Kim YonSuk?

Position: Post Graduate Student of Hokkaido University

Profile> 2007, April- Post Graduate Student of Hokkaido University, c/o Internatinal Student Center, Hokkaido University 2007, Feb.- Graduated from Graduate School of Forest Science, Kangwon National University [], Korea, under the guidance of Prof. YI, Myongjong (Forest Ecologist, Nutrient Cycling). 2005, March -Parttime job in the National Institute of Forest Science at Seoul.

e-mail:soilys(@_@;)  (メールソフト上で(@_@;)を@に書きかえてください)
Keywords: Foest Ecology, Forest Soil and Nutrient Cycling, Disturbance, Invasive species

Research Interests:

In the master cources,

In the PhD cource, I'd like to research the role of charcoal generated by the forest fire in the forest ecosystem, especially focusing on the effect on the microorganism.

1)–-Original papers-

3)–Presentation in the International Congress- –Oral Presentation-

–Poster Presentation-

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