Makoto Watanabe †
Profile †
JSPS Research Fellowship
Dr. Agr.: Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2007. (graduated from Prof. T.Izuta's Lab.)
Research Interests †
- Environmental botany of plant species as affected by ozone stresses under different soil nitrogen or drought
- Aerobic methane emissions from woody species grown in FACE (Free Air CO2 Enrichment)
Publications †
Peer-rewiewd articles †
- Yonekura, T., Honda, Y., Oksanen, E., Yoshidome, M., Watanabe, M., Funada, R., Koike, T. and Izuta, T. (2001) The influences of ozone and soil water stress, singly and in combination, on leaf gas exchange rates, leaf ultrastructural characteristics and annual ring width of Fagus crenata seedlings. Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 36, No. 6, 333-351.
- Yonekura, T., Yoshidome, M., Watanabe, M., Honda, Y., Ogiwara, I. and Izuta, T. (2004) Carry-over effects of ozone and water stress on leaf phenological characteristics and bud frost hardiness of Fagus crenata seedlings. Trees, Vol. 18, No. 5, 581-588.
- Watanabe, M., Yonekura, T., Honda, Y., Yoshidome, M., Nakaji, T. and Izuta, T. (2005) Effects of ozone and soil water stress, singly and in combination, on leaf antioxidative systems of Fagus crenata seedlings. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, Vol. 60, No. 6, 1105-1108.
- Watanabe, M., Yamaguchi, M., Iwasaki, M., Matsuo, N., Naba, J., Tabe, C., Matsumura, H., Kohno, Y. and Izuta, T. (2006) Effects of ozone and/or nitrogen load on the growth of Larix kaempferi, Pinus densiflora and Cryptomeria japonica seedlings. Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 41, No. 6, 320-334.
- Yamaguchi, M., Watanabe, M., Matsuo, N., Naba, J., Funada, R., Fukami, M., Matsumura, H., Kohno, Y. and Izuta, T. (2007) Effects of nitrogen supply on the sensitivity to O3 of growth and photosynthesis of Japanese beech (Fagus crenata) seedlings. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, Focus, Vol. 7, No.1-3, 131-136.
- Watanabe, M., Yamaguchi, M., Tabe, C., Iwasaki, M., Yamashita, R., Funada, R., Fukami, M., Matsumura, H., Kohno, Y. and Izuta, T. (2007) Influences of nitrogen load on the growth and photosynthetic responses of Quercus serrata seedlings to O3. Trees, Vol. 21 No. 4, 421-432.
- Yamaguchi, M., Watanabe, M., Iwasaki, M., Tabe, C., Matsumura, H., Kohno, Y. and Izuta, T. (2007) Growth and photosynthetic responses of Fagus crenata seedlings to O3 under different nitrogen loads. Trees, Vol. 21 No. 6, 707-718.
- Watanabe, M., Yamaguchi, M., Matsumura, H., Kohno, Y. and Izuta, T. (2008) Effects of ozone on growth and photosynthesis of Castanopsis sieboldii seedlings grown under different nitrogen loads. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, Vol. 24, No. 3, 143-155.
- Kitaoka, S., Watanabe, M., Watanabe, Y., Kayama, M., Nomura., M. and Sasa, K. (2009) The growth of understory plants associated with micro-climatic change in a mature larch plantation after harvesting. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, 137–145.
- Yamada, M., Ohnishi, N., Watanabe, M. and Hino, Y. (2009) Prussian Blue Nanoparticles Protected by the Water-Soluble pi-Conjugated Polymer PEDOT-S: Synthesis and Multiple-Color pH-Sensing. Chem. Commun. Vol. 46, 7203-7205.
- Yamaguchi, M., Watanabe, M., Matsumura, H., Kohno, Y. and Izuta, T. (2010) Effects of ozone on nitrogen metabolism in the leaves of Fagus crenata seedlings under different soil nitrogen loads. Trees, Vol. 24, No. 1, 175-184.
