 ***International Conference on "Mechanisms of Growth, Competition and Stress Defense in Plants", 1-3 March 2010, Freising, Germany.~ [#a711998d]
 -Koike, T., Tobita, H., Agari, T., Kitao, M., Watanabe, M., Makoto, K., Sasa, K. and Hashidoko Y. (2010) Plant defense characteristics of alder species native to northern Japan grown at elevated CO2 in FACE. ~
 -Watanabe, M., Kitaoka, S., Takagi, K., Sasa, K. and Koike, T. (2010) Growth and photosynthetic traits of coppice of (Quercus crispula) under elevated CO2 concentration: Powdery mildew-mediated effects.
 -Watanabe, M., Kitaoka, S., Takagi, K., Sasa, K. and Koike, T. (2010) Growth and photosynthetic traits of coppice of ('''Quercus crispula''') under elevated CO2 concentration: Powdery mildew-mediated effects.
 -Watanabe, Y., Hinata, K., Ootsuka, Y., Watanabe, M., Sasa, K. and Koike, T. (2010) Seasonal changes in distribution of defensive chemical substances in leaves of deciduous broadleaved tree species in northern Japan.
 *** EES/GCOE-RA Joint Research Meeting, Sapporo, Japan, March 2010. [#d81f5f0c]
 -Kim YS. Effect of forest disturbance on nitrous oxide emission from a brown forest soil -forest fire and nitrogen deposition-. 
 *** 4th International Symposium on Sap Utilization 2010, 16-17 April 2010, Bifuka, Hokkaido, Japan. [#gf14f07b]
 -Kim YS, Makoto K, Takagi K, Hatano R, Koike T. (2010) Greenhouse gas emissions in a post-fire white birch stand in northern Japan.
 -Novriyanti, E., Watanabe, M., Aoyama, C. and Koike, T. (2010) Plant defense characteristics of birch species –a literature survey-.
 -Mao, Q., Watanabe, M., Imori, M., Saito, H. and Koike, T. (2010) Comparative research on the growth traits of Chinese birch and larch as revegetation materials.
 -Watanabe, M., Kitaoka, S., Kim, YS. and Koike, T. (2010) Aerobic methane emission from leaves of birch and other afforestation tree species under elevated CO2 concentration.
 - Aoyama, C. and Koike, T. (2010) Induced Defense of Japanese White Birch Seedlings against Insect Herbivores.
 - Koike, T. and Shimizu, Y. (2010) A role of forest aesthetics in birch stands under changing environment. 
 *** 第33回日本土壌動物学会大会2010年5月29-30日, 京都府京田辺市. [#g6f22ae3]
 -末次直樹・小池孝良. 大気CO2濃度の上昇に伴う有機物層の変化がトビムシ群集に与える影響.
 *** XXIII IUFRO World Congress, 23-28 August 2010, Seoul, Korea.~ [#m5c0b9a8]
 -Koike, T., Watanabe, M., Eguchi, N., Watanabe, Y., Satomura, T., Mao, Q., Takagi, K., Funada, R. and Sasa, K., Effects of elevated CO2 on the aboveground growth of sprouts of deciduous broadleaved trees grown in FACE. ~
 -Imori, M., Watanabe, M., Kim, Y.S., Mao, Q., Kita, K. and Koike, T. (2010) Effects of nitrogen supply on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of hybrid larch F1 seedling.
 -Kim, Y.S., Watanabe, M., Koike, T. (2010) Effect of nitrogen application on nitrous oxide emissions from a brown forest soil in northern Japan.
 -Mao, Q., Watanabe, M., Kobayashi, M., Imori, M., Kita, K., Koike, T. (2010) Ecophysiological response of hybrid larch F1 to nitrogen and phosphate application.
 -Novriyanti, E., Watanabe, M., Kohda, H., Takeda, T., Hashidoko, Y. and Koike, T. (2010) Photosynthetic traits, water and nitrogen use efficiency of acacia and eucalypt seedlings as criteria for plantation materials.
 -Sato K., Makoto K., Saito H., Shibuya M., Koike T. Combination effects of understory dwarf bamboo and gap formation on tree regeneration in a post-fire deciduous broad-leaved forest in northern Japan.
 -Watanabe, M., Mao Q., Novriyanti, E., Kita, K., Ueda, T., Takagi, K., Sasa, K. and Koike, T. (2010) Effects of elevated CO2 concentration on the growth and photosynthesis of hybrid larch F1 seedlings.
 -Watanabe Y., Watanabe M., Uemura A. and Koike T. (2010) Effects of aerosols on leaves of birch species in cool temperate deciduous broadleaved forest of Hokkaido, northern Japan.
 *** IUFRO Canopy Processes Working Group, Canopy processes in a changing climate, 7-15 October 2010, Falls Creek, Victoria and Tarraleah, Tasmania, Australia.~ [#gf7248ae]
 -Koike, T., Kitao, M. and Watanabe, M. (2010) Canopy development and photosynthetic traits of three species of birch saplings in northern Japan.~
 -Mao, Q., Watanabe, M., Kobayashi, M., Imori, M., Kita, K., Koike, T. (2010) Growth and photosynthetic responses of the hybrid larch F1 to nitrogen and phosphate application.
 -Novriyanti, E., Watanabe, M., Kohda, H., Takeda, T., Hashidoko, Y. and Koike, T. (2010) The comparison of photosynthetic traits and water use efficiency between Acacia and Eucalypt seedlings as tropical fast growing species.
 -Watanabe, M., Kitaoka, S., Utsugi, H., Kita, K. and Koike, T. (2010) Photosynthetic traits of hybrid larch F1 under down regulation of photosynthesis by elevated CO2 concentration.
 *** 樹木年輪研究会, 2010年8月25日, 愛知県名古屋市. [#p0b920ee]
 -白河 学, 齋藤香織, 渡辺陽子, 渡辺誠, 船田良, 小池孝良, 福島和彦 (2010) 高二酸化炭素下で生育した樹木の成分に関する研究.
 *** 第51回大気環境学会年会, 2010年9月8-10日, 大阪府豊中市. [#xd4092d4]
 -山口高志, 龍田慎平, 渡辺誠, 酒井茂克, 渡邊忠, 久保島康行, 斎藤秀之, 野口泉, 小池孝良 (2010) 北海道の対流圏オゾンについて.
 *** 第17回大気環境学会北海道・東北支部学術集会, 2010年10月22日, 山形県山形市. [#h2c1e1db]
 -野口泉, 龍田慎平, 渡辺誠, 山口高志, 酒井茂克, 渡邊忠, 久保島康行, 斎藤秀之, 小池孝良 (2010) 摩周湖における対流圏オゾン濃度とその植物影響.

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研究紹介/シンポジウム等2010 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.3)