Mao Qiaozhi †
Research Theme †
- Silviculture and ecophysiological study on the effect of elevated CO2, O3 and high nitrogen loading on larch species, especially on hybrid larch F1.
Education †
Publications †
Forest Ecophysiology
- Mao QZ, Hoshika Y., Watanabe M. and Koike T. (2012) Symptom of ozone injured leaves in 3 kinds of birch species in Hokkaido. Boreal Forest Research 60: 35-38.
- Koike T, Mao QZ, Inada N, kawaguchi K, Hoshika Y, Kita K. and Watanabe M (accept) Growth and photosynthetic responses of hybrid larch (Larix gmelinii var. japonica x L. kaempferi) cuttings to elevated ozone and/or carbon dioxide. Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment.
- Mao QZ, Wanatabe M., Kim YS, Imori M, Kita K, & Koike T (accept) Photosynthesis and nitrogen allocation in needles of the sun and shade crowns of hybrid larch saplings: effect of nitrogen loading.
- Mao QZ, Watanabe M, Makoto K, Kita K and Koike T (submitted) Effect of high nitrogen loading on a new hybrid larch F1 grown at two phosphorus levels
- Mao QZ, Watanabe M, and Koike T (2010) Growth characteristics of two promising tree species for afforestation, birch and larch in the northeastern part of Asia. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research 13:69-76.
Wood Products Chemistry
- Mao QZ, Zhao Z, Ma XH and LI KY (2010) Preparation, Toxicity and Components of Bitter Almond Shell Wood Vinegar. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agriculture Machinery. 41: 164-170. Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000 1298.2010.02.033. (In Chinese with English Summary)
- Mao QZ, Zhao Z and Ma XH (2009) Preparation, toxicity and components analysis of apricot branch wood vinegar. Journal of Northeast A & F University (Nat. Sci. Ed.) 37: 91-95. (In Chinese with English Summary)
- GUO Chan-Juan, ZHAO Zhong, LI Keyou, MA Xi-Han, WEI Liping, LU Bin, QI Gao-Qiang and MAO Qiao-Zhi (2009) Effects of Different methods to bitter Almond essential oil. Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils 37:147-150. (In Chinese with English Summary)
- Guo Chan-Jan, ZHAO Zhong, MAO Qiaozhi, WEI Liping, LI Keyou, MA Xihan, ZHU Hailan. (2008) Hot-press Method to Extract Fatty Oil from Bitter Almond and Optical Conditions for Steam Distillation of Its Essential Oil. Journal of Central South University of Forestry & Technology. 28: 102-107. (In Chinese with English Summary)
- Wei Li-Ping, Zhong Zhao, Xi-Han Ma, Ke-You Li, Yu-Hua Ma, Chan-Juan Guo, Qiao-Zhi Mao, Gao-Qiang Qi (2009) Technological condition of converting biodiesel from bitter almond oil. Journal of Northeast A & F University (Nat. Sci. Ed.)37: 146-150 (In Chinese with English Summary)
Notes and Comments †
- Koike, T., Mao, QZ, Watanabe, M., Inada, N., Kawaguchi, K. and Hoshika, Y. (2011) Perspective of the research on the effect of elevated ozone on forest decline in northern Japan. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, Hokkaido 63:17-23.
- Watanabe M, Mao QZ, Novriyanti E and Koike T (2011) Record on IUFRO congress on the canopy process, part II At Tasmania, Australia, Hoppo Ringyo (Northern Forestry)63:189-192 (in Japanese)
- Watanabe M, Novriyanti E. Mao QZ and Koike T (2011) Record on IUFRO congress on the canopy process, part I At Vicria, Australia, Hoppo Ringyo (Northern Forestry) 63: 65-78 (in Japanese)
- Imori M, Sato K., Mao QZ, Novriyanti E, Watanabe M and Koike T (2011) The 23rd IUFRO International Congress in Korea, Hoppo Ringyo (Northern Forestry) 63: 13-16 (in Japanese)
- Watanabe M, Kim YS, Novriyanti E and Mao QZ (2010) The 4th International Symposium on Tree Sap Utilization, Hoppo Roingyo (Northern Forestry) 62: 261-262 (in Japanese)
Proceedings †
- Hara Y, Ito H, Mao QZ, Takagi K, Watanabe M, Saito H, Shibuya M and Koike T (2012) Dynamics of shoots of 3 kinds of birch species grown under free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) system. –The results of second year-. Boreal Forest Research 60:39-40 (in Japanese)
- Mao QZ, Watanabe M, Koike T (2011) Linkage between under- and above-ground of three kinds of larch species grown under different levels of nitrogen and phosphorous. Abstract, The Latest Frontiers of Root Research in Asia, p.72, Nov 6th, 2011.