- Watanabe, M., Matsuo, N., Yamaguchi, M., Matsumura, H., Kohno, Y. and Izuta, T. (2010) Risk assessment of ozone impact on the carbon absorption of Japanese representative conifers. European Journal of Forest Research, Vol. 129, No. 3, 421–430.
- Watanabe, M., Umemoto-Yamaguchi, M., Koike, T. and Izuta, T. (2010) Growth and photosynthetic response of Fagus crenata seedlings to ozone and/or elevated carbon dioxide. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 2, 181-190.
- Kim, YS., Watanabe, M., Imori, M. Sasa, K., Takagi, K., Hatano, R. and Koike, T. (2011) Reduced atmospheric CH4 consumption by two different forest soils in elevated CO2 concentrations in a FACE system in cool-temperate northern Japan. Journal of Japan Society for Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 46, No. 1, 30-35.
- Watanabe, M., Yamaguchi, M., Matsumura, H., Kohno, Y. and Izuta, T. (accepted) Risk assessment of ozone impact on Fagus crenata in Japan: Consideration of atmospheric nitrogen deposition. European Journal of Forest Research.
- Watanabe, M., Watanabe, Y., Kitaoka, S., Utsugi, H. Kita, K. and Koike, T. (accepted) Growth and photosynthetic traits of hybrid larch F1 (Larix gmelinii var. japonica × L. kaempferi) under elevated CO2 concentration with low nutrient availability. Tree Physiology.
Reviews †
- Ryu, K., Watanabe, M., Shibata, H., Takagi, K., Nomura, M. and Koike, T. (2009) Ecophysiological responses of the larch species in northern Japan to environmental changes as a base of afforestation. Landscape and Ecological Engineering,, Vol. 5, No. 2, 99-106.
- Mao, Q., Watanabe, M., Koike, T. (2010) Growth characteristics of two promising tree species for afforestation, birch and larch in the northeastern part of Asia. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research, Vol. 13, No. 2, 69-76.
- Novriyanti, E., Aoyama, C., Watanabe, M., Koike, T. (2010) Plants defense characteristics and hypothesis on the birch species. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research, Vol. 13, No. 2, 77-85.
- Yamaguchi, M., Watanabe, M., Matsumura, H., Kohno, Y. and Izuta, T. (2011) Experimental studies on the effects of ozone on growth and photosynthetic activity of Japanese forest tree species. Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment (In press)
Proceedings etc. †
- Watanabe, M., Yamaguchi, M., Matsumura, H., Kohno, Y. and Izuta, T. (2008) Growth responses of 6 Japanese forest tree species to ozone under different nitrogen loads. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Food, Energy and Industry 2008 (ICSA2008), 50-56.
- Kitaoka, S., Sakata, T., Watanabe, M., Kim, Y., Utsugi, U., Tobita, H., Uemura, A., Aizawa, S., Kitao, M., Maruyama, Y., Sasa, K. and Koike, T. (2008) Evaluation of methane emission from three dominant cool temperate deciduous tree species grown under elevated CO2 concentration in northern Japan. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Food, Energy and Industry 2008 (ICSA2008), 11-14.
- Koike, T., Eguchi, N., Kitaoka, S., Watanabe, M., Watanabe, Y., Makoto, K., Funada, R., Takagi, K., Shibata, H., Hiura, T. and Sasa, K. (2008) Effect of elevated CO2 on the physiological adjustment and xylem structure of deciduous tree species grown in Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE). Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Food, Energy and Industry 2008 (ICSA2008), 6-10.
- Ryu, K., Shibata, H., Watanabe, M., Takagi, K., Nomura, M. and Koike, T. (2008) A brief history of larch plantation in northern Japan with special reference to environmental change. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Food, Energy and Industry 2008 (ICSA2008), 57-62.
- Koike, T., Kitao, M., Kitaoka, S., Watanabe, M. and Maruyama, Y. (2008) Leaf morphological and functional adaptation of Siebold beech (Fagus crenata) seedlings grown at two water regimes. Proceedings of the 8 the IUFRO international beech symposium, 83-85.
