* 松本直幸(Matsumoto Naoyuki) [#m5cdc72d]
** 自己紹介 [#d12f346c]
- 現住所:北海道千歳市
- 高校:香川県立高松高等学校
- 学位:北海道大学大学院農学研究科農業生物学専攻(No.3462):雪腐小粒菌核病菌の種生態学的研究(主査:生越明 /副査:四方英四郎、喜久田嘉郎) PhD of Agro-Biology of Hokkaido University (No. 3462)
- 好きな食べ物:3K(辛い、堅い、臭い)のいずれかに該当する食べ物
- 嫌いな食べ物:なし
- 好きなこと:論文原稿校閲
- 苦手なもの:無意味な会議
- 一言:2011年3月をもって、(独)農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構 北海道農業研究センターを定年退職し、4月より農学研究院研究員としてご厄介になることとなりました。

** 学会活動 [#g3b11b96]
- [[日本土壌動物学会>http://soilzoology.jp/]] (Japanese Scociety of Soil Zoology)(以前の同僚(病害虫研究者)から、退職記念品代わりとして、3年間の会費を納入していただきました)。
- [[日本菌学会>http://www.mycology-jp.org/~msj7/]](The Mycological Society of Japan)
- 議長,Chairman of [[PMAC (Plant and Microbe Adaptation to the Cold 2012>http://cse.naro.affrc.go.jp/rzi/pmac/home.html]] was held between June 24-28 , 2012 in Sapporo

** 研究業績 (publication lists from 2000) [#zadc1222]

Text books (教科書など)
Matsumoto N (2013) 雪腐病(Snow mold), 北大出版会(Hokkaido University Press), 札幌(Sapporo) 

Imai R, Yoshida M and Matsumoto N (2013) Plant and Microbe Adapations to Cold in a Chaninging World. OECD, Springer Varlag.New York, Heidelberg, Dortrechet, London.

Pure reviewed journal from 2000

Matsumoto, N., Hoshino, T., Yamada, G., Kawakami, A., and Hoshino, T. Y. 2010. Sclerotia of '''Typhula ishikariensis''' biotype B (Typhulaceae) from archaeological sites (4000 to 400 BP) in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Amer. J. Bot. 97: 433-  437.

Hoshino, Y. T., Terami, F., Tkachenko, O. B., Tojo, M., and Matsumoto, N. 2010. Mycelial growth of the snow mold fungus, '''Sclerotinia borealis,''' improved at low water potentials: an adaptation to frozen environment. Mycoscience 51: 98-103.

Nakamori, T., Fujiwara, N., Matsumoto, N., and Okad, H.a 2009. Collembolan fauna in arable land, including the first record of '''Mesaphorura silvicola''' (Folsom) from Japan. Edaphologia 84: 5-9.

Hoshino, Y. T., and Matsumoto, N. 2007. Changes in fungal community structure in bulk soil and spinach rhizosphere soil after chemical fumigation as revealed by 18S rDNA PCR-DGGE. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 53: 40-55.

Hoshino, Y. T., and Matsumoto, N. 2007. DNA-versus RNA-based denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profiles of a bacterial community during replenishment after soil fumigation. Soil Biol. Biochem. 39: 434-444.

Nakanishi, Y., Adandonon, Y., Okabe, I., Hoshino, Y. T., and Matsumoto, N. 2006 An oligonucleotide probe for the detection of '''Erwinia herbicola''' and '''Erwinia ananas.''' J. Gen. Plant Pathol. 72: 328-333.

Fukuhara, T., Koga, R., Aoki, N., Yuki, C., Yamamoto, N., Oyama, N., Udagawa, T., T. Horiuchi, T., Miyazaki, S., Higashi, Y., Takeshita, M., Ikeda, K., Arakawa, M.,  Matsumoto, N., and Moriyama, H. 2006. The wide distribution of endornaviruses, large double-stranded RNA replicons with plasmid-like properties. Arch. Virol. 151: 995-1002.

Osaki, H., Nakamura, H., Sasaki, A., Matsumoto, M., and Yoshida, K. 2006. An endornavirus from a hypovirulent strain of the violet root rot fungus, '''Helicobasidium mompa.''' Virus Res. 118: 143-149.