- Mao, QZ, Watanabe, M, Novriyanti, E., Kita, K., Ueda, T., Takagi, K., Sasa, K and Koike, T. (2011) Growth and photosynthetic traits of 3 kinds of larch grown under Free Air CO2 Enrichment. Japanese Society of Agriculture, Biological, Environmental Engineering and Scientists, Sapporo Meeting. Abstract
- Koike, T., Mao, QZ, Inada, N., Kawaguchi, K., Kita, K. and Wanatabe, M. (2011) Growth and photosynthetic responses of hybrid larch F1 cuttings to elevated O3 and/or CO2. Japanese Society of Agriculture, Biological, Environmental Engineering and Scientists, Sapporo Meeting. Abstract
- Mao, QZ, Imori, M., Wanatabe, M., Kim YS, Kita K, & Koike, T. (2011) Eco-physiological responses of hybrid larch F1 seedlings to high nitrogen loading -Effect of crown position on the needle photosynthesis of Hybrid Larch F1 grown under high nitrogen loading-,The 8th Acid Rain Congress, Extended abstract.Pp.10.
- Koike, T., Inada, N., Tonooka, M., Takeuchi, Y., Mao, QZ, Kita, K., Kawaguchi, K. Satoh, F. & Watanabe, M. (2011) Growth and photosynthetic responses of hybrid larch F1 cuttings to elevated O3 and/or CO2: A comparison among larch species-The 8th Acid Rain Congress, Extended abstract.Pp.4.
- Koike T, Watanabe M, Eguchi N, Watanabe Y, Satomura T, Mao QZ, Takagi K, Funada R. and Sasa K.(2010) Effects of elevated CO2 on the aboveground growth of sprouts of deciduous broadleaved trees grown in FACE. In: The International Forestry Review (ISSN 1465 5489), p47(refereed)
- Mao QZ, Watanabe M, Makoto K, Kita K, Imori M, Koike T (2010) Ecophysiological responses of the hybrid larch F1 to nitrogen and phosphate applications. In: The International Forestry Review (ISSN 1465 5489), p352 (refereed)
- Mao QZ, Watanabe M, Imori M and Koike T (2010) Comparative research on the growth traits of Chinese birch and larch as re-vegetation materials. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Sap Utilization, 253-260.
Submitted: review paper 0, original paper 2, note & comments 1
Book chapter †
- Mao Qiao-Zhi, Watanabe M, Imori M, Koike T (accepted) Comparative research on the growth traits of Chinese birch and larch as re-vegetation materials. In: Terazawa, M. (ed.) Tree Sap IV, Hokkaido University Press, Sapporo
Presentations †
- Mao, QZ., Watanabe, M., Wang, X. and Koike, T. (2012) The root-shoot linkage response of 3 kinds of larch to simulated nitrogen deposition under two phosphorous levels. Japan-Australia Symposium on Plant Sciences for Agriculture, 19-20 January 2012, Sapporo, Japan.
- Mao QZ (2011) Response of hybrid larch F1 to nitrogen and phosphorous loading, Abstract "Toward sustainable management in forest resources," Kyoto University, Nov. 17-18th, 2011, Kyoto. pp13-14.
- Watanabe, M., Mao, QZ., Novriyanti, E., Kita, K., Ueda, T., Takagi, K., Sasa, K., Koike, T.(2011) Growth and Photosynthetic traits of 3 kinds of larch species grown under FACE. 52the Jpn. Atmospheric Environment, Sept. 14-17th, 2011, Nagasaki.
- Mao, QZ (2011) Joint seminar Between Korea University and Hokkaido University, Towards the sustainable use of
Ecological Resources of Forests, July 6th. pp. 2-3, Sapporo.
