Research Theme †
- Eco-chemistry of the growth traits of woody species for the conservation of tropical forests.
Education †
- Faculty of Forestry, Postgraduate School of Bogor Institute of Agriculture, Indonesia.
- on leave from The Bureau of Fiber Producing Forest, Forest Research and Development Agency
Department of Forestry of Indonesia
Publications †
Submitted: original paper 1, review 0, note & comments 2
Forest Ecophysiology
- Novriyanti, E., Watanabe, M., Makoto, K., Takeda, T., Hashidoko, Y. and Koike, T. (submitted) Photosynthetic nitrogen and water use efficiency of acacias and eucalypt seedlings as for re-afforestation materials.
- Novriyanti, E., Aoyama, C., Watanabe, M. and Koike, T. (2010) Plants Defense Characteristics and Hypothesis on the Birch species. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research 13: 77-85.
- Aoyama, C., Novriyanti, E. and Koike, T. (2010) Induced defense in the leaves of Japanese White Birch Seedlings Grazed by Gypsy Moth Larvae. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research 13: 49-55.
- Watanabe M, Mao QZ, Novriyanti E and Koike T (2011) Record on IUFRO congress on the canopy process, part II At Tasmania, Australia, Hoppo Ringyo (Northern Forestry)63:189-192 (in Japanese)
- Watanabe M, Novriyanti E. Mao QZ and Koike T (2011) Record on IUFRO congress on the canopy process, part I At Vicria, Australia, Hoppo Ringyo (Northern Forestry) 63: 65-78 (in Japanese)
- Imori M, Sato K., Mao QZ, Novriyanti E, Watanabe M and Koike T (2011) The 23rd IUFRO International Congress in Korea, Hoppo Ringyo (Northern Forestry) 63: 13-16 (in Japanese)
- Watanabe M, Kim YS, Novriyanti E and Mao Q (2010) The 4th International Symposium on Tree Sap Utilization, Hoppo Roingyo (Northern Forestry) 62: 261-262 (in Japanese)
- NOVRIYANTI Eka, WATANABE Makoto, TOBITA Hiroyuki, UTSUGI Hajime, UEMURA Akira, KITAO Mitsutoshi & KOIKE Takayoshi (2011) Growth, defense and photosynthetic responses of two eucalypts grown under high nitrogen load and elevated CO2. Acid Rain 2011, Beijing, China (June 15-18th, China) in press
- Novriyanti, E., Watanabe, M., Aoyama, C. and Koike, T. (2010) Plant defense characteristics of birch species: a literature survey. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Sap Utilization, 204-212.
- Novriyanti, Eka et al. (2010) Photosynthetic traits, water and nitrogen use efficiency of acacia and eucalypt seedlings as criteria for plantation materials.XXIII IUFRO world Congress, title: ‘’Seoul, Korea, 23rd – 28th August 2010. In: The International Forestry Review (ISSN 1465 5489), p38
- Watanabe M, Mao,Q, Novriyanti E, Kita K, Ueda T, Takagi K, Sasa K anf Koike T(2010) Effects of elevated CO2 concentration on the growth and photosynthesis oh hybrid larch F seedlings. XXIII IUFRO World Congress, Seoul, Korea In: The International Forestry Review (ISSN 1465 5489), p353
Presentations †
- Novriyanti, E. (2011) Insensible response of eucalypt species against elevated atmospheric [O3] as compare with [CO2], may not reflect the actual defense cascade, Abstract "Toward sustainable forest management of forest resources," Kyoto University, Nov. 17-18th, 2011, Kyoto, pp.23-24.
- Watanabe, M., Mao, QZ., Novriyanti, E., Kita, K., Ueda, T., Takagi, K., Sasa, K., Koike, T.(2011) Growth and Photosynthetic traits of 3 kinds of larch species grown under FACE. 52the Jpn. Atmospheric Environment, Sept. 14-17th, 2011, Nagasaki.
- Novriyanti E. (2011) Joint seminar Between Korea University and Hokkaido University, Towards the sustainable use of
Ecological Resources of Forests. 3-5, Sapporo.
- Tree Sap IV, Title: ‘Plant defense characteristics of birch species, a literature study', Bifuka, Japan, 16th – 18th April, 2010.
- Novriyanti, E., Watanabe, M., Kitao, M., Uemura, A., Utsugi, H. and Koike, T. (2011) Effect of elevated CO2 and high N load on the growth and defense traits of two eucalypts. Japanese Society of Agriculture, Biological, Environmental Engineering and Scientists, Sapporo Meeting. Abstract
- Mao, QZ, Watanabe, M, Novriyanti, E., Kita, K., Ueda, T., Takagi, K., Sasa, K and Koike, T. (2011) Growth and photosynthetic traits of 3 kinds of larch grown under Free Air CO2 Enrichment. Japanese Society of Agriculture, Biological, Environmental Engineering and Scientists, Sapporo Meeting. Abstract
- Watanabe, M., Mao, QZ, Novriyanti, E., Ito, H., Takagi, K., Sasa, K. and Koike, T. (2011) Photosynthetic responses of 3 birch species to elevated CO2 concentration with FACE system in northern Japan. XXIV SPPS (Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society) Congress, 21-25 August 2011, 77-78, Stavanger, Norway.
- Novriyanti, Eka et al. (2011) Growth and photosynthetic response of Eucalypt grown under different CO2 and nitrogen levels. The 108th Annual Meeting of Japan Forest Society, March 26-27th, 2011 (at Shizuoka University).
- Watanabe M, Mao QZ, Novriyanti E, Ito H, Ueda T, Takagi K, Sasa K Koike T (2011) Photosynthehtic characteristics of three kinds of birch raised under elevated CO2 with FACE. The 108th Annual Meeting of Japan Forest Society, March 26-27th, 2011 (at Shizuoka University).
- Novriyanti E, Watanabe M, Kohda H, Takeda T, Hashidoko Y, Koike T. (2010) Photosynthetic Nitrogen Traits and Water Use Efficiency between Acacia and Eucalypt Seedlings as reforestation materials in Tropical regions.The IUFRO Workshop on "Canopy Processes under Changing Environment, Oct. 7-15th, 2010, Victoria & Tasmania, Australia, Abstract book page 85
- Novriyanti, Eka et al. (2010) Photosynthetic Traits and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Acacia and Eucalypt Seedling'107th Annual Meeting of Japanese Forest Society, Tsukuba, Japan, 2nd-5th April, 2010.
Award †
- Excellent Research Award. Hokkaido University G-COE RA Program. Sapporo, Japan, March 14th, 2011.
- Scholarship of the Association of Japan Forest Society, The 107th Annual Meeting of Japan Forest Society (April 4th, 2010)
- Student award of the International Union of Forest Research Organization, The Cooperative Research Centre for Forestry, Australia (Canopy process working group)
Contact †
- Tel: +81-11-706-4180, Fax: +81-11-706-2517
- e-mail: keenove AT (Please change AT to @ in your e-mail soft)
- 〒060-8589 N371, Silviculture & Forest Ecological Studies, Hokkaido University