* Invasive Species in a Changing World 輪読ゼミ(2007年6月開始) [#rabb0bd7]

**「Invasive Species in a Changing World」 [#zdaca079]

***内容 [#tacf0928]

-第一回 6月20日
--江口則和…Chapter 5 "Will the Increasing Atmospheric CO2 Concentration Affect the Success of Invasive Species?"&ref(江口レジュメ.doc);
--Ed Dyson…Chapter 8 "The Future of Alian Invasive Species: Changing Social Views"&ref(Ed-May2007.ppt);

-第二回 6月26日
--唐木貴行…Chapter 3 "Land-Use Changes and Invasions"&ref(唐木Ch.3.doc);
--[[渡辺陽子>http://forest.fsc.hokudai.ac.jp:591/FMPro?-db=member.fp5&-format=member%2fmember6.htm&-sortfield=pid&-sortfield=id&-max=500&-recid=32780&-findall=]];…Chapter 6 "Microevolutionary Influences of Global Changes on Plant Invasions"&ref(輪読ゼミ6章.doc);

-第三回 7月3日
--小南遼…Chapter 11 "The Economics of Alian Species Invasions"&ref(輪読ゼミ11章.ppt);

-第四回 7月17日
--松並志郎…Chapter 16 "Plant Invasions in Chile: Present Patterns and Future Predictions"

*** 予定 [#y2724e19]
-第一回 6月20日
--江口則和…Chapter 5 "Will the Increasing Atmospheric CO2 Concentration Affect the Success of Invasive Species?"
--Ed Dyson…Chapter 8 "The Future of Alian Invasive Species: Changing Social Views"

-第二回 6月26日
--唐木貴行…Chapter 3 "Land-Use Changes and Invasions"
--渡辺陽子…Chapter 6 "Microevolutionary Influences of Global Changes on Plant Invasions"

-第三回 7月3日
--小南遼…Chapter 11 "The Economics of Alian Species Invasions"

-第四回 7月17日
--松並志郎…Chapter 16 "Plant Invasions in Chile: Present Patterns and Future Predictions"

-第五回 7月31日
--兼俊壮明…Chapter 14 "Plant Invasions in Germany: General Aspects and Impact of Nitrogen Deposition"
--後藤康一…Chapter 15 "Invasive Species and Environmental Changes in New Zealand"
--[[浦田格]]…Chapter 10 "Climate Change and Invasive Species: A Conceptual Framework"

-第六回 8月9日(予定)
--[[小林真]]…Chapter 4 "Fire, Plant Invasions, and Global Changes"
--[[笠小春]]…Chapter 12"Valuing Ecosystem Services Lost to Tamarix Invasion in the United States"
--竹永紘子…Chapter 9 "Global Changes, Invasive Species, and Human Health"

***連絡は唐木貴行まで。 [#xcf14d96]

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「Invasive Species in a Changing World」輪読ゼミ のバックアップソース(No.10)