- Koike, T., Inada, N., Tonooka, M., Takeuchi, Y., Mao, QZ, Kita, K., Kawaguchi, K. Satoh, F. & Watanabe, M. (2011)Growth and photosynthetic responses of hybrid larch F1 cuttings to elevated O3 and/or CO2 -A comparison among hybrid larch and its parent-, Acid Arin 2011, Beijing, China, June 16-19th, 2011.
- Mao QZ, Watanabe M, Imori M, Koike T (2010) Comparative research on the growth traits of Chinese birch and larch as re-vegetation materials. The 4th International symposium on the Tree Sap Utilization, Bifuka, Hokkaido, Japan
- Koike T, Watanabe M, Eguchi N, Watanabe Y, Satomura T, Mao QZ, Takagi K, Funada R. and Sasa K.(2010) Effects of elevated CO2 on the aboveground growth of sprouts of deciduous broadleaved trees grown in FACE. XXIII IUFRO World Congress, Seoul, Korea. (refereed)
- Mo, QZ., Watanabe, M, Wang, XN., Koyama, A., Kita, K, Koike, T. (2012) Effects of nitrogen deposition combined with phosphorus deficiency on fine-root growth of three larch species. The International Society of Root Research in Dundee, 26-29 June 2012. (referred)
- Koike, T., Kitao, M., Mao QZ,(2012) Time-lag in root-shoot growth of ash seedlings after the two disturbances during growing period. The International Society of Root Research in Dundee, 26-29 June 2012.
- Mao QZ, Koike T, Takagi, K. Satoh, F., Watanabe, M. (2012) Photosynthetic adjustment in new hybrid larch and its parent species grown in FACE. VICAP conference in "Plan Growth, Nutrition and Environment Interactions," February 18 - 21, 2012, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna.
- Wang XN, Mao, QZ, Qu LY., Tamai, Y. Koyama, A., Watanabe, M.,and Koike, T. (2012) Identification of ectomycorrhiza types with different nitrogen loads on new hybrid larch and its parent species grown under two phosphorous levels
Japan-Australia Symposium on Plant Sciences for Agriculture, 19-20 January 2012, Sapporo, Japan.
- Mao QZ, Hoshika Y, Watanabe M, Koike T (2011) Symptom of ozone injured leaves in deciduous broadleaved trees native to Hokkaido. The 60th Annual Meeting of Boreal Forest Conference, Sapporo Nov. 15th, 2011.
- Hara Y., Ito H., Watanabe M., Mao QZ, Hoshika Y, Saito H., Shibuya., Takagi K. and Koike T. (2011) Shoot dynamics of 3 kinds of birch grown under elevated CO2 with FACE- a result of 2 years CO2 fumigation. The 60th Annual Meeting of Boreal Forest Conference, Sapporo Nov. 15th, 2011.
- Mao QZ, Watanabe M, Koike T (2011) Linkage between under- and above-ground of three kinds of larch species grown under different levels of nitrogen and phosphorous. 20th Anniversary conference in Japanese Society of Root Research (Tokyo) Nov 6th, 2011.
- Ito H, Watanabe M, Mao QZ, Saitoh H, Shibuya M,Sasa K, Koike T (2011) Effect of elevated CO2 on shoot phenology of three birch species grown under a free air CO2 enrichment(FACE) system. Japan-China Exchange Program of Hokkaido University 2011, October 20-21, 2011, Beijing and Tianjin,
- Mao QZ, Watanabe M, Kita K, Koike T (2011) Growth and photosynthetic characteristics of three kinds of larch grown under Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE). Annual meeting of the young researcher in Plant-CO2 study. JSPS Innovation project meeting at Lake Shikotsu. October 7-9th, 2011.
- Ito H, Hara, Y, Watanabe M, Mao QZ, Saitoh H, Shibuya M,Koike T (2011) Effect of elevated CO2 on shoot phenology of three birch species grown under a free air CO2 enrichment(FACE). Annual meeting of the young researcher in Plant-CO2 study. JSPS Innovation project meeting at Lake Shikotsu. October 7-9th, 2011.
