* KAWAGUCHI Korin [#yd88294f]
 ** Research Theme [#a42eb591]
 - Free-air enrichment of ozone and carbon dioxide on deciduous woody plants (tentative)
 - Interactive effects of ozone and carbon dioxide on deciduous woody plants
 - Keywords: Forest ecophysiology, Boreal forest (I'm also interested in forest fire.)
 ** Education [#aa1f4663]
 - Prof. [[A.Osawa's>http://www.soma.kais.kyoto-u.ac.jp/]] lab. Department of Forest Science, Kyoto Univ. ("Postfire snagfall disturbance in an even-aged '''Pinus banksiana''' stand." In BSc.)
 --Thanks to many Canadian people for helping my study and making my stay more enjoyable in NWT, and talking lot to me at the CIF conference last year.
 - Prof. [[A.Osawa's>http://www.soma.kais.kyoto-u.ac.jp/]] lab: Department of Forest Science, Kyoto Univ. ("Postfire snagfall disturbance in an even-aged '''Pinus banksiana''' stand." In BSc.)
 ** Publications [#lb04ba76]
 Forest Ecophysiology
 Forest Ecology
 Notes and Comments
 Submitted:   review paper 0, original paper 0, note & comments 0
 ** Book chapter [#fe7e8bf2]
 ** Presentations [#k2b97f4b]
 -Koike T, N Inada, M Tonooka, Y Tkeuchi, QZ Mao, K Kita, K Kawaguchi and M Watanabe (submitted) Growth and photosynthetic responses of hybrid larch F1 cuttings to elevated O3 and/or CO2, Acid Arin 2011 (Beijing)
 -Koike T, Inada N, Tonooka M, Takeuchi Y, Mao QZ, Kita K, Kawaguchi K, and Watanabe M. (2011) Growth and photosynthetic responses of hybrid larch F1 cuttings to elevated O3 and/or CO2, Acid Rain 2011 (15-18 June 2011, Beijing, China).
 ** Award [#l7e3e19d]
 ** Contact [#e0251668]
 - Tel: +81-11-706-2523, Fax: +81-11-706-2517
 - e-mail: kkawa AT for.agr.hokudai.ac.jp (Please change AT to @ in your e-mail soft)
 - 〒060-8589 N368, Silviculture & Forest Ecological Studies, Hokkaido University
 Japanese [[Members>http://www.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/fres/silv/index.php?%A5%E1%A5%F3%A5%D0%A1%BC]],  
 English [[Member>http://www.agr.hokudai.ac.jp/fres/silv/index.php?Members]]

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Kawaguchi Korin のバックアップ差分(No.4)