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Tansley reviews:A worldwide analysis of within-canopy variations in leaf structural, chemical and physiological traits across plant functional types.New Phytol; 656–669,doi: 10.1111/nph.13096
Shinichi Tatsumi and Toshiaki Owari:Modeling the effects of individual-tree size, distance, and species on understory vegetation based on neighborhood analysis.Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2013, 43(11): 1006-1014, 10.1139/cjfr-2013-0111 (詳細は)
解説はこちら 佐藤-昼ゼミ20141024.pptx
Reconstruction of a mixed-species forest in central New England. Chadwick D.Oliver & Earl P. Stephens Ecology (1977) 58: pp. 562-572, 解説はこちら 小杉−昼ゼミ141017.pdf 北海道の森林と酷似した森林の再生過程。古典とも言える文献!Allogenic vs. Autogenic regenerationの差異など。
Are stored carbohydrates necessary for seed production in temperate deciduous trees? Journal of Ecology 101: 525–531,by Tomoaki Ichie, Shuichi Igarashi, Shohei Yoshida, Tanaka Kenzo, Takashi Masaki and Ichiro Tayasu、解説はこちら 小向−昼ゼミ260725.pptx
Species and stand response to catastrophic wind in central New England, U.S.A. by David R. Foster, Journal of Ecology (1988), 76, 135-151 解説はこちら 小杉−昼ゼミ260718.pdf
植物病理学会記念講演: Life-history strategies reflected in the sclerotium of Typhula spp. 解説はこちら 松本260711.pdf
The spatial pattern and canopy-understory association of trees in a cool temperate, mixed forest in western Japan、N. Akashi,Ecological Research, 01/1996; 11(3):311-319. DOI: 10.1007/BF02347788, 解説はこちら 佐藤260613.pptx
Modeling the speed of pine wilt disease caused by nematodes with pine sawyers as vector by:Akiko Yoshimura, Kohkichi Kawasaki,Katsumi Togashi, Kazuyoshi Futai, Nanako Shigesada (1999)Ecology 80:1691–1702. 要旨は
Ectomycorrhizal richness and growth of the hybrid larch F1 under elevated O3 and CO2
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Edi MIRMANTO, Shiro TSUYUZAKI, Takashi KOHYAMA, Toropics:
Investigation of the Effects of Distance from River andPeat Depth on Tropical Wetland Forest Communities
Plant stress and insect behavior:Cottonwood, ozone and the feeding and oviposition preference of a beetle
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Studies on crop species response to O3 pollutant in Greece and their protection