- Watanabe, M., Kitaoka, S. and Koike, T. (2010) Aerobic methane emission from leaves of birch and other afforestation tree species under elevated CO2 concentration. Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Sap Utilization, 137-141.
- Novriyanti, E., Watanabe, M., Aoyama, C. and Koike, T. (2010) Plant defense characteristics of birch species: a literature survey. Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Sap Utilization, 204-212.
- Mao, Q., Watanabe, M., Imori, M. and Koike, T. (2010) Comparative research on the growth traits of Chinese birch and larch as re-vegetation materials. Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Sap Utilization, 253-260.
Presentations in the International Congress †
[Oral presentation]
- Watanabe, M., Yamaguchi, M., Tabe, C., Iwasaki, M., Funada, R., Fukami, M., Matsumura, H., Kohno, Y. and Izuta, T. (2005) Influences of nitrogen load on the growth and photosynthetic responses to O3 or SO2 of Quercus serrata seedlings. Acid Rain 2005, 13-17 June 2005, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Watanabe, M. , Yamaguchi, M., Matsumura, H., Kohno, Y. and Izuta, T. (2008) Effects of ozone on growth and photosynthesis of Castanopsis sieboldii seedlings grown in different nitrogen loads. International Symposium on Agricultural Meteorology (ISAM2008), 21-22 March 2008, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi, Japan.
- Koike, T., Eguchi, N., Kitaoka, S., Watanabe, M., Watanabe, Y., Makoto, K., Funada, R., Takagi, K., Shibata, H., Hiura, T. and Sasa, K. (2008) Effect of elevated CO2 on the physiological adjustment and xylem structure of deciduous tree species grown in Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE). The International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Food, Energy and Industry 2008 (ICSA2008), 2-6 July 2008, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.
- Kitaoka, S., Sakata, T., Watanabe, M., Kim, Y., Utsugi, U., Tobita, H., Uemura, A., Aizawa, S., Kitao, M., Maruyama, Y., Sasa, K. and Koike, T. (2008) Evaluation of methane emission from three dominant cool temperate deciduous tree species grown under elevated CO2 concentration in northern Japan. The International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Food, Energy and Industry 2008 (ICSA2008), 2-6 July 2008, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.
- Koike, T., Kitao, M., Kitaoka, S., Watanabe, M. and Maruyama, Y. (2008) Leaf morphological and functional adaptation of Siebold beech (Fagus crenata) seedlings grown at two water regimes. The 8 the IUFRO international beech symposium, 8-13 September 2008, Nanae, Hokkaido, Japan.
- Watanabe, M., Kitaoka, S., Takagi, K., Sasa, K. and Koike, T. (2010) Growth and photosynthetic traits of coppice of (Quercus crispula) under elevated CO2 concentration: Powdery mildew-mediated effects. International Conference on "Mechanisms of Growth, Competition and Stress Defense in Plants", 1-3 March 2010, Freising, Germany.
- Koike, T., Tobita, H., Agari, T., Kitao, M., Watanabe, M., Makoto, K., Sasa, K. and Hashidoko Y. (2010) Plant defence characteristics of alder species native to northern Japan grown at elevated CO2 in FACE. International Conference on "Mechanisms of Growth, Competition and Stress Defense in Plants", 1-3 March 2010, Freising, Germany.
- Watanabe, M., Kitaoka, S., Kim, YS. and Koike, T. (2010) Aerobic methane emission from leaves of birch and other afforestation tree species under elevated CO2 concentration. 4th International Symposium on Sap Utilization 2010, 16-17 April 2010, Bifuka, Hokkaido, Japan.
- Novriyanti, E., Watanabe, M., Aoyama, C. and Koike, T. (2010) Plant defense characteristics of birch species –a literature survey-. 4th International Symposium on Sap Utilization 2010, 16-17 April 2010, Bifuka, Hokkaido, Japan.
