菅井徹人(Sugai Tetsuto)



  1. 2015 卒論:オゾン暴露と硫酸アンモニウム付加に対するニホンカラマツとグイマツ雑種F1苗木の応答
  2. 2016〜2017 修論:高オゾン環境におけるカラマツ類苗木の光合成と成長に及ぼす窒素沈着の影響
  3. 2016 研修:光合成初期過程の解析方法〜クロロフィル蛍光測定 (森林総合研究所北海道支所:指導者:北尾光俊チーム長
    • オゾン暴露に対するトドマツ苗木の生理成長応答 〜 ニホンカラマツとの比較
  4. 2016 他課題
    • 塩類化土壌に対するグイマツ苗木の成長応答〜中国東北部の植林に向けて
  5. 2017 短期留学プログラム(予定):Short-term overseas' study on the research of "Fire ecophysiology" and "Stable isotope" at the department of Crop and Forest Science and Agotecnio-Center, University of Lleida, Spain, Period: July ~ September, 2017;
    Adviser: Dr. Victor Resco de Doris
  6. 2017 他課題
    • 特殊土壌の緑化造林に向けたグイマツ雑種F1コンテナ育苗試験〜生理成長と菌根菌共生の関係性(計画中)



  1. Sugai, T.,Kam, D-G.,Agathokleous, E.,Watanabe, M.,Kita K. and Koike, T. (in press) Growth and photosynthetic response of two larches exposed to O3 mixing ratios ranging from pre-industrial to near future. Photosynthetica
  2. Choi, D-S., Watanabe, Y., Guy, R.D, Sugai, T.,Toda, H., and Koike, T.(2017) Photosynthetic characteristics and nitrogen allocation in the black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) grown in a FACE. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 39(3), 71. system. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11738-017-2366-0
  3. Agathokleous, E., Paoletti, E., Saitanis, C.J., Manning, W.J., Sugai, T.and Koike, T.(2016) Impacts of ethylene diurea (EDU) soil drench and foliar spray in Salix sachalinensis protection against O3-induced injury. Science of the Total Environment 573: 1053-1062. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.08.183
  1. 菅井徹人,渡部敏裕,来田和人,齋藤秀之,渋谷正人,小池孝良(2016)ニホンカラマツとグイマツ雑種F1苗木の光合成能に対するオゾン暴露と硫酸アンモニウム付加の影響,北方森林研究,64:63-66


  1. 菅井徹人(2016) モミ属の生態・施業に関するIUFRO国際会議 -Post Conference Tour 報告-,北方林業,68:28-29
  2. 菅井徹人(2014) 窒素負荷が森林生態系へ及ぼす影響 −窒素飽和と樹木の応答から−, 北方林業、66: 185-187



  1. 菅井徹人・北尾光俊・来田和人・渡部敏裕・小池孝良(2017)オゾン暴露に対するトドマツの生理成長応答〜ニホンカラマツとの比較から.日本生態学会北海道地区大会2016年度、北大・環境科学院、札幌、3月
  2. 菅井徹人・渡部敏裕・来田和人・齋藤秀之・渋谷正人・小池孝良(2016)ニホンカラマツとグイマツ雑種F1稚樹に対するオゾン暴露と硫酸アンモニウム付加の影響ー光合成と成長に着目してー,第127回日本森林学会,日本大学,3月
  3. Sugai T, Kam D-G, Satoh F and Koike T. (2015) Effects of elevated O3 on the growth of Japanese larch and its hybrid larch F1 with/without ammonium sulfate application.2nd joint seminar between Nankai University and Hokkaido University, Sapporo Jan. 2015.Abstract book p.14


  1. Sugai T, Kitao M, Watanabe,T and Koike T.(2017) Photosynthetic responses of Sakhalin fir seedlings exposed to elevated ozone: A preliminary assessment. The 3rd International conference of "Environmental Pollution ad Health" held at Jinan University, Guangzhou, China, 13~14th May, 2017.
  2. Sugai T, Watanabe T, Kita T and Koike T.(2016) Effects of ammonium sulfate and/ or ozone on growth and photosynthesis of Japanese larch and hybrid larch F1. the 7th International Nitrogen Initiative Conference. Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne, Dec 2016.
  3. 菅井徹人,渡部敏裕,来田和人,斎藤秀之,渋谷正人,小池孝良 (2016) 2年間に渡るニホンカラマツとグイマツ雑種F1苗木に対するオゾン暴露と硫酸アンモニウム付加の影響, 第65回北方森林学会,札幌コンベンションセンター,11月
  4. Sugai T, Kitao M, Watanabe T and Koike T. (2016) Photosynthetic responses of Sakhalin fir seedlings exposed to elevated ozone: a preliminary assessment, The 15th International Conference on Ecology and Silviculture of Fir, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Sept. 2016
  5. Sugai T, Kam D, Kita K, Koike T, (2016) Effects of different ozone concentrations on Japanese larch and its hybrid larch with an open top chamber, International Conference on Agricultural Biodiversity and Sustainability 2016 -CABS 2016-, 22-24 August 2016, Hokkaido university, Japan.
  6. Agathokleous, E., Vanderstock, A., Sugai, T., Fujita, S., and Koike, T. (2016). Japanese larch and its hybrid grown in two soils in a free-air O3 enrichment regime: Growth and photosynthetic pigments. IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania 2016, Air pollution and climate change impacts on forest ecosystems. 24-27 October 2016, Beijing, People’s Republic of China.
  7. Agathokleous, E., Sugai, T., Paoletti, E., Manning, W.J., Saitanis, C.J., Satoh, F., and Koike, T. (2016). Experimental comparison of two methods of ethylene di-urea application as to their efficacy to protect Salix udensis plants against O3 stress. Committee on Air Pollution Effects Research on Mediterranean Ecosystems (CAPERmed) – II Meeting entitled “(E)merging directions on air pollution and climate change research in the Mediterranean ecosystems". 28-30 June 2016, Brescia, Italy.
  8. Koike, T, Wang XN, Qu LY, Fujita S, Sugai T, Shi C and Watanabe T (2016) Sustainable forest production with hybrid larch F1 under changing environment: Prediction with a free-air system and OTC. Joint symposium between Nanakai University and Hokkaido University, March 28-30, 2016, Tianjin, China.
  9. Sugai T, Watanabe T, Kita T and Koike T. (2015) Effects of Ozone and/or ammonium sulfate on photosynthesis of Japanese larch and its hybrid larch , The 1st Asia Pollution Workshop, The Univ of Tokyo, Oct 31st-Nov 2nd, 2015.
  10. 菅井徹人,渡部敏裕,来田和人,斎藤秀之,渋谷正人,小池孝良 (2015) ニホンカラマツとグイマツ雑種F1の光合成と成長に及ぼすオゾン暴露と硫酸アンモニウム付加の影響, 第64回北方森林学会,札幌コンベンションセンター,11月


  1. 文部科学省 官民協働海外留学創出プロジェクト トビタテ!留学JAPAN 日本代表プログラム 第6期生, 7月~9月 2017年
  2. 海外留学支援制度協定派遣(SV)プログラム:Under the guidance by Prof. David Tissue , University of Western Sydney, December 2016.


造林学大部屋N368 (N371);
電話:(011)706-2523, 4180(呼び出し)、Fax:(011)706-2517

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菅井徹人 のバックアップ(No.16)