- Mao, QZ, Watanabe, M, Novriyanti, E., Kita, K., Ueda, T., Takagi, K., Sasa, K and Koike, T. (2011) Growth and photosynthetic traits of 3 kinds of larch grown under Free Air CO2 Enrichment. Japanese Society of Agriculture, Biological, Environmental Engineering and Scientists, Sapporo Meeting. Abstract
- Koike, T., Mao, QZ, Inada, N., Kawaguchi, K., Kita, K. and Wanatabe, M. (2011) Growth and photosynthetic responses of hybrid larch F1 cuttings to elevated O3 and/or CO2. Japanese Society of Agriculture, Biological, Environmental Engineering and Scientists, Sapporo Meeting. Abstract
- Watanabe, M., Mao, QZ, Novriyanti, E., Ito, H., Takagi, K., Sasa, K. and Koike, T. (2011) Photosynthetic responses of 3 birch species to elevated CO2 concentration with FACE system in northern Japan. XXIV SPPS (Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society) Congress, 77-78, 21-25 August 2011, Stavanger, Norway.
- Mao, QZ, Imori, M., Wanatabe, M., Kim YS, Kita K, & Koike, T. (2011) Eco-physiological responses of hybrid larch F1 seedlings to high nitrogen loading. Acid Arin 2011, Beijing, China, June 16-19th, 2011.
- Mao QZ, Imori M, Watanabe M, Kim YS, Kita K, Koike T (2011) Three years monitoring about physiology response of hybrid larch F1 to nitrogen loading. The 108th Annual Meeting of Japan Forest Society, March 26-27th, 2011 (at Shizuoka University).
- Ito H, Watanabe M, Mao QZ, Nakaji T, Sasa K, Saito, H, Shibuya M, Koike T (2011) Leaf phenology of three kinds of birch species grown under elevated CO2 (FACE). The 108th Annual Meeting of Japan Forest Society, March 26-27th, 2011 (at Shizuoka University).
- Watanabe M, Mao QZ, Novriyanti E, Ito H, Ueda T, Takagi K, Sasa K, Koike T (2011) Photosynthehtic characteristics of three kinds of birch raised under elevated CO2 with FACE. The 108th Annual Meeting of Japan Forest Society, March 26-27th, 2011 (at Shizuoka University).
- Mao QZ, Watanabe M, Makoto K, Imori M, Kita K, Koike T (2010) Growth and photosynthetic responses of the hybrid larch F1 to nitrogen and phosphate application. IUFRO workshop on "Canopy Processes in a Changing Climate," Victoria & Tasmania, Australia. Oct. 7-15th, 2010. Abstract book page 79.(refereed)
- Mao QZ, Watanabe M, Makoto K, Kita K, Imori M, Koike T (2010) Ecophysiological responses of the hybrid larch F1 to nitrogen and phosphate applications. XXIII IUFRO World Congress, (refereed)
- Imori M, Watanabe M, Kim Yung Suk, Mao QZ, Kita K and Koike T (2010) Effects of nitrogen supply on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of hybrid larch F1 seedlings. XXIII IUFRO World Congress, Seoul, Korea. In: The International Forestry Review (ISSN 1465 5489), p351 (refereed)
- Watanabe M, Mao,QZ, Novriyanti E, Kita K, Ueda T, Takagi K, Sasa K and Koike T(2010) Effects of elevated CO2 concentration on the growth and photosynthesis oh hybrid larch F seedlings. XXIII IUFRO World Congress, Seoul, Korea. In: The International Forestry Review (ISSN 1465 5489), p353 (refereed)
- Mao QZ, Watanabe M, Makoto K, Imori M, Kita K, Koike T (2010) Ecophysiological Response of Hybrid Larch F1 to Nitrogen and Phosphate application. The 107th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forest Society, April 4-6 (Univ. Tsukuba)
Award †
- Scholarship of the Karizumi foundation for plant root scientists (June, 2012).
- The research fund of Sapporo Society of Promotion of Agriculture Science (March, 2011).
- Scholarship of the Association of Japan Forest Society, The 107th Annual Meeting of Japan Forest Society (April 4th, 2010),
- Scholarship of the Association of Tree Physiologists of IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organization, October 2010).
- Scholarship Program supported by China Scholarship Council (CSC Program 2009).
Contact †
- Tel: +81-11-706-4180, Fax: +81-11-706-2517
- e-mail: maomerry AT (Please change AT to @ in your e-mail soft)
- 〒060-8589 N371, Silvicuture & Forest Ecological Studies, Hokkaido University
Japanese Members,
English Member