斎藤秀之 (Hideyuki SAITO) 助手





フィールドの想い出 (研究内容の雰囲気が感じられます)



1. Iijima, H., Shibuya, M., and Saito, H. (2007) Effects of surface and light conditions of fallen logs on the emergence and survival of coniferous seedlings and saplings. J. For. Res. In press.

2. Iijima, H., Shibuya, M., Saito, H., and Takahashi, K. (2006) The water relations of Picea jezoensis seedlings on fallen logs. Can. J. For. Res. 36, 664-670.

3. 花田尚子・渋谷正人・斎藤秀之・高橋邦秀(2006)カラマツ人工林内における広葉樹の更新過程. 日林誌88, 1-7.

4. Saito H., Shibuya M., Tuah SJ, Turjaman M., Takahashi K., Jamal Y., Segah H., Putir PE., and Limin SH. (2005) Initial screening of fast-growing tree species that can tolerate dry tropical peatlands in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. J. Forestry Research 2, 107-115.

5. 趙 慧卿・高橋邦秀・渋谷正人・斎藤秀之・金 鍾眞・洪 性珏 (2005) 異なる温度と明暗処理下でのサイシウモミ種子の吸水経過と発芽率. 日林誌87, 465-470.

6. Shibuya M., Saito H., Sawamoto T, Hatano R, Yajima T, Takahashi K, Cha JY, Isaev AP, Maximov TC (2004) Time trend in aboveground biomass, net primary production, and carbon storage of natural Larix gmelinii stands in eastern Siberia. Eurasian J. Forest Research 7, 67-74.

7. 飯島勇人・渋谷正人・斎藤秀之・高橋邦秀 (2004) 倒木上のコケの高さがエゾマツ実生の生残と成長に与える影響.日林誌86, 358-364.

8. Ozaki K., Saito H., Yamamuro K. (2004) Compensatory photosynthesis as a response to partial debudding in ezo spruce, Picea jezoensis seedlings. Ecological Research 19: 225-231.

9. 趙 慧卿・高橋邦秀・渋谷正人・斎藤秀之・金 鍾眞・洪 性珏 (2004) 異なる温度と明暗処理下でのサイシウモミ種子の吸水経過と発芽率. 日林北支論52: 90-92.

10. 佐藤桃子・斎藤秀之 (2003) 樹皮呼吸測定における開放型通気法と密閉法の比較.日林北支論51: 33-35.

11. 鈴木雅博・渋谷正人・斎藤秀之・高橋邦秀 (2003) カラマツ人工林のリターフォール量及び窒素還元量. 日林北支論51: 70-72.

12. 斎藤秀之・須藤 博・角張嘉孝 (2001) ブナ樹冠の大気飽差が光合成速度と気孔開閉に与える影響. 日緑工誌 26: 178-187.

13. 斎藤秀之 (2000) ブナ樹冠の光合成特性と光合成に関連する遺伝子群の発現に関する研究. 静岡大学演習林報告 24: 1-54.

14. 柏 智久・斎藤秀之・高橋邦秀(2000) 海岸砂丘林におけるトドマツの水ポテンシャルと光合成速度の季節変化. 日林北支論48: 81-83.

15. Saito H. and Kakubari, Y. (1999) Spatial and seasonal variations in photosynthetic properties within a beech (Fagus crenata Blume) crown. J. For. Res. 4: 27-34.

16. Saito H., Futamura N., Mukai Y., Kakubari Y., Shinohara K. (1997) Isolation and characterization of a cDNA (Accession No. AB006081) encoding the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein of photosystem II from the Japanese beech (Fagus crenata Blume). Plant Physiology 115: 1729-1731 (Plant Gene Register, http://www.tarweed.com/pgr/PGR97-176.html)

17. Saito H., Futamura N., Mukai Y., Kakubari Y., Shinohara K. (1997) Molecular cloning of a cDNA (Accession No. AB006080) encoding the small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase from the Japanese beech (Fagus crenata Blume). Plant Physiology 115: 863-864 (Plant Gene Register, http://www.tarweed.com/pgr/PGR97-143.html).


1. 斎藤秀之(2005)北のブナ林,森林の科学(中村太士・小池孝良編),朝倉書店,38-39.


1. 富田基史・斎藤秀之・陶山佳久. エゾマツ天然林における繁殖構造と種子生産 -局所的な林分密度の違いと花粉散布の関係に着目して-. 北海道の林木育種49 (2), 13-16.

2. 小池孝良・市川一・菅田定雄・福井富三・藤戸永志・高畠守・斎藤秀之(2006)札幌研究林札幌試験地(実験苗畑)における造林学実習との連携, 北方森林保全技術, 24, 59-60.

3. 城田徹央・斎藤秀之・飯村佳代・渋谷正人・高橋邦秀(2005)東シベリアのカラマツ「Larix gmelinii」と「L. cajanderi」について, 北海道の林木育種, 48 (2), 9-12.

4. 飯島勇人・渋谷正人・斎藤秀之・高橋邦秀(2005)倒木上に播種したエゾマツの更新初期動態(1)−発芽および生残に適した播種時期−, 北方林業57, 201-203.

5. 飯島勇人・渋谷正人・斎藤秀之・高橋邦秀(2005)倒木上に播種したエゾマツの更新初期動態(2)−発芽率や生残および成長に適した倒木−, 北方林業57, 230-232.

6. 許 忠志・斎藤秀之(2004)長白カラマツ一年生枝のさしつけ技術に関する研究紹介, 北海道の林木育種, 47, 9-12.

7. 渋谷正人・花田尚子・斎藤秀之・高橋邦秀(2004)種多様性を増進するカラマツ人工林の施業 北方林業56, 17-20.

8. 渋谷正人・津野雄一・斎藤秀之・矢島崇・高橋邦秀・澤本卓治・波多野隆介・車柱栄(2001)東シベリアのカラマツ林の地上部現存量と炭素貯留量−(2)地上部現存量中およびAo層の炭素・窒素貯留量−. 北方林業, 53(10): 16-18.

9. 渋谷正人・津野雄一・斎藤秀之・矢島崇・高橋邦秀・澤本卓治・波多野隆介・車柱栄, Isaev, A.P., Maximov, T.C. (2001) 東シベリアのカラマツ林の地上部現存量と炭素貯留量−(1)林況と地上部現存量−. 北方林業, 53(9): 1-4.


1. Saito H., Shirota T., Lopez L., Iwahana G., Maximov TC., Takahashi K. (2007) Irrigation increases leaf area index in a mature larch forest in eastern Siberia. In: The Role of Permafrost Ecosystem in Global Climate Change. (Accepted)

2. Saito H., Shirota T., Maximov TC. (2007) Upscaling of aboveground respiration during summer in a mature larch (Larix cajanderi) forest on Siberian permafrost. (Accepted)

3. Shirota T., Saito H., Maximov TC. (2007) A significance of shoot reversion of mature larch trees in Spasskaya Pad:an architectural analysis. (Accepted)

4. Iwasaki H., Hasegawa S., Saito H., Shirota T., Sasaki M., Maximov TC., Takahashi K. (2006) The effect of artificial ground-fire on soil water regime in a mature larch forest in eastern Siberia. (Accepted)

5. Maksimov A., Karsanaev S., Kruijt B., Jans W., Kononov, A.V., Maximov. T.C., Moors E., Saito H. (2006) A/Ci curve analysis of Larix cajanderi growing in Central Yakutia, Siberia. In: International Workshop on H2O and CO2 exchange in Siberia (eds, Dolman H., Moores E.., Ohta T., Maximov T.C.) 57-60.

6. Saito H., Komori H., Shirota T., Suzuki M., Lopez L., Iwahana G., Kononov A.V., Kobayashi Y., Hatano R., Koide T., Shibuya M., Maximov, T.C., Fukuda M., Takahashi, K. (2005) Changing precipitation regimes and photosynthetic performance of the East-Siberian taiga. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Global Change: Connection to the Arctic (GCCA6). (eds. Fukushima H., Murata I., Fukuda M., Tanaka HL., Matsumi Y., Kanda H., Matsuoka H.)199-202.

7. Saito H., Shirota T., Lopez L., Iwahana G., Maximov, T.C., Takahashi, K. (2005) Changing precipitation regimes and leaf area in a canopy of mature larch forest in eastern Siberia. In: Proceedings for 2nd Symposium on Water Cycle in Northern Eurasia. (eds, Ohata T., Ohta T., Kodama Y.) 53.

8. Shirota T., Saito H., Maximov, T.C., Isaev, AP., Takahashi, K. (2006) Safe site of larch seedlings in the lightly burnt forest in eastern Siberia. In Proceedings of International Symposium on “The Symptom of Environmental Change in Siberian Permafrost Region” 159-162.

9. Shirota T., Saito H., Maximov TC., Takahashi K. (2005) Analysis of spatial-size-age structure and fire history of matured larch forest in eastern Siberia. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Global Change: Connection to the Arctic (GCCA6). (eds. Fukushima H., Murata I., Fukuda M., Tanaka HL., Matsumi Y., Kanda H., Matsuoka H.) 204-206.

10. Shirota T., Saito H., Makisimov A., Kononov A., Isaev AP, Maximov TC., Shibuya M., Yajima T., Takahashi K. (2005) Comparison of structure among five mature larch forests in eastern Siberia. In: Proceedings for 2nd Symposium on Water Cycle in Northern Eurasia. (eds, Ohata T., Ohta T., Kodama Y.).

11. Saito H., Hattori, M., Suzuki, M., Shirota T., Shibuya M., Hatano, R., Maximov, T.C., Takahashi, K. (2005) Immediate changes in NEP following clear-cutting in a mature larch stand in eastern Siberia. In: Extended Abstract for International Semi-open Workshop “C/H2O/energy balance and climate over boreal regions with special emphasis on eastern Siberia (eds, Ohta, Dolman, Maximov) 33-38.

12. Shirota T, Saito H, Takahashi K, Maximov TC, Maximov A, Kononov AV (2005) Estimation of productive structure of Larix cajanderi forest in Spasskaya Pad. In: Extended Abstract for International Semi-open Workshop “C/H2O/energy balance and climate over boreal regions with special emphasis on eastern Siberia (eds, Ohta, Dolman, Maximov) 39-42.

13. Lopez L, Saito H., Shirota T., Kobayashi Y, Iwahana G, Takahashi K, Hatano R, Maximov TC (2005) Response of transpiration from Larix gmelinii stands to irrigation in Eastern Siberia. In: Extended Abstract for International Semi-open Workshop “C/H2O/energy balance and climate over boreal regions with special emphasis on eastern Siberia (eds, Ohta, Dolman, Maximov) 113-116.

14. 高橋邦秀, 波多野隆介, 渋谷正人, 斎藤秀之(2004)永久凍土地帯カラマツ林への森林攪乱の生態生理学的影響評価, 北ユーラシア水循環シンポジウム報告集, 56-57.

15. 斎藤秀之, 鈴木雅博, 小森弘基, 城田徹央, 高橋邦秀(2004)永久凍土地帯カラマツ林の樹冠における光合成の生態生理学的研究, 北ユーラシア水循環シンポジウム報告集, 88-89.

16. SAITO Hideyuki, SUZUKI Masahiro, MAXIMOV Trofim C., TAKAHASHI Kunihide (2004) Environmental control of CO2 uptake in a larch canopy in eastern Siberia: temperature and air water vapor pressure deficit affect the midday depression. Proceedings of the 4th international workshop on global change connection to the arctic 2003 (Ed. Matsumi, Y.), 144-150.

17. Iijima, H., Shibuya, M., Saito, H., and Takahashi, K. The effect of moss height on regeneration of Picea jezoensis on fallen logs. Proceedings of the first EAFES international congress, Mokpo, Korea, 1: 79.

18. Saito Hideyuki, Shibuya Masato, Tuah Sehat J., Takahashi Kunihide, Jamal Yahya, Segah Hendrik, Putir Patricia E., Limin Suwido H. (2003) Preliminary selection of fast-growing tree species with tolerance to an open and dry tropical peat land in Central Kalimantan: To develop a preceding planting method. In Proceedings of the International symposium on land management and biodiversity in Southeast Asia (Eds, Osaki, M., Iwakuma, T., Kohyama, T., Hatano, R., Yonebayashi, K., Tachibana, H., Takahashi, H., Shinano, T., Higashi, S., Simbolon, H., Tuah, S.J., Wijaya, H., Limin, S.H.), 75-79, Suda Printing Co. Ltd., Sapporo.

19. SAITO Hideyuki, YAMAMURO Koji, TSUNO Yuichi., IIJIMA Hayato, SHIBUYA Masato, TAKAHASHI Kunihide, MAXIMOV Trofim C. (2003) Spatial variations of light intensity and photosynthetic properties within a Larix gmelinii tree crown in eastern Siberia. Proceedings of the10th symposium on the joint Siberian permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2001 (Eds, Fukuda and Saito), 7-14.

20. SUZUKI Masahiro, SAITO Hideyuki, IIJIMA Hayato, ONOE Takashi, MAXIMOV Trofim C. (2003) Photosynthetic and stomatal responses to air vapor pressure deficit within a larch canopy in east-Siberia. Proceedings of the10th symposium on the joint Siberian permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2001 (Eds, Fukuda and Saito), 15-19.

21. SAITO Hideyuki, YAMAMURO Koji, TSUNO Yuichi., IIJIMA Hayato, TAKAHASHI Kunihide, MAXIMOV Trofim C. (2003) Drought limitation of CO2 assimilation rate in Larix gmelinii saplings growing on understory of the mature stand. Proceedings of the10th symposium on the joint Siberian permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2001 (Eds, Fukuda and Saito), 35-38.

22. SAITO Hideyuki, SUZUKI Masahiro, IIJIMA Hayato, SHIBUYA Masato, TAKAHASHI Kunihide, ISAEV Alexander P., MAXIMOV Trofim C. (2003) Initial charge in carbon and nitrogen storages in organic layer following clear-cutting of larch stand in eastern Siberia. Proceedings of the10th symposium on the joint Siberian permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2001 (Eds, Fukuda and Saito), 53-57.

23. TAKAHASHI Kunihide, ISAEV Alexander P., MAXIMOV Trofim C., SAITO Hideyuki (2003) Fire history of mature larch forests near Yakutsk, eastern Siberia. Proceedings of the10th symposium on the joint Siberian permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2001 (Eds, Fukuda and Saito), 65-68.

24. Kobayashi Y., Saito H., Fukuda M Fedorov A.N. (2003) Comparisons of hydraulic conductivity between intact, watered and stightly burnt larch trees in eastern Siberia. Proceedings of the10th symposium on the joint Siberian permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2001 (Eds, Fukuda and Saito), 81-86.

25. 渋谷正人・斎藤秀之・波多野隆介・森下智陽・永田修・高橋邦秀(2002)樹木の伐採が森林の物質循環と温暖化ガス動態にあたえる影響 食生活科学・文化及び地球環境科学に関する研究助成研究紀要16, 95-109.

26. Shibuya, M., Tsuno, Y., Saito, H., Takahashi, K., Sawamoto, T., Hatano, R., Isaev, A. P., Maximov, T. C. (2001) Chronosequential analysis of aboveground biomass and the carbon and nitrogen contents in natural Larix stands in eastern Siberia. Bull. Research center for North Eurasia and North Pacific regions, Hokkaido Univ., 57-66.

27. Tsuno, Y., Shibuya, M., Saito, H., Takahashi, K., Sawamoto, T., Hatano, R., Isaev, A. P., Maximov, T. C. (2001) Aboveground biomass, nitrogen and carbon contents in Larix stands in eastern Siberia. In Proc. 9th symposinm on the joint Siberian Permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2000 (Eds, Fukuda and Kobayashi), 68-74.

28. Saito, H., Takahashi, K., Shibuya, M., Tsuno, Y., Isaev, A. P., Maximov, T. C. (2001) Distribution of current larch seedlings affected by forest floor vegetation in a larch stand in Neleger, Yakutsk. In Proc. 9th symposinm on the joint Siberian Permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2000 (Eds, Fukuda and Kobayashi), 75-82.

29. Hatano, R., Sawamoto, T., Shibuya, M., Saito, H., Tsuno, Y., Takahashi, K., Kobayashi, Y., Iwahana, G., Desyatkin, R. V., Isaev, A. P. (2001) Characteristics of Nitrogen cycling in permafrost regional ecosystems in Yakutsk, Russia. In Proc. 9th symposinm on the joint Siberian Permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2000 (Eds, Fukuda and Kobayashi), 99-103.

30. Sawamoto, T., Hatano, R., Shibuya, M., Saito, H., Tsuno, Y., Takahashi, K., Isaev, A. P., Desyatkin, R. V., Maximov, T. C. (2001) Effect of forest fire on NEP in Taiga soil ecosystems, near Yakutsk, Russia. In Proc. 9th symposinm on the joint Siberian Permafrost studies between Japan and Russia in 2000 (Eds, Fukuda and Kobayashi), 120-127.

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斎藤秀之 のバックアップ(No.8)