- Mao, Q., Watanabe, M., Imori, M., Saito, H. and Koike, T. (2010) Comparative research on the growth traits of Chinese birch and larch as revegetation materials. 4th International Symposium on Sap Utilization 2010, 16-17 April 2010, Bifuka, Hokkaido, Japan.
- Koike, T., Watanabe, M., Eguchi, N., Watanabe, Y., Satomura, T., Mao, Q., Takagi, K., Funada, R. and Sasa, K., Effects of elevated CO2 on the aboveground growth of sprouts of deciduous broadleaved trees grown in FACE. XXIII IUFRO World Congress, 23-28 August 2010, Seoul, Korea.
- Koike, T., Kitao, M. and Watanabe, M. (2010) Canopy development and photosynthetic traits of three species of birch saplings in northern Japan. IUFRO Canopy Processes Working Group, Canopy processes in a changing climate, 7-15 October 2010, Falls Creek, Victoria and Tarraleah, Tasmania, Australia.
[Poster presentation]
- Watanabe, M., Yonekura, T., Honda, Y., Yoshidome, M., Nakaji, T. and Izuta, T. (2004) Effects of ozone and soil water stress, singly and in combination, on leaf antioxidative systems of Fagus crenata seedlings. The 6th international symposium on plant responses to air pollution and global changes, 19-22 October 2004, Tsukuba, Japan.
- Yamaguchi, M., Watanabe, M., Matsuo, N., Naba, J., Funada, R., Fukami, M., Matsumura, H., Kohno, Y. and Izuta, T. (2005) Effects of nitrogen supply on the growth and photosynthetic responses of Fagus crenata seedlings to O3. Acid Rain 2005, 13-17 June 2005, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Yonekura, T., Watanabe, M., Honda, Y., Yoshidome, M. and Izuta, T. (2005) Growth and physiological responses of Japanese beech (Fagus crenata) to ozone and chronic drought. Acid Rain 2005, 13-17 June 2005, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Watanabe, M., Yamaguchi, M., Matsumura, H., Kohno, Y. and Izuta, T. (2008) Growth responses of 6 Japanese forest tree species to ozone under different nitrogen loads. The International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Food, Energy and Industry 2008 (ICSA2008), 2-6 July 2008, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.
- Ryu, K., Shibata, H., Watanabe, M., Takagi, K., Nomura, M. and Koike, T. (2008) A brief history of larch plantation in northern Japan with special reference to environmental change. The International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture for Food, Energy and Industry 2008 (ICSA2008), 2-6 July 2008, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.
- Ryu, K., Watanabe, M., Shibata, H. and Koike, T. (2008) Possible Functions of Environmental Stresses to the Larch Seedlings Infected with Ectomycorrhizal Fungi. Japan-Australia International Symposium on: Biological Interactions with Plant Roots and Aerial Tissues, 28 July 2008, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.
- Watanabe, M., Matsuo, N., Yamaguchi, M., Matsumura, H., Kohno, Y. and Izuta, T. (2008) Risk assessment of ozone for carbon absorption of representative Japanese conifers. Air pollution and climate change at contrasting altitude and latitude, 23rd IUFRO conference for specialists in air pollution and climate change effects on forest ecosystems, 7-12 September 2008, Murten, Switzerland.
- Watanabe, M., Matsuo, N., Yamaguchi, M., Matsumura, H., Kohno, Y. and Izuta, T. (2008) Risk assessment of ozone for Fagus crenata in Japan - consideration of atmospheric nitrogen deposition -. APGC Symposium: Plant Functioning in a Changing Environment, 7-11 December 2008, Creswick, Victoria, Australia.
- Watanabe, M., Kitaoka, S., Watanabe, Y., Makoto, K., Ueda, T., Takagi, K., Sasa, K. and Koike, T. (2009) Growth and photosynthetic traits of coppice of five dominant deciduous broad-leaved trees grown under elevated CO2 concentration. 24th IGBP-SC Meeting, 15-17 April 2009, Otaru, Hokkaido, Japan.
