' stand in Canada. The 60th meeting of the Society of Boreal Forest (November 2011, Sapporo).
 In English~
 - Koike T, Inada N, Tonooka M, Takeuchi Y, Mao QZ, Kita K, Kawaguchi K, Watanabe M. Growth and photosynthetic responses of hybrid larch F1 cuttings to elevated O3 and/or CO2. Acid Rain 2011 (June 2011, Beijing, China).
 ** Education [#aa1f4663]
 -- 2011April-now. Msc course: Lab of Silviculture and Forest Ecology, major in Environmental Resources, Graduate school of Agriculture, Hokkaido University.~
 - 2011March. Bsc (Agriculture)~
 -- 2007April-2011March: Department of Forest Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University.~
 -- 2010April-2011March: Lab of Forest Utilization (theme: "Snag-fall disturbance in a postfire even-aged '''Pinus banksiana''' stand").
 ** Contact [#e0251668]
 - Tel: +81-11-706-2523, Fax: +81-11-706-2517
 - Email: kkawa AT for.agr.hokudai.ac.jp (Please change AT to @)
 - Address: Room N368, Lab of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (Zorin), Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
 Back to [[Members>http://www.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/fres/silv/index.php?Members]] page

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Kawaguchi Korin のバックアップの現在との差分(No.6)