
*ミニ輪読会2012 [#d99cd764]




学術雑誌Forest Ecology and Managementの中から自分の興味がある論文を選び、簡単に内容を紹介するゼミです。

Westwood A.R., Conciatori F., Tardif J.C., Knowles K. (2012) Effects of '''Armillaria''' root disease on the growth of '''Picea mariana''' trees in the boreal plains of central Canada.
Wagner S., Collet C., Madsen P., Nakashizuka T., Nyland R.D. (2010) Beech regeneration research: From ecological to silvicultural aspects.
Contreras M.A., Affleck D., Chung W. (2011) Evaluating tree competition indices as predictors of basal area increment in western Montana forests.
Overbeck M., Schmidt M. (2012) Modelling infestation risk of Norway spruce by '''Ips typographus''' (L.) in the Lower Saxon Harz mountain (Germany).
Amoroso M.M., Daniels L.D., Larson B.C. (2012) Temporal patterns of radial growth in declining '''Austrocedrus chilensis''' forests in Northern Patagonia: The use of tree-rings as an indicator of forest decline.
Cole R.J., Holl K.D., Keene C.L., Zahawi R.A. (2011) Direct seedling of late successional trees to restore tropical montane forest.
Uri V., Varik M., Aosaar J., Kanal A., Kukumagi M., Lohmus K. (2012) Biomass production and carbon sequestration in a fertile silver birch ('''Betula pendula''' Roth) forest chronosequence.
Richards J.D., Hart J.L. (2011) Canopy gap dynamics and development patterns in secondary '''Quercus''' stands on the Cumberland Plateau, Alabama, USA.


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分野ゼミ/ミニ輪読会2012 のバックアップソース(No.2)