- Yamaguchi, M., Watanabe, M., Matsumura, H., Kohno, Y. and Izuta, T. (2009) Growth and photosynthetic responses of Fagus crenata seedlings to O3 under different nitrogen loads. Regional Scientific Workshop on Acid Deposition in East Asia 2009, 12-13 October 2009, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.
- Watanabe, Y., Hinata, K., Ootsuka, Y., Watanabe, M., Sasa, K. and Koike, T. (2010) Seasonal chenges in distribution of defensive chemical substances in leaves of deciduous broadleaved tree species in northern Japan. International Conference on "Mechanisms of Growth, Competition and Stress Defense in Plants", 1-3 March 2010, Freising, Germany.
- Watanabe, M., Mao Q., Novriyanti, E., Kita, K., Ueda, T., Takagi, K., Sasa, K. and Koike, T. (2010) Effects of elevated CO2 concentration on the growth and photosynthesis of hybrid larch F1 seedlings. XXIII IUFRO World Congress, 23-28 August 2010, Seoul, Korea.
- Mao, Q., Watanabe, M., Kobayashi, M., Imori, M., Kita, K., Koike, T. (2010) Ecophysiological response of hybrid larch F1 to nitrogen and phosphate application. XXIII IUFRO World Congress, 23-28 August 2010, Seoul, Korea.
- Imori, M., Watanabe, M., Kim, Y.S., Mao, Q., Kita, K. and Koike, T. (2010) Effects of nitrogen supply on the growth and photosynthetic characteristics of hybrid larch F1 seedling. XXIII IUFRO World Congress, 23-28 August 2010, Seoul, Korea.
- Kim, Y.S., Watanabe, M., Koike, T. (2010) Effect of nitrogen application on nitrous oxide emissions from a brown forest soil in northern Japan. XXIII IUFRO World Congress, 23-28 August 2010, Seoul, Korea.
- Novriyanti, E., Watanabe, M., Kohda, H., Takeda, T., Hashidoko, Y. and Koike, T. (2010) Photosynthetic traits, water and nitrogen use efficiency of acacia and eucalypt seedlings as criteria for plantation materials. XXIII IUFRO World Congress, 23-28 August 2010, Seoul, Korea.
- Watanabe Y., Watanabe M., Uemura A. and Koike T. (2010) Effects of aerosols on leaves of birch species in cool temperate deciduous broadleaved forest of Hokkaido, northern Japan. XXIII IUFRO World Congress, 23-28 August 2010, Seoul, Korea.
- Watanabe, M., Kitaoka, S., Utsugi, H., Kita, K. and Koike, T. (2010) Photosynthetic traits of hybrid larch F1 under down regulation of photosynthesis by elevated CO2 concentration. IUFRO Canopy Processes Working Group, Canopy processes in a changing climate, 7-15 October 2010, Falls Creek, Victoria and Tarraleah, Tasmania, Australia.
- Novriyanti, E., Watanabe, M., Kohda, H., Takeda, T., Hashidoko, Y. and Koike, T. (2010) The comparison of photosynthetic traits and water use efficiency between Acacia and Eucalypt seedlings as tropical fast growing species. IUFRO Canopy Processes Working Group, Canopy processes in a changing climate, 7-15 October 2010, Falls Creek, Victoria and Tarraleah, Tasmania, Australia.
- Mao, Q., Watanabe, M., Kobayashi, M., Imori, M., Kita, K., Koike, T. (2010) Growth and photosynthetic responses of the hybrid larch F1 to nitrogen and phosphate application. IUFRO Canopy Processes Working Group, Canopy processes in a changing climate, 7-15 October 2010, Falls Creek, Victoria and Tarraleah, Tasmania, Australia.
Lecture in English †
- Watanabe, M. (2009) Ecophysiological responses of Japanese tree species to ozone, Northeast Forestry University, 6 December 2009, Harbin, China. (Invited lecture)
Contact †
〒060-8589 N372, Laboratory of Silviculture and Forest Ecology,
Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University,
Sapporo 060-8589, Japan
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