Ikeda, K., Nakamura, H., and Matsumoto, N. 2005. Comparison between '''Rosellinia necatrix''' from soil and diseased roots in terms of virulence.  FEMS Micobiology Ecology 54; 307-315.

Suzaki, K., Ikeda, K., Sasaki, A., Kanematsu, S., Matsumoto, N., and Yoshida, K.  2005. Horizontal transmission and host-virulence attenuation of totivirus in violet root rot fungus '''Helicobasidium mompa.''' J. Gen. Plant Pathol. 71; 161-168.

Ikeda, K., Nakamura, H., Arakawa, M., Koiwa, T., and Matsumoto, N. 2005. Dynamics of double-stranded RNA segments in a '''Helicobasidium mompa''' clone from a tulip tree plantation.  FEMS Micobiology Ecology 51; 293-301.

Osaki H., Nakamura, H., Nomura, K., Matsumoto, N., and Yoshida, K. 2005. Nuclerotide sequence of a mitochondrial RNA virus from the plant pathogenic fungus, '''Helicobasidium mompa''' Tanaka. Virus Res. 107: 39-46.

Ikeda, K., Nakamura, H., Arakawa, M., Matsumoto, N. 2004. Diversity and vertical transmission of double-stranded RNA elements in root rot pathogens of trees, '''Helicobasidium mompa''' and '''Rosellinia necatrix.''' Mycol Res. 108: 626-634. 

Hoshino, T., Tkachenko, O. B., Kiriaki, M., Yumoto, I., and Matsumoto, N. 2004. Winter damage caused by '''Typhula ishikariensis''' biological species I on conifer seedlings and hop roots collected in the Volga-Ural regions of Russia. Can. J. Plant Pathol. 26: 391-396.

Osaki, H., Nomura, K., Matsumoto, N., and Ohtsu, Y. 2004. Characterization of double-stranded RNA elements in the violet root rot fungus '''Helicobasidium mompa.''' Mycol Res. 108: 635-640. 

Nakamura, H., Ikeda, K., Arakawa, M., Akahira, T., and Matsumoto, N. 2004. A comparative study of the violet root rot fungi, '''Helicobasidium brebissonii''' and '''H. mompa,''' from Japan Mycol Res. 108: 641-648. 

Kanematsu, S., Arakawa, M., Oikawa, Y., Onoue, M., Osaki, H., Nakamura, H., Ikeda, K., Kuga-Uetake, Y., Nitta, H, Sasaki, A., Yoshida, K., and Matsumoto, N. 2004. A reovirus causes hypovirulence of '''Rosellinia necatrix.''' Phytopathology 94: 561-568. 

Wei, C. Z., Osaki, H., Iwanami, T., Matsumoto, N., and Ohtsu, Y. 2004. Complete nucleotide sequences of genome segments 1 and 3 of Rosellinia anti-rot virus in the famili Reoviridae. Arch.Virol. 149: 773-777.

Takada-Hoshino, Y. and Matsumoto, N.  2004. An improved DNA extraction method using skim milk from soils that strongly adsorve DNA. Microbes Environ. 19 13-19.  

Kawakami, A., Matsumoto, N., and Naito, S. 2004. Environmental factors influencing sporocarp formation in '''Typhula ishikariensis.''' J. Gen. Plant Pathol. 70: 1-6.

Ikeda, K., Nakamura, H., and Matsumoto, N. 2003. Hypovirulent strain of the violet root rot fungus '''Helicobasidium mompa.''' J. Gen. Plant Pathol. 69: 385-390.

Wei, C. Z., Osaki, H., Iwanami, T., Matsumoto, N., and Ohtsu, Y. 2003.  Molecular charcterization of dsRNA segments 2 and 5 and electron microscopy of a novel reovirus from a hypovirulent isolate, W370, of the plant pathogen '''Rosellinia necatrix.''' J. Gen. Virol. 84: 2431-2437.

