Mao Qiaozhi †
Research Theme †
- Silviculture and ecophysiological study on the effect of elevated CO2 and high nitrogen loading of larch species, especially hybrid larch F1.
Education †
Publications †
- Mao Qiaozhi, Watanabe M, Imori M, Koike T (2010) Comparative research on the growth traits of Chinese birch and larch as re-vegetation materials. In: Terazawa, M. (ed.) Tree Sap IV, Hokkaido University Press, Sapporo (in press)
Presentations †
- Mao Qiaozhi, Watanabe M, Imori M, Koike T (2010) Comparative research on the growth traits of Chinese birch and larch as re-vegetation materials. The 4th International symposium on the Tree Sap Utilization, Bifuka, Hokkaido, Japan
- Mao Qiaozhi, Watanabe M, Makoto K, Imori M, Kita K, Koike T (2010) Ecophysiological Response of Hybrid Larch F1 to Nitrogen and Phosphate application. The 107th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forest Society (Univ. Tsukuba)
- Mao Qiaozhi, Watanabe M, Makoto K, Kita K, Imori M, Koike T (2010) Ecophysiological responses of the hybrid larch F1 to nitrogen and phosphate applications. XXIII IUFRO World Congress, Seoul, Korea (accepted for presentation)
Contact †
- Tel: +81-11-706-4180, Fax: +81-11-706-2517
- e-mail: maomerry AT (Please change AT to @ in your e-mail soft)
- 〒060-8589 N372, Department of Forest Science, Hokkaido University