Lunchon seminar †
080509 小林真? [惚れた! Tom DeLuca?さん] †
1) 発表のコンセプト
A series of works by Dr. Thomas H DeLuca … function of charcoal in forest ecosystems
2) 紹介文献:
- Wildfire-produced charcoal directly influences nitrogen cycling in ponderosa pine forests(2006)
SSSAJ 70: 448-453
- Charcoal and shrubs modify soil processes in ponderosa pine forests of western Montana(2006)
Plant and Soil 287: 257-266
- Frequent fire alters nitrogen transformations in ponderosa pine stands of the inland northwest(2006)
Ecology 87: 2511-2522
080516 小池孝良 [熱中してます;ニセアカシア] †
- Feng, Z., J. Dyckmans and H. Flessa (2004) Effects of elevated carbon dioxide concentration on growth and N2 fixation of young Robinia pseudoacacia. Tree Physiology 24: 323–330. 要旨&ref(): File not found: "昼ゼ080516.pdf" at page "Lunchon seminar";
080523 笠小春[窒素負荷はこれを読むべし!] †
- Tatsuro Nakaji, Motohiro Fukami, Yukiko Dokiya and Takeshi Izuta(2001)Effects of high nitrogen load on growth, photosynthesis and nutrient status of Cryptomeria japonica and Pinus densiflora seedlings, Trees 15:453-461;
080530 丸上裕史 †
080602 小池孝良[カラマツがC4ってホント?!] †
- 変動環境下でのカラマツ類の成長応答の予想・・・1976の衝撃から、はや30年!
080611 渡辺誠 [樹木がメタンを出す!!?・・・批判的紹介] †
- Frank Keppler, John T. G. Hamilton, Marc Braβ & Thomas Rockmann (2006) Methane emissions from terrestrial plants under aerobic conditions. Nature 439: 187-191.
080620 北岡哲 [針葉樹の窒素利用] †
- Warren and Adams(2004)Evergreen trees do not maximize instantaneous photosynthesis, Trends in Plant Science 9:270-274