Ikeda, K., Nakamura, H. and Matsumoto, N. 2003. Mycelial incompatibility operative in pairings between single basidiospore isolates of '''Helicobasidium mompa.''' Mycol. Res. 107: 847-853.

Nomura, K., Osaki, H., Iwanami, T., Matsumoto, N., and Ohtsu, Y. 2003.  Cloning and characterization of a totivirus double-stranded RNA from the plant pathogenic fungus, Helicobasidium mompa Tanaka. Virus Genes 26: 219-226.

Suzaki, K., Sasaki, A., Kanematsu, S., Matsumoto, N., and Yoshida, K. 2003. Transmissibility of viral double-stranded RNA between strains of the violet root rot fungus '''Helicobasidium mompa''' and the potential for viral dsRNA infection to this fungus using monkaryotic strains. Mycoscience 44: 139-147.

Okabe, I. and Matsumoto, N. 2003. Phylogenetic relationship of '''Sclerotium rolfsii''' (teleomorph '''Athelia rolfsii''') and '''S. delphinii''' based on ITS sequences. Mycol. Res. 107: 164-168.

Uetake, Y., Nakamura, H., Ikeda, K., Aramawa, M., and Matsumoto, N. 2003.  '''Helicobasidium mompa''' isolates from sweet potato in continuous monoculture fileds.  J. Gen. Plant Pathol. 69 : 42-44.

Osaki, H., Nomura, K., Iwanami, T., Kanematsu, S., Okabe, I.,  Matsumoto, N., Sasaki, A., and Ohtsu, Y. 2002. Detection of a double-stranded RNA virus from a strain of the violet root rot fungus '''Helicobasidium mompa''' Tanaka. Virus Genes 25: 139-145.

Osaki, H., Wei, C. Z., Arakawa, M., Iwanami, T., Nomura, K., Matsumoto, N., and Ohtsu, Y. 2002.  Nucleotide sequences of double-stranded RNA segments from a   hypovirulent strain of the white root rot fungus '''Rosellinia necatrix''': possibility of thefirst member of the Reoviridae from fungus.  Virus Genes 25: 101-107.

Nakamura, H., Ikeda, K., Arakawa, M. and Matsumoto, N. 2002.  Conidioma   production of the white root rot fungus in axenic culture under near ultraviolet light radiation.  Mycoscience 43: 251-254.

Uetake, Y., Arakawa, M., Nakamura, Akahira, T., Sayama, A., Cheah, L. H., Okabe, I., and Matsumoto, N. 2002.  Genetic relationships among the violet root rot fungi as revealed by hyphal anastomosis and sequencing of the rDNA regions. Mycol. Res. 106: 156-163.

Arakawa, M., Nakamura, H., Uetake, U., and Matsumoto, N. 2002.  Presence and  distribution of double-stranded RNA elements in the white root rot fungus  '''Rosellinia necatrix.'''  Mycoscience 43: 21-26.

Hoshino, T., Tkachenko, O. B., Tronsmo, A. M., Kawakami, A., Morita, N., Ohogiya, S., Ishizaki, K., and Matsumoto, N. 2001. Temperature sensitivity and freezing  resistance among isolates of '''Typhula ishikariensis''' from Russia.  Icel. Agr. Sci. 14: 61-65.

Millett, S. M., Matsumoto, N. and Maxwell, D. P. 2001.  Mating reactions of '''Typhula ishikariensis''' Imai complex isolates from Wisconsin golf courses.  Interntl.  Turfgrass Soc. Res. J.  9: 695-700.

Uetake, Y.,  Nakamura, H., Arakawa, M., Okabe, I., and Matsumoto, N. 2001.  Inoculation of Lupinus luteus  with the white root rot fungus, '''Rosellinia necatrix''' to  estimate virulence.  J. Gen. Plant Pathol.  67: 285-287.

Uetake, Y.,  Nakamura, H., Arakawa, M., Okabe, I., and Matsumoto, N. 2001.  A root box method to estimate virulence of '''Helicobasidium mompa''' using carrots and its comparison with the conventional method using apple stocks.  J. Gen. Plant Pathol. 67: 175-181.

Okabe, I. , Arakawa, M. and Matsumoto, N. 2001.  ITS polymorphism within a single strain of '''Sclerotium rolfsii.''' Mycoscience 42: 107-113.

Nakamura, H., Uetake, Y., Arakawa, M., Okabe, I., and Matsumoto, N. 2001.  An improved method for isolating violetroot rot fungus, '''Helicobasidium mompa,''' from  besidiocarps.  J. Gen. Plant Pathol.  67: 37-40.

勝又治男・尾形 正・松本直幸 2000.  福島県中通り地方のリンゴ園における紫紋羽病菌の個体群構造 北日本病虫研報 51: 137-140.

Nakamura, H., Uetake, U., Arakawa, M., Okabe, I., and Matsumoto, N. 2000. Observations on the teleomorph of the white root rot fungus, '''Rosellinia necatrix,'''  and a related fungus, '''Rosellinia aquila.'''  Mycoscience 41: 503-507.

Matsumoto, N., Kawakami, A. and Izutsu, S. 2000.  Distribution of '''Typhula  ishikariensisi''' biotype A isolates belonging to a predominant mycelial compatibility group.  J. Gen. Plant Pathol. 66: 103-108.

Okabe, I. and Matsumoto, N. 2000.  Population structure of '''Sclerotium rolfsii''' in  peanut fields.  Mycoscience 41: 145-148.

Okabe, I., Morikawa, C., and Matsumoto, N. 2000.  Variation in southern blight in    Japan detected by ITS-RFLP analysis. JARQ 34: 93-97.

Schweiger-Hufnagel, U., Ono, T., Izumi, K. Hufnagel,, P., Morita, N., Kaga, H., Morita, M., Hoshino, T., Yumoto, I., Matsumoto, N., Yosida, M., Takagi Sawada, M., Okuyama, H. 2000.  Identification of the extracellular polysaccharide produced bythe snow mold fungus '''Microdochium nivale.'''  Biochem. Letters  22: 183-187.

総説(2000年以降)Review from 2000

松本直幸 2011. 雪腐病(8). 北農 78: 8-13.

松本直幸 2010. 雪腐病(7). 北農 77: 360-364.

松本直幸 2010. 雪腐病(6). 北農 78: 249-253.

松本直幸 2010. 雪腐病(5). 北農 77: 135-141.

松本直幸 2010. 雪腐病(4). 北農 77: 12-17.

松本直幸 2009. 雪腐病(3). 北農 77: 417-421.

松本直幸 2009. 雪腐病(2). 北農 77: 283-289.

松本直幸 2009. 雪腐病(1). 北農 76: 143-149.

Matsumoto, N. 2009. Snow molds: a group of fungi that prevail under snow. Microbes Environ. 24: 14-20.

Hoshino, Y. T., and Matsumoto, N. 2005. Skim milk drastically improves the efficacy of DNA extraction from Andsol, a vocanic ash soil. JARQ 39: 247-252.

星野(高田)裕子・松本直幸・西村範夫・藤田和久・紀岡雄三 2005. 病害防除と微生物多様性−土壌消毒が微生物群集及び植物病原 
菌に与える影響解析− 土と微生物 59: 77-82.

松本直幸 2005. 多様な冬期気象条件に対する雪腐小粒菌核病菌の適応 日本 微生物生態学会誌 20: 13-19.

Matsumoto, N. 2004. Population biology of individualistic plant pathogenic fungi and its application to disease control. J. Gen. Plant Pathol. 70: 382-384.

松本直幸 2004. 病原糸状菌の個体群構造の解析とその防除への応用 日植病報 70: 152-155.

松本直幸 2003. 菌類ウイルスを用いた紋羽病の生物防除 果樹種苗 92: 8-12.

松本直幸 2003. 病原力低下因子を利用した果樹類紋羽病の生物防除 ―病原菌を病気にするー 農業および園芸 78: 1155-1161.

松本直幸 2001. 菌類ウイルス(dsRNA)を利用した果樹類紋羽病生物防除の試み 農業技術 56: 403-406.

松本直幸 2000. 生態学的側面から見た作物病害の生物防除 植物防疫 54: 79-82.

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