Research theme †
- Interactive effects of rising aerial ozone (O3) and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations on deciduous tree species
Saplings of birch species which are native to Hokkaido (Japan) and a larch species which is widely planted in Hokkaido were exposed to elevated concentrations of O3 and/or CO2 in open-top chambers.
I do the research through tree-physiological approaches (photosynthesis, phenology, anatomy) helped by the members.
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- Keywords of the research: Tree physiology, Atmospheric science, Environmental stress
- Keywords of my other interests: Dynamics of boreal (+ hemiboreal) forest, Forest fire
Publications †
In English: International Journals
- Kawaguchi K., Hoshika Y., Watanabe M., Koike T. (2012) Ecophysiological responses of northern birch forests to the changing atmospheric CO2 and O3 concentrations.
Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 6, No. 3: pp192-205.
- Koike T., Mao Q., Inada N., Kawaguchi K., Hoshika Y., Kita K., Watanabe M. (2012) Growth and photosynthetic responses of cuttings of a hybrid larch (Larix gmelinii var. japonica x L. kaempferi) to elevated ozone and/or carbon dioxide.
Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 6, No. 2: pp104-110. (doi:
In Japanese
- Kawaguchi, Watanabe, Koike. (2012) Roles of the gaseous organic compounds emitted by trees: with special respect to terpenes. Northern Forestry 64, 173-176.
- Kawaguchi. (2012) Exploring the longevity and death process of forest trees. Northern Forestry 64, 129-132.
- Kawaguchi K., Osawa A. (2012) Relationships between fallen logs and stand structure in a naturally established young Pinus banksiana stand in Canada. Boreal Forest Research 60, 55-58.
- Koike, Mao, Watanabe, Inada, Kawaguchi, Hoshika. (2011) Prospects to clarify ozone impacts on forests in Hokkaido. Agricultural Meteorology in Hokkaido 63, 17-23.
- Ito, Kawaguchi. (2011) Study ecosystems wide and long: an open lecture in the 58th annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Japan. Northern Forestry 63, 346-349.
- Kawaguchi. (2011) A survey in Canada, the country of boreal forests. Northern Forestry 63, 337-340.
Presentations †
In Japanese
- Kawaguchi. Responses of trees to interactive treatments of elevated CO2 and ozone. The 3rd Workshop for Younger Researchers of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas "Comprehensive studies of plant responses to high CO2 world by an innovative consortium of ecologists and molecular biologists" (October 2012, Miura).
- Koike, Mao, Inada, Kawaguchi, Hoshika, Kita, Watanabe. Effects of O3 and elevated CO2 on the growth and photosynthesis of hybrid larch F1. The 123th meeting of the Japanese Forest Society (March 2012, Utsunomiya).
- Kawaguchi, Watanabe, Inada, Ueda, Satoh, Koike. Effects of elevated concentrations of carbon dioxide and ozone alone and in combination on some deciduous tree species. The 123th meeting of the Japanese Forest Society (March 2012, Utsunomiya).
- Kawaguchi, Osawa. Relationships between fallen logs and stand structure in a naturally established young Pinus banksiana stand in Canada. The 60th annual meeting of the Boreal Forest Society (November 2011, Sapporo).
In English
- Koike, Inada, Tonooka, Takeuchi, Mao, Kita, Kawaguchi, Watanabe. Growth and photosynthetic responses of hybrid larch F1 cuttings to elevated O3 and/or CO2. Acid Rain 2011 (June 2011, Beijing, China).
- Kawaguchi, Inada, Mao, Watanabe, Koike. Birch leaves under higher atmospheric CO2/O3. The 55th Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science (July 2012, Mokpo, Korea).
- Reasearch introduction in the Summer-school of Kyung-Hee University, Korea (August 2012, Hokkaido University)
Education †
- 2011April-present. Msc course: Lab of Silviculture and Forest Ecology, Division of Environmental Resources, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University.
- 2011March. Bsc (Agriculture), Kyoto University.
- 2007April-2011March: Department of Forest Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University.
- 2010April-2011March: Lab of Forest Utilization (theme: "Snag-fall disturbance in a postfire even-aged Pinus banksiana stand").
Contact †
- Email: kkawa AT (change AT to @)
- Tel: +81-11-706-4180, Fax: +81-11-706-2517
- Address: Room N371, Lab of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (Zorin lab), Hokkaido University, Kita9-Nishi9, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, Zip:0608589
- disturbance×diversity=productive?
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