 *** Japan-Australia Symposium on Plant Sciences for Agriculture, 19-20 January 2012, Sapporo. [#f7be8cab]
 - Mao QZ, Watanabe M, Wang X, Koike T. The root-shoot linkage response of 3 kinds of larch to simulated nitrogen deposition under two phosphorous levels.
 - Novriyanti, E., Watanabe, M., Hashidoko, Y., Koike, T. (2012) Comparison of physiological responses of eucalypt species to elevated atmospheric [CO2] and [O3].
 - Wang XN, Mao QZ, Qu LY, Tamai Y, Koyama A, Watanabe M, Koike T. Identification of ectomycorrhiza types with different nitrogen loads on new hybrid larch and its parent species grown under two phosphorous levels.
 *** International Symposium in Agricultural Meteorology (ISAM), 14-16 March 2012, Osaka. [#a4832821]
 - Hoshika Y. et al. Effects of ozone on stomatal response for '''Fagus crenata''' grown under free air ozone exposure.(優秀ポスター賞受賞)
 - Watanabe M. et al. Photosynthetic traits of '''Fagus crenata''' sapling grown under free air ozone exposure.
 *** Joint Meeting of the 59th Annual Meeting of ESJ and the 5th EAFES International Congress (第59回日本生態学会年会),17-21 March 2012,Otsu. [#l5b07d14]
 - Sato K., Makoto, K., Shibuya M., Koike T. Effect of understory vegetation on different successional groups of seedlings regenerating in a deciduous broad-leaved forest after a surface fire.(ポスター賞優秀賞受賞)
 - Watanabe M., Takagi K., Satoh F., Koike T. Photosynthetic traits of 3 birch species grown under elevated CO2 with FACE system in northern Japan.
 ***International conference ‘Biological Reactions of Forests to Climate Change and Air Pollution’18-27 may 2012, Kaunas,Lithuania. [#f7be8cab]
 ***International conference ‘Biological Reactions of Forests to Climate Change and Air Pollution’18-27 May 2012, Kaunas, Lithuania. [#f7be8cab]
 - Koike T, Watanabe M, Hoshika Y, Kitao M, Funada R, Izuta T. Pollution-plants researches in Japan (Invited by [[COST>http://www.cost.eu/]]: European Cooperation in Science and Technology).
 - Hoshika Y, Watanabe M, Inada N, Koike T. Ozone develops sluggishness of stomatal light response progressively in Siebold’s beech ('''Fagus crenata'''). 
 - Koike T, Watanabe M, Wang X, Tatsuta S, Sakuma A, Yamaguchi T, Noguchi I, Saito H, Hoshika Y. Declining symptom of mountain birch ('''Betula ermanii'''') in northern Japan. 
 - Koike T, Watanabe M, Wang X, Tatsuta S, Sakuma A, Yamaguchi T, Noguchi I, Saito H, Hoshika Y. Declining symptom of mountain birch ('''Betula ermanii''') in northern Japan. 
 - Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y., Inada, N., Wang, X., Mao, Q. and Koike, T. Photosynthetic traits of '''Fagus crenata''' and '''Quercus crispula''' sapling grown under free air ozone exposure.
 - Watanabe, M., Hoshika, Y., Inada, N., Wang, X., Mao, Q.,  Koike, T. Photosynthetic traits of '''Fagus crenata''' and '''Quercus crispula''' sapling grown under free air ozone exposure.
 ***第22回日本熱帯生態学会年次大会, 2012年6月16−17日,横浜. [#m6e925c6]
 -小倉俊治, 斎藤秀之, 渋谷正人, Gaman Sampang, Yuda Parawi, Penyang. インドネシア中部カリマンタンに生育する'''Shorea balangeran'''の開花, 結実フェノロジー.
 -斎藤秀之, 水野英之, 塩寺さとみ, 渋谷正人, Gaman Sampang, Yuda Parawi, Penyang. インドネシア中部カリマンタンの熱帯泥炭湿地林に自生する高木種uringpaheとpisangpisangの山引苗の養成法.
 -武田雄太, 斎藤秀之, 渋谷正人, Gaman Sampang, Yuda Parawi, Penyang. '''Shorea balangeran'''の直播き造林における地拵えの効果−インドネシア中部カリマンタンの荒廃泥炭湿地の事例から−.
 ***The International Society of Root Research in Dundee, 26-29 June 2012. [#n0379b9b]
 -Mao, QZ., Watanabe, M, Wang, XN., Koyama, A., Kita, K, Koike, T. Effects of nitrogen deposition combined with phosphorus deficiency on fine-root growth of three larch species.
 -Wang XN, Mao QZ, Qu, LY, Tamai Y, Yamakawa R, Watanabe M, Kita K, Koike T. Biodiversity of ectomycorrhiza types with high nitrogen deposition on three larch species grown under two phosphorous levels.

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研究紹介/シンポジウム等2012 のバックアップ